
A few questions about running, recovery etc

I an 3 weeks post c section and wondering if any runners could tell me when they were back to running. My doctor said 6 weeks but at 3 weeks I'm still in a lot of pain and even walking hurts. I'm improving but nowhere near better. 

Also wondering if anyone has had long term problems from a c section like pain at the incision site?

im struggling with the recovery process particularly because I can't be active with my toddler and carry her etc. 

would love to hear more from those who have been through this already!

Re: A few questions about running, recovery etc

  • I had a cesarean birth after 36 hours of labor and baby not descending. My recovery was pretty rough, I took pain killers round the clock for 5 weeks.

    I'm a acupuncturist/prenatal yoga teacher that specializes in woman's health, especially post partum recovery. So my comments are from my personal experience and professional training. My goal no matter what type of birth i had, was to do as close to nothing the first 40days pp. No laundry, no cooking, no cleaning-nothing! I educated my husband and mom on my wishes and got them on board.

    The short answer is yes you can have long term problems with your scar if you over do it now, but many women will tell you stories of how they were fine by 5 days, 3 weeks, 4 weeks ect ect... me personally I was not fine, but I tend to err on the side of caution while healing. Also in Chinese medicine it is believed that the future if your reproductive health rests completely on really taking good care of yourself in this precious first 40days. 

    It was hard for people to understand where i was coming from, even my own acupuncturist tried to pressure me into bringing baby to my appointment, but one of the most important things we should avoid post cesarean is picking up the car seat with baby in it. It's very heavy for a post surgical body. I had to really stand my ground and I didn't feel great. I didn't pick up the car seat with baby in it until 8 weeks pp. I know it's a whole other game with a toddler in the picture, but all you can do is your absolutely best in not picking them up. I know it's an impossible situation, especially if you don't have help during the day. 

    I'm not a runner but my exercise of choice is HITT and there is a lot of jumping involved. Running will have a silimar impact to the pelvic floor as jumping. I started taking baby on walks at 8 weeks and did my first workout around 12weeks. 

    I'm taking the time to reply here because I wish wish there was more education about the post partum period. The problems that can arise down the line when you do too much too soon are: urinary incontinence, organ prolapse(uterus or bladder shifting down the body) chronic pain, low back pain, painful menses, scar adhesions, problems with future cesareans and more. 

    My son is now 10months and I feel like my abdominal rehab has gone well, I've really focused on the pelvic floor and core because I've been trained in pp rehab to do this. I felt like i had considerable less pain by 8 weeks pp and felt much more normal by 12 weeks. I still have some strange sensations at the incision sight every now and then. 

    I can recommend looking up you tube videos on cesarean scar massage and specific core for post cesarean, there are some great short videos out there. Good luck and hang in there, you'll probably turn a corner very soon! 
  • I ran directly after my 6 week appointment; same day as my appointment. It felt kind of bizarre at first like lots of weight on my scar but it didn't hurt, just was uncomfortable. I made sure to wear a binder of some kind after this initial run to hold my scar and PP belly in place while I ran. 
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  • I overdid it after my first section, and developed worse diastasis recti than I had immediately post op.  I agree with doing basically nothing until 8 weeks. One of my mistakes with CS2 was I started back at it at 6 weeks AND although I did "lighter" exercise (like walking), I did this pushing my first in a carriage, which is a no-no immediately pp.  It's hard when you are usually very healthy, strong, and go-go-go like I (and I'm assuming a lot of other moms are), but remember resting is an action in your healing plan too! Rest and reset with purpose!  I would say from experience no lifting/pushing/bending other than in self care for at least 6-8 weeks. Walking on from 2-4 weeks but no hills/pushing.  I found that when I could get out of bed comfortably, without pain in the belly, was when things were ready for action. 
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