Hey, y'all!
I'm 35, half way to 36 and newly married. My husband is 26 and I have two boys ages 7 & 8 (from a previous relationship).
Both of my boys were surprises, I never actively tried to get pregnant and I had both of them in my late 20's.
When I met my husband I was on the fence about whether or not I wanted another baby. But now that we're married, I definitely want to try! I would absolutely love to have the experience of intentionally trying for a baby and creating a child with the man that I love and he's totally on board. That being said, we both (naively) thought- have unprotected sex, get knocked up, easy peasy. Ha! Turns out, it's just not that simple!
We've been actively trying for two months (not long, I know) and, since we're newly weds we've been getting it on like crazy. No joke, we must've gotten it on 40 times this past cycle- at least once a day, sometimes as many as 3x a day. Not necessarily doing it with just pregnancy in mind, but because we want to!
That being said, another cycle, no dice. And yes, I know we might have gotten it on TOO much but for fact, there is no way we missed an ovulation opportunity because we literally had sex every single day.
Anyhow, I know my age is likely going to play a factor. Also, we were both smokers and have both decided to quit for the cause (and for our health). Neither of us drink alcohol (so at least we've got that going for us).
Here comes the question- I've read a lot about BBT charting to determine ovulation. I ordered a BBT thermometer and would like to start charting. BUT my concern is, I'm a light sleeper and move around a lot in my sleep. From what I've read, you need to be real still when you wake up to get an accurate reading. Is this true? Will it not work for me because I'm so active in my sleep? Anyone else a light sleeper that finds charting to be effective?
Re: Intro! Mention of kids, ? about charting
I keep my BBT on my nightstand and when my alarm goes off I roll over take my temp then later when I actually get out of bed log my temp. I would try it orally and if you find your temps are too erratic you can temp vaginally. You should also track your fertile cervical mucus along with OPKs, that way you'll have a better idea when you are gearing up to O so if you don't see a huge temp shift you'll still know your fertile window.
I think you can have too much sex. If your DH doesn't have time to really build back up again and you are going into your fertile week on low supply it might work against you. Once you start getting fertile cervical mucus I would scale back your sex to once a day to once every other day. My DH has mild MFI, so our RE advised us to have sex every other day and shoot for 1-2 well timed sex versus everyday. We conceived both our kids hitting only 2 in the 5 days prior to ovulation.
Good Luck!