March 2018 Moms

Why my SO is awesome... 7/16

LiveNLove44LiveNLove44 member
edited July 2017 in March 2018 Moms
I noticed this thread for Saturdays, and while it's early Sunday morning, we're doing it! Give your SO a shout out for being awesome and share some of the good stuff!

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Re: Why my SO is awesome... 7/16

  • I have been incredibly irritable lately and DH has been so patient with me. After spending 3 hours mowing and edging our yard yesterday in insanely hot weather (while I napped and played with our 10 month old), he came inside and cleaned the kitchen while I cleaned the living room. <3
  • megpegmegpeg member
    My DH is awesome because-
    1. Next week is my last week of work and I am going to get to be a SAHM like I have always wanted.
    2.  He took the kids camping with his mom Friday night and last night and didn't make me come after work yesterday. I got 2 nights of sleep by myself and got to work on some vacation bible school stuff since that is in 3 weeks.

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  • My DH has been amazing! He is on summer vacation and once we got the first beta back he makes breakfast, lunch AND dinner - cleans and I've come home to clean, folded laundry. For you nice I don't want school to start so it can continue come September! 
  • DH got up at 6:15 with DS this morning. He let me sleep until almost 8:30, and made us pancakes!
  • My DH packed DS and I up so we could spend almost a month visiting my family while he has to work extra hours and is on the night schedule this month. But I miss him. :smile:
  • DH just spent his birthday morning bringing the kids to cheer me on at the race, and then he brought them home and fed them lunch before I even returned. Now they are napping and we are resting--it's a beautiful thing! 
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  • My DH is awesome because he literally takes care of every single thing outside of our house. He mows, trims, gardens, changes the oil in cars, fixes cars if something breaks, sprays for bugs, grills, etc...

    He is also super pumped about us having a second child. We were lying in bed the other night in the dark and he says, "I am so excited!" It's very sweet.
  • tirolatirola member
    Despite my husband working crazy hours lately (we live in farm country and it's harvest time!), he's been super helpful lately. He's been taking care of a lot of the housework. 

    Today is the only day he's had off for the last week and a half and im feeling like absolute garbage. He cleaned the house this morning and then took our 2 year old out fishing with him so I can just lay around and rest. I am so grateful today!
  • Um... because he's just simply dealing with me and hasn't left me or kicked me out yet for such a terrible attitude and appetite?!  :D  :D No, but seriously, because of a SCH I'm taking it easy so he's been bringing laundry up (and generally ends up folding), has been cooking for the kids, and tending to me occasional cravings like flat soda, lunchables, and cheesy potatoes. All while continuing to work and re do our landscaping! He's been very firm with me that he does NOT want me over doing anything because of our previous losses.   <3 
  •  This weekend we had a huge sidewalk sale at our local historic downtown area and even though my husband hates shopping he went with the kids and I on a 4 block walk through crowds of shoppers. All this so I could look at the local baby store for a double stroller. 
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