December 2017 Moms

Stroller/Infant Seat Question for 2nd Time Mom

Did you buy a new infant seat for your second child? I feel like maybe I should. I have a Chicco Keyfit that my 2.5 year old used as well as the infant seat adapter for my BOB. I want a Nuna Pipa because they are so light but they don't have an adapter for the BOB. Sooo I guess I need thoughts on whether I should buy a new one at all and if so, do I get the Nuna and use my old Keyfit when we travel with the stroller or would you get a new infant seat that works with the BOB. (Buying a whole new stroller isn't an option.)

Re: Stroller/Infant Seat Question for 2nd Time Mom

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    When does your KeyFit expire? Personally, I'm not getting baby a new carseat. They'll be using the one DD used, even if we have a boy (its a pink and grey key fit lol). We DID, however, invest in a City Select stroller. The adapters for the Chicco carseat run from about $45-60, depending on where you purchase it from. And the second seat is an additional $165, but I've been eying it for a while and took advantage of it being on sale on Amazon. 
    My thoughts are, is your oldest going to want/need to ride in the stroller? Will you have the need for a double stroller? If you said yes, or even thought about the possibility, I'd say stick with the KeyFit as long as its not close to expiring, and put the money that you'd spend on the Nuna towards a double stroller. If you said no to a double stroller, I still wouldn't spend the money unless necessary. 

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    We are having to buy a new one. We actually borrowed one from our good friends for DD. (It is not recommended to use a use car seat but I trust them and know it was in great shape). Anyway it is expired now, plus I hated it. It was a babytrend. We're getting a new one. We switched DD over at 8 months so we're not going super expensive I'd anything. 
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    We are not getting a new one. The one we have is not expired and fits our stroller (still on the fence about getting a double). We'd only get a new one if the old one was expired or damaged. 

    Married May 2014
    DD born August 2016
    Baby #2 due December 2017
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    I'm getting a new one because our last one expired. If I was in your situation I'd personally just reuse the old one since it's still in good condition and has a lot of life in it before it expires. But it's up to you!
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    i don't think you should buy a new one unless yours is expired or you absolutely despised it. we're reusing the britax we had for DS. 
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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    We are getting a new one only because we have too. We traded DS in to get the discount on a convertible seat at the trade-in event. 
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    We won't be getting a new car seat. We also have a BOB stroller and I am considering upgrading to a double of some sort, thinking of posting it on kijiji for trade, as I know BOB's have great resale value and ours is in excellent shape. But I also think I'll probably wear this baby a lot, especially in the first few months, so we are going to wait and see how it goes.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    We reused the one from DS1 for DS2, but DS1 was born in 2011 so that seat has expired and we will be getting a new one for this little girl. I would reuse, since they are only in the infant seat for a short period of time. I transitioned both boys out of the infant seat before 1 yr
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    disneyfan0511disneyfan0511 member
    edited July 2017
    We reused for DD2, for this baby we will have to buy a new one since our old seat is expired. Kind of bummed, as I would prefer to reuse since it works with everything we have. We are buying the Nuna Pipa since we have to get a new one, for the reasons you listed - lightweight and very high safety ratings. We previously used a Keyfit.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I'm not buying a new one because ours is pretty new already (less than two years old), and all my baby gear is gender neutral. 
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    Also not buying a new one. And all baby gear is gender neutral. 
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    We were going to reuse ours because it was just bought 2 years ago but I couldn't resist the a sale on Amazon Prime day for a jogging stroller travel system! My plan is too sell the old travel system. I looked into double strollers but we felt like they would be more of a pain and I rarely will have both kids by myself out and about!
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    Unless it's expired or was in an accident I wouldn't buy a new one. I'm using mine over again because it's good for another like 5 years and just buying another convertible when the time comes. We have a double stroller for the twins and am considering getting a reasonably priced single so when I take the baby to appointments I can just snap and go. I hopefully won't have all three with me at once. I can't justify the cost of a triple stroller! 
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    I bought a new one, but only because we had mice in our garage (where our first one was stored) for a short time.  They ruined the stroller part of our travel system and I didn't feel comfortable using the seat not knowing if there had been mice on it.  We traded it in for a discounted new one at target.  I used it as an opportunity to buy a lighter seat :).  If you really want a new carseat, you could buy a carseat carrier type thing (it's like a frame that works as a stroller; they're only like 30-40 dollars) instead of a whole new stroller?
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    I'd use the same one. We're using the same one, but this is the fourth kid that'll be using it (2 cousins and DD used it before and it won't expire until 2020 I think). I may try to see if I can buy a new cover for it though. It is looking a little old!!!
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    I just got a new travel system yesterday-it was on super clearance at target.  we still have our old travel system, and the bases and infant seat are not expired.  We needed another base for my MIL's car, but i found this travel we will put the new base and infant seat in her car, and she gets to use the new stroller too.  She is going to be helping us with the new baby after I go back to work while DD is at preschool and DH is at for a couple hours each day.  I figured she'd like to have a stroller when it's nice outside come the springtime, and it turns out the set i got matches the packnplay i got for her house (also on clearance!).  Plus, I just wanted to to get something nice since everything else we are using is all of DD's old stuff.

    Sorry to ramble on..hah.  but for us we are still using our old set because it hasn't expired!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Together since May 19, 2001

    Baby #1 was born in May 2013.

    Baby #2 was born in December 2017.

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