December 2017 Moms


Hi All,

I have posted here in a hot minute.  Things like this kind of have a way of consuming me. That happened with my first, so I've been trying to keep my distance. But i have a question for you all. And I am hoping I will receive minimal hate/judgement. 

This pregnancy was unplanned and came at a time when my relationship was beginning to spiral down.  Now, I know that I don't have to stay with anyone for the baby/kids. I was a single parent to my first until 2 years ago.  Absolutely none of this is the babies fault and I am highly aware of that.  I think that is one reason I am in as much dis-ease and discontent.

This pregnancy has been nothing like my first and has been very emotionally taxing with the struggling relationship/life change stuff but even more so with some worriesome test results. (I'm still waiting on more conclusive tests to come back).

But for about the past 3-4 months I have wanted nothing to do with my partner. I don't want him to touch me, see me naked, or even be around me.  I know this is unhealthy behavior to show my son, etc.  But the thought of kissing him makes me cringe and almost gag.  

I know some women experience intimacy or connection issues in pregnancy, but this seems severe and maybe more deeply rooted than hormones.

I am totally open to constructive insight, but please remember I am a person and I do have feelings. I'm nervous I'll get torn apart, but I also really need an outlet to talk about this in because I don't have a great support group around me currently.

Thank you.

Re: Intimacy

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    I don't think this is completely unheard of, but I don't have any experience personally.  If you were already having issues, it makes sense that you might be having strong feelings of discontent now.  Pregnancy is hard anyway.  Are there specific things that are causing you unrest that you can rationally write out for yourself? If these are real problems, a break could help you get some emotional rest and you could always come back later to talk.  But if you try to pick out the problems and it's just bad feelings, it might be something with your pregnancy.  Good luck either way, it's hard enough to be pregnant without all the other drama.
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    I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I'm not having quite the same experience, but I don't want to have sex AT ALL. Eventually I just suck it up and do it (acting like I want to) so he'll stop trying to get me to do it 'naturally' (like trying to turn me on) because it's not going to happen.

    However, we're on very good terms and I'm not repulsed by him at all, I just have no sex drive whatsoever.
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    ChelK3ChelK3 member
    SO needs a haircut soo bad and I count stand looking at him without a hat on right now, does that count?
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    Have you considered counseling? I'd highly recommend it. If your insurance doesn't cover it, most employers have an Employee Assistance Program that would provide a few sessions to get you started. 
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
           Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
           Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    jesrude, Glad to hear things are a bit better now for you!I would also add that if there is one nearby, you could go to a Retrouvaille weekend as a couple ( It was really, really beneficial to my husband and I when we were going through some intense relationship issues. It helped with communicating about feelings and processing the past. It has a very slight religious component just because of how it is organized, but people of all backgrounds go to it. I wouldn't say that it saved our marriage, but Retrouvaille and other things we did (counselling included) helped us learn ways to cope and communicate more maturely during a very stressful period of time.
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    @muskratbaby Oh thank you! I will look into it. I've never heard of this but it sounds interesting.
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