June 2016 Moms

FFFC 7/14

Tawny87Tawny87 member
edited July 2017 in June 2016 Moms
Well I've got one today...

Re: FFFC 7/14

  • I let my dog clean the high chair tray. It builds a good immune system, right?
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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  • @Tawny87 lately while I feed her DD takes the food out of her mouth and tosses it onto the floor, until I give up and let her down from the high chair, and then she starts picking up the food off the floor and putting it in her mouth. So I have to decide almost daily just how sanitary and civilized we will be that day. Sigh....
  • Lizbeth86 said:
    @Tawny87 lately while I feed her DD takes the food out of her mouth and tosses it onto the floor, until I give up and let her down from the high chair, and then she starts picking up the food off the floor and putting it in her mouth. So I have to decide almost daily just how sanitary and civilized we will be that day. Sigh....
    This is SOO us!!!! I have finally given up.. I also can't count how many times I have been in the line of fire when he decides to throw things down. 
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