September 2017 Moms

Lets talk fall ya'll! GTKY 8/3

Just a little GTKY for this week!  OK so fall is my favorite time of the year and I usually will start decorating mid- end of August.  My husband thinks I am crazy but DS and I love counting down to Halloween!  Plus who doesn't love hot doughnuts and apple cider!  

When do you start decorating and what are your favorite fall things to eat or do?

Re: Lets talk fall ya'll! GTKY 8/3

  • I'm really sad to see summer go... I really wished it away on limited activity not able to do anything. Fall is okay though, I look forward to festivals and my first wedding anniversary will be in October!
  • I love the idea of decorating but rarely does it happen for anything other than Christmas. But I'm always happy for fall and cooler weather! I'll never complain about warm drinks, cozy sweaters, and warm soups. 
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  • I love fall too!! I think part of nesting will include pulling all the fall decorations out.. I love the sound of leaves rustling in the wind and the cool temperatures! Eeeek

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    "Sugar Fancy Tutu"
  • Fall is my favorite season. I love photographing the foliage and apple picking. The crisp air and crunch of leaves. It'll be wonderful to get out a bunch walking. I don't decorate though. I live in a historic neighborhood so we will have fall window boxes with flowers. That's it. 
  • Fall is my favorite!!!!! I cant wait for the smell of my fall candles, windows open, sweaters with boots and crockpot cooking!!!!

    How many of you are going to dress your baby has a pumpkin :)

  • @sugargirl1019 I will probably be doing the same thing. I have a week off in two weeks and have already told hubby I need him to get our decorations from basement :) exciting!
  • I can't wait for big cozy sweaters, pumpkin picking and hot apple cider! 
  • I love pumpkin everything.

    And local stores has these cinnamon brooms I like to hang up in the house to make it smell yummy! 
  • So please remember that I'm not American, but what are fall decorations? Halloween stuff? Or more general than that? Completely alien concept to me haha
  • k8ywags said:
    So please remember that I'm not American, but what are fall decorations? Halloween stuff? Or more general than that? Completely alien concept to me haha
    Fall decor is like putting out pumpkins, mums, hay, pumpkin scented candles, wreaths made with fall leaves so yes more general fall ish type decorations whereas Halloween decor is more jack o lanterns and spider webs stuff
  • I really miss fall weather and the change of seasons. September and October are our warmest months here, so come Halloween kids are frequently sweaty and uncomfortable in their costumes. 
  • k8ywags said:
    So please remember that I'm not American, but what are fall decorations? Halloween stuff? Or more general than that? Completely alien concept to me haha
    During the Fall season (From Sept 22nd to December 21st I think) there's a lot of decorations available in the stories centered around the season. The colors are typically oranges yellows and browns since the leaves change from green to these colors during Fall season before winter is here. Some people hang up wreaths with fake multicolored leaves. Of course there's pumpkins everywhere too lol. Halloween decorations are fun. Sometimes people will decorate with Thanksgiving themed things like cartoon looking turkeys and what not. 
  • @lap018 @msashley2010-2 Love it! I've seen people decorate for Halloween but only for the night itself, never got longer than that. Sounds super cosy and fun
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