September 2017 Moms

VBAC Check-in 6/17

Some of the moms here are getting close to 30 weeks, so let us revisit previous topics. 

1. How are you doing this week? Any rants or raves?

2. Do you have a birth plan or one in the works?

3. Are you taking any birthing classes or reading anything to help prepare for labor?

4. Are you using or thinking about using a support person for your labor, such as a doula? 

GTKY: Morning or night person? How does this compare to your kid(s) or partner?

Re: VBAC Check-in 6/17

  • 1. How are you doing this week? Any rants or raves?
    I have not been feeling well the last week or so. My anxiety has been high and I've been waking with panic attacks mid night. I took my thyroid meds down a dose, because I've been feeling edgy ever since they were upped recently and no more panic attacks. I'm sure my endo will be annoyed with me, but she is new and doesn't seem to know my body yet, plus I'm totally within normal pregnancy range on the lower dose.

    2. Do you have a birth plan or one in the works? 
    I will have to hunt my previous birth plan down, but I'll probably use that one as a base. Our doula showed us how to create a visual birth plan, which looks cool to me, because I'm a very visual person. Now I need to sit down and actually do it.

    3. Are you taking any birthing classes or reading anything to help prepare for labor?
    I still haven't decided if I want to take one through my hospital. 

    4. Are you using or thinking about using a support person for your labor, such as a doula? 
    We just went into contract with a doula. She seems great and my husband likes her. I'm really excited that she had a successful vbac client with my practice recently!

    GTKY: Morning or night person? How does this compare to your kid(s) or partner?
    I am a total morning person and useless at night. My son is also a morning person and my H is a night owl. Luckily he is relatively adaptable to us. I'm curious what this little baby is going to be like. He sure has been consistently active all night long.

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