March 2018 Moms

Imaging/Radiology Company Ultrasound?

As some of you know, I will not be getting my first US until Aug 7 (earliest case scenario). I am thinking about going to a private imaging company to get an US. I am starting to freak myself out, wondering if this is a viable pregnancy. I have no spotting or cramping, but I also have no major symptoms with the exception of cravings and intermittent exhaustion. Oh, and bloat and enlarged breasts. The cost for the US is $130. Has anyone done anything similar? Do you/did you think it was worth it?

Re: Imaging/Radiology Company Ultrasound?

  • @fullofhope25 have you looked into maybe a different OB's office? There's gotta be someone that will see you next week (week 7ish). I'm due the day after you and will be seen next Thursday at 7w1d. It might be less expensive to go that route.

    Also, does the imaging center require an order/script from your OB to do the ultrasound?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Yikes! I would search around. I found one that was about $49 for a sex determination and boutique ultrasound. However, this one included a waiver that this was only entertainment or something like that and not for medical purposes. 

    And agreed with a different OB or at least different office, unless you're set with this one. 
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  • ladybugsamombarrelocarol  I was trying to avoid changing OB's because this one came so highly recommended, buuuut... I will look for better pricing for the US from a third party. Otherwise, I might just have to bite the bullet and change OB's. The anxiety is getting to me. I think I might be overly anxious because this is my first. Ugh!
  • I'm not having my first ultrasound until the second week of August and my OB is Amazing. If they came highly recommended I wouldn't switch, yet. Personally, I wouldn't even pay a boutique for an ultrasound when I have one covered by insurance coming up. Not judging if you do, I totally did with my first to find out the sex early :sweat_smile:

    I know it's hard to be patient, but look at it this way; if it's non-viable, then it's non-viable and unfortunately nothing can be done. If it's viable, baby will still be in there with its little heart beating away. Plus, getting one a tad bit later baby will be a little bigger and slightly more developed. 
  • Gingermom15  - I was doing some research to determine if there are any symptoms associated with non-viable pregnancies. Aside from spotting (sometimes), it looks like there are not. This really panicked me. I had been telling myself, "well you're not bleeding or cramping. You must be fine for now!" 

    I suppose if it is non-viable, I don't want to continue being excited, daydreaming, etc.. Ya' know... I don't know... Hmmmm.... 

    In other news, I just found a pregnancy center that does ultrasounds in my area for FREE! I am going to call them tomorrow morning. 
  • @fullofhope25 can you call your ob and ask to be seen earlier? If you let them know the anxiety is really getting to you they might be willing to see you sooner
  • I had less symptoms than you describe with my last baby and with this pregnancy. All women are just different :) Also, the midwife practice I go to doesn't do any ultrasounds until just one at 20 weeks. I'd stick with your OB if they were highly recommended--unfortunately they can all just have different standard practices (although I so know it's sooo hard to wait!!)
  • heatherdubrow - I tried. They aren't budging.  :s

    kburg15 - Yes, it's just so hard to assume everything is OK, and not know for sure... 
  • If you're eager to get one sooner try the place that does them for free or pay for one. I wouldn't jump the gun on switching obs, yet. Waiting a couple more weeks for a scan isn't poor practice. 
    FWIW I had zero symptoms with my first and thus far with this one. 
  • I'm going to a boutique to hear a heartbeat on Saturday the 29 I'll be 7 weeks. My OB won't do anything earlier and it's causing me anxiety not getting anything done sooner. I went with my DD also and they did a great job and I felt so much better after I heard her heartbeat. The boutique found her heartbeat faster then my OB did my OB had to do a internal after she couldn't find one abdominal and this was at 11 weeks after I already heard her heartbeat at 7 from boutique. The whole thing really freaked me out, unfortunately I can't change obgyn my husbands military and I'm on tricare prime so we have to go on base unless we switch to standard and go off base and options aren't much better off base. I eventually found a midwife I liked at my OB so I'm hoping to see her again with this pregnancy. I would def do what makes you feel comfortable go with the place that does them for free. 
    Daisypath - nBGk

    Lilypie - GQnA

  • @Cowboycorgi makes an excellent point - there is always something to worry about and have anxiety over when it comes to pregnancy/parenting. With my last pregnancy I would also feel reassured after a scan and then be terrified again the next day. It's a never-ending cycle.

    That being said, I do not fault you at all for wanting to go. A late miscarriage is always a possibility but seeing a heartbeat to begin with is a great hurdle to overcome. I understand where you're coming from. I would just shop around and make sure the place you go has proper credentials.

    On our way to baby #2!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    EDD March 12, 2018

  • The anxiety will always be there. You can have a great ultrasound and the baby die on the way home.

    I had zero symptoms with my first and she's perfectly healthy. It's normal to not have symptoms too!

    It's also normal to not have ANY ultrasounds until the anatomy scan. 
  • Thank you, all! You all have made such great points. I went to the ultrasound boutique today and they said they'd prefer I wait until I'm 8 weeks (in two weeks). I've decided to calm down and try to enjoy this pregnancy. If it were meant for me to know something, I'd know it. I'm letting go and allowing things to happen. Two weeks it is! 
  • I misread this. I thought you were saying you didn't like your OB. Is there such a thing as pregnancy reading brain?? I don't know where I got that from. 

    I was fortunate enough to not worry during my pregnancy, but I was a major worrier after my son was born. I so deeply regret those days bc I truly missed out on his first 7 months. I didn't reach out, I was in counseling, but I wasn't honest with my fears, I was consumed by worries. 

    No matter what, I am determined to not experience that again. I'm going to enjoy this sweet baby from day one and im truly enjoying this pregnancy!

  • @fullofhope25 I see you already have your answer!  I think @Cowboycorgi really hit the nail on the head! Plus, many of those boutique places are not medically certified so you really may not come away with any less anxiety. I'd do your very best to just relax and calm down. Anxiety is normal of course, but the more you relax the better it will be for both you and baby! I hope you can enjoy yourself! Perhaps if your anxiety continues a fetal doppler may help (it's too early to pick up a heartbeat with one yet, but later on). Good luck!!! <3 
  • @fullofhope25 Whenever my symptoms seem to subside a little and I start worrying that I don't "feel" pregnant, I remember our affirmations.... "Today, I am pregnant." :smile:

    Relax and ENJOY!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I misread this. I thought you were saying you didn't like your OB. Is there such a thing as pregnancy reading brain?? I don't know where I got that from. 

    I was fortunate enough to not worry during my pregnancy, but I was a major worrier after my son was born. I so deeply regret those days bc I truly missed out on his first 7 months. I didn't reach out, I was in counseling, but I wasn't honest with my fears, I was consumed by worries. 

    No matter what, I am determined to not experience that again. I'm going to enjoy this sweet baby from day one and im truly enjoying this pregnancy!

    I'm right there with you! #TeamWorryFree!
  • scoogy19 - Thank you! You're absolutely right. All this anxiety is not only providing a disservice to myself, it can also impact the baby. Thank you for that perspective. 

    ladybugsamom - Today I am pregnant!! YEEEESSSS!!!!!

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