Pregnant after a Loss


hi everyone! 
I guess I go here now! I was here before my DS (2.5) was born after a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks. Unfortunately, PGAL brain doesn't go away, and I'm currently about 4 weeks pregnant and anxious as can be. I had my first blood draw yesterday and had levels of 44, which seems so low to me, but nurse reassured that was normal and it was most important to see the levels rise. I'm hoping to relax and eventually enjoy this pregnancy, because I was really unable to enjoy anything about my pregnancy with my DS after loss. Nice to "meet" you all!
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BFP #1 10/5/13 MMC 11/13/13 D&C 11/15/13
BFP #2 5/14/14 EDD 1/19/15 Beta 1: 728 Beta 2: 1858 We have a heartbeat! 166 @ 7w3d  Please be our RAINBOW!
Baby G is a BOY!

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Re: Introduction

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    @sgio7485 Congrats on the BFP and the blood tests. I definitely understand the worry, but as others have told me on here, take it one day at a time and try your best to be positive. Prayers and virtual hugs!
    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: 4-25-2014
    TTC: March 2015
    BFP: 2-18-16
    Confirmed MMC: 3-31-16
    D&C: 4-2-16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI: 5/13/17-Femara and Trigger, POAS 5/27/17 BFP 5/27/17

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Welcome! I am brand new here, too! Fingers crossed for a rise in levels!
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