December 2017 Moms

To-do lists

I'm sure we all have lists of things to do before baby, does anyone want to share? We can bounce ideas off each other too. 

Re: To-do lists

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    I'm such a list maker so I of course started writing down all the things I need to get done. One I have this time thati didn't with my first is to start buying diapers early! Also, I have established a side maternity leave find that is cash so if I want to buy some things during that time I'm free to do so without touching the bank account. I also want to re-read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth before I start school again next month. It's a fantastic book. I want to get my natural childbirth class booked within the next month too. 
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    Become more patient 
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    Love Ina May! I had a water birth with my first, and her book was sooo helpful to me. I may reread as well. 
    As far as to-do lists go, I just started buying diapers. Once I find out the gender, I'll buy clothes if it's a girl. I do want to get another changing pad to put in our bedroom, and another camera monitor. About a month before my due date, I'll do a huge stash of freezer meals. Those were a life saver the first time around!
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    @jackiesmom324 good freaking luck. Impatience runs my life! 
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    Freezer meals saved me last time too. It was nice to have a good meal ready. 
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    @djd0404 I think I love you. That's awesome. I'm taking a spreadsheets class this fall and I'm excited!
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    whiskawhiska member
    edited July 2017
    BRB Copying @djd0404's to-do list lol

    I started the registry and then realized there are some things I need to research extensively before we add any of those items:
    --Cloth diapering (types, sizes, brands, deals, laundering, supplies, wipes, educating H lol)
    --Breastfeeding (pumps, storage, techniques, latch, holds, colostrum v milk, making H feel involved, bf on the go, etc)
    --Sleeping arrangements - bassinet, basket, travel crib, PNP, RNP?, crib, mattresses, safety, monitors, then all their accessories
    --Necessity of new nursery furniture
    --Car Seat safety, in our car or the car we plan to get 

    Then basic I want everyone comfortable during this stuff so let's learn more!
    --Sleeping later in pregnancy
    --Traveling later in pregnancy and long drives with new baby
    --Birth (oh I have so much to learn!)
    --Bathing baby
    --Safe sleeping
    --Postpartum healing (in all areas)
    --Stretch marks, cosmetic stuff, and generally staying comfortable later in pregnancy
    --First outings with baby
    --How to make sure H stays hands on
    --Vacationing with a baby
    --Common newborn problems/issues, especially for those born in winter
    --Vaccination schedule
    --New deep freeze and freezer meals

    Just stuff that pops in my head like, ooohhh I need to read more on that!
    Me: 36  | DH 35, Married 2007
    TTC #1 June 2015
    April 2016 - AMH, FSH, Progesterone normal
    June 2016 - HSG clear
    *TW* BFP - Aug16, demise confirmed Sep16, incomplete m/c, D&C Nov16
    BFP 3/27/17, edd 12/7/17
    DS - 12/9/17 
    TTC #2 December 2018 
    BFP 2/22/19, edd 11/4/19
    DD - 11/1/19 <3
    My Chart

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    We need to clean out the new baby's room and get it set up(including getting a crib and dresser). I've already started buying diapers. I want to sp3nd plenty of one on one time with DD before LO arrives. I also want to go on some dates with my hubby. DD has only ever been watched by family members ( who don't live nearby) so I actually need to try out some sitters. 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    - try to save up some extra money for maternity leave 
    - go through DS baby clothes and see how much winter stuff I have in newborn-0-3 months.
    - find the rock and play & infant car seat 
    - plan some special dates with DS before LO is here 
    - take tour of hospital since delivering at different one than last time
    - take cpr class 
    DH: 34 | Me: 35
    DS1 9/24/13
    DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
    MFI (SA #1
    Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    MFI (SA #2Count 7 mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    AMH .328 
    | FSH 13.2 
    Oct. 2016: Clomid + TI
    IVF: ER 3/1/17; 5 retrieved, 3 mature & fertilized
    Results: 2 PGS normal embryos
    Planned on August 2017 transfer
    Natural BFP 4/3/17,Expecting baby boy via RCS 12/7/17

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    -clean and organize 
    - make freezer meals (best thing I did with DD)
    - finish nursery (by finish I mean start haha)
    - spend one last fun day/night with DD and DH 

    they'll be more but this is what I have 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    We came up with a list of house projects we want done by the time the baby comes today.  It's a pretty healthy list, but I think it's doable.  We started to research some contractors to do the work.  

    ** December BMB Siggy Challenge - Animals in Pools **

    Me: 31+ H: 32
    TTC Since 11/2015
    #1 - MMC 6.5 weeks (2/16); #2 - MC due to cystic hygroma at 20 weeks (10/16); #3 CP (2/17); #4 - Due 12.16.17
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    Ugh I have a to do list about a mile long. 

    Remodel kitchen in new house 
    Install new hardwood floors through entire house
    move into new house
    order all baby room furniture and decor 
    take parenting and breastfeeding classes for twins 
    try not to freak out 

    plus like 500 other things. Oy. 
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    @breezybee This sounds very similar to our to do list before DD arrived. You can do it. And you will freak out.  :D  But it will be ok. 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    Thanks @cait5413!  I GOT THIIIIISSSSSS!!!!!
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    1. Find and purchase a damn house
    2. Make said house into a home
    3. Vacation first week of August
    4. Sign up for Bradley Method classes
    5. Read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
    6. August 3rd anatomy scan
    7. Start registry
    8. Tell my principal I'm pregnant
    9. Find childcare for after maternity leave (If you haven't started looking already you'd better get on it! If you need it of course. The good places will already be booked out way in advance. I used to work in one)
    10. Back to work on August 28th...set up classroom....oi
    31 years young
    from Seattle(ish)
    5 years married
    FTM and PGAL
    EDD is 12/23/17
    -- It's a BOY! ---

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    Omg we have quite the lists here 
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    @moonlady-2 my AS is the same day! Very excited. Good luck with the house hunt

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    kyrwynkyrwyn member
    I am so glad to be in the company of fellow list-makers.  I am keeping our lists in Google Keep because then DH will actually use them to prioritize and check off tasks.  I prefer old school pen & paper journaling, but the compromise is that this way he actually helps.

    Some of our broad categories & sub-tasks are:
    House & house-project related:
    Evict bees
    Remodel master bath so we have 2 working showers/toilets again
    Clear out office for nursery
    Clear out guest room (for guests, not for sewing)
    Make room in garage for 2nd freezer
    Get garage freezer
    Get Air Conditioning, like yesterday. It's too hot.

    Baby things:
    Birthing/parenting classes
    Birth plan
    Learn about post-delivery things: breastfeeding / babywearing / signs of postpartum depression

    Don't over commit to Xmas stuff
    Succession plan / maternity plan for work
    Dog-sitter for delivery
    Freezer meals (prep before maternity leave)

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I signed up for a local Infant CPR and Safety class, and penciled in the next baby wearing meet up on my calendar! Woot, I don't have a list per say, but I know I need to make one soon. 

    Also my upholstered glider comes in tomorrow, and we're going to pick up the crib my DH's grammie bought us this weekend! I'm just taking it a bit at a time, and still avoiding an overwhelming registry  :#
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    I have never heard of Google Keep!  I will have to look into it.  I have not made any progress on my list so far.  
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