September 2017 Moms

PGAL check in 6/22

Sorry I'm late, ladies... basically, this is me: 

How far along are you?

What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise?

What's going on with you in other aspects of your life?

Any Questions? 

GTKY:  Have you read any child birth books? Any that stand out as awesome?

NBR GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? Bonus points for pictures! 
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Re: PGAL check in 6/22

  • edited June 2017
    How far along are you? 27w3d

    What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise? I have my glucose test and TDAP vaccine on Monday, so I'll know more then.

    What's going on with you in other aspects of your life? 
    I want to get my house cleaned and in order, and get my lesson plans finished for maternity leave, but I'm just so tired all the time. I'm glad it's summer, because I don't know how I'd survive teaching right now.

    Any Questions? 

    GTKY:  Have you read any child birth books? Any that stand out as awesome? 
    Not really, I read What to Expect and the Alicia Silverstone pregnancy book, but that was mostly for the recipes since I'm a vegetarian. 

    NBR GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? Bonus points for pictures! 
    Chris Pratt and the guy that plays Captain Hook on Once Upon a Time. 
  • edited June 2017
    How far along are you? 29 +1 

    What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise? I did my 1 hour glucose screening yesterday, but won't know for a few days if I passed or not. I start going to the Dr every 2 weeks now....eeek! We did a 3D ultrasound Monday, which was really neat... but baby girl was NOT very cooperative, lol. 

    What's going on with you in other aspects of your life? 
    I think I'm getting cabin fever, lol. Staying home with nothing to do was lovely for a few weeks but now I'm just bored. Hoping that once we get the nursery painted (hopefully this weekend!) and I can start getting some things together in there, it will help. 

    GTKY:  Have you read any child birth books? Any that stand out as awesome? 
    Not specifically... I've read through the birth part of the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, and I've read some articles online. 

    NBR GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? Bonus points for pictures! 
    Jamie Fraser, anyone? 

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  • How far along are you? 26+5, so 9 days away from the third trimester. (Wow!!)

    What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise? Well, I'm officially huge. But now when I say I'm due in September, it doesn't sound so far off. I posted in the weekly symptoms thread but another thing that's happening more and more is the swelling, especially at the end of the day. And I walk VERY slowly.

    The ultrasound tech did not get a pic of the placental cord at either of the two anatomy scan appointments I had. So I went back today for that and got a look at baby boy. We are in love!

    What's going on with you in other aspects of your life? 
    It's summer vacation!!! No joke, FOUR kids emailed me after grades were in asking if they could do extra credit or if I could just bump their grade up by 1 point. Um.... no. You took the final; that was your opportunity to raise your grade. (It counts for 10%.) 

    Also, my birthday was earlier this week and it was a really great one. What a difference compared with last year when I felt uncertain that we'd ever be able to have kids and I did not know what the rest of my life would look like. Our next big celebration will be our wedding anniversary (10/10) and baby will be here for that!

    Any Questions? 
    I have a weird taste in my mouth after eating too many sweets or carbs; this is kind of normal for me but I'm also wondering if it could be an indicator of gestational diabetes. Does anyone else have this symptom? I have my 1-hour test next Friday.

    Baby is currently in breech position. Wikipedia suggests that babies in breech position after 24w have "better than random" odds of being breech at birth but that isn't very telling. I also know there are things that can be done to encourage baby to turn. I plan to discuss this all with my midwife next Friday but should I be concerned at this point? 

    GTKY:  Have you read any child birth books? Any that stand out as awesome? 
    Like @HollyGolightly09 I also have the Mayo Clinic book and looked at it yesterday for the first time in a while. I just started reading The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and I have a pile of other parenting books to work through this summer.

    NBR GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? Bonus points for pictures! 
    Jon Hamm is toward the top of my list for sure.

    Baby Boy M at 26+5... maybe he'll grow up to be someone's celebrity crush :)

  • How far along are you? 27+1

    What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise? not much...he just had a growth spurt I think because my bump seems bigger and rounder :) sil felt him kick and I tried to get him going for my little cousins, but he was snoozing and not getting up :D

    What's going on with you in other aspects of your life? 
    summer holidays. Losing track of days. :)

    Any Questions? 

    GTKY:  Have you read any child birth books? Any that stand out as awesome? 
    all my info is coming from online/btdt moms in a group I'm in. The only book I have is the Mayo Clinic book. I like it :)

    NBR GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? Bonus points for pictures! 
    this is a bit lame, but I don't really have one :s 

    TTGP history (*TW*):

    Started TTC Oct 2015
    BFP #1 June 2016: EDD 16 March 2017, MC July 2016
    Re-started TTC Aug 2016
    Started IF testing Nov 2016
    Spontaneous BFP #2 January 2017: Rainbow Baby Boy September 2017
    BFP #3 November 2018: Baby #2 expected August 2019

  • How far along are you? 26w5d

    What's going on with you baby/pregnancy wise? Ok. No major complaints.  I failed my 1 hour glucose test and have to do the three hour next week. 

    What's going on with you in other aspects of your life?  Just busy. Feels like there is never enough time to get things done

    Any Questions? 

    GTKY:  Have you read any child birth books? Any that stand out as awesome? Not really

    NBR GTKY: Who is your celebrity crush? Bonus points for pictures! Adam Levine 

  • edited June 2017
    And my spoiler totally failed.  Got to love mobile bumping 
  • edited June 2017
    I'm not sure if any of you have watched Glow or were going to watch Glow on Netflix, but a heads up for episode 2. There's a lot of talk of miscarriage and is left making you want to maul the eyes out of 2 characters who treat it very poorly.
  • @heatherlynn321 I was thinking of watching it and appreciate the head's up!

    *TW: scary birth story*

    My neighbor was due to give birth 7/16 and we learned today her baby came 6/18. She stopped feeling movement on 6/17 and went in to be checked out. Turns out there was a maternal-fetal hemorrhage where baby's blood flowed back into her body, so he had to be delivered immediately  via emergency C section. There is nothing she could have done to predict or prevent this from happening.
    Baby is doing better each day, from what they told us (e.g., drinking breast milk now, as opposed to being given a couple of drops a week ago; trying to pull out his tubes) but he is on a ventilator and they are waiting on an MRI to see if there was brain damage from the blood loss. I can't stop thinking about him and worrying that something could go wrong with my baby too--not this, necessarily, as it seems rare, but they are all so lucky that mama listened to her body and went in to get checked out because apparently there is a very high infant mortality rate with this issue. 
    *end TW*

    I just wanted to wish everyone well, and solicit some thought and prayers for this little boy--and for all our little ones to come safely. 
  • I don't know if any of you have run into this very morbid feeling, but every time I go to buy something for the baby or for the nursery, I have a fleeting thought about the baby not making it and being stuck with all this stuff. I guess it's leftover anxiety from the loss, just waiting for something bad to happen. It's just a feeling I can't seem to shake no matter how many good checkups I have.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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