One more week and we will have an "overdue" thread! That's crazy to think about! How is everyone doing at 39 weeks? New symptoms? Signs of labor? Doing anything to try to speed up the process or start labor?
I continue to have tons of BH contractions and they get pretty regular sometimes. I'm also feeling more sluggish. My hands and feet started to swell, but that may be due to the heat. I'm fully prepared to have the baby tonight, but I've accepted the fact that I may have another week or more of work left with frequent BHs. I've been trying to stay busy and fairly active, but I've also been slowing down and taking naps.
In the same boat here. 39+1, have some swelling and trying to walk as much as I can. I'm also drinking raspberry leaf tea and eating pineapples lol. My first came at 39+1 so I was hoping this one would come earlier. Keeping my fingers crossed that he comes before Friday so that I can still try for a VBAC. My doctor told me she could strip membranes at my Tuesday appointment, but I'm undecided on that. Hope people are making the most of MDW
39+4 today! At 39+4 with my daughter, my water broke at 5pm and I had her the next morning (39+5) at 10:30. Crazy to think I'll likely go past that date/time with this one! I've been having a lot of pressure/stabbing pain in my cervix and baby is lower than ever, so I'm wondering when my body will shift gears. I have an appointment on Tuesday when I'll get a sweep done and see what that does! I'm enjoying the last days being pregnant with this little one though and getting some random stuff organized around the house/staying on top of housework. I'm not really doing anything to speed up the process or start labor.. I've been super busy with helping my sister move this weekend so I've been far more active than usual, but baby girl seems pretty cozy! She'll come when she decides to, I guess
39 Weeks today! RCS Sheduled for Thursday!! Just trying to get the last minute things done and ready. I'm glad baby waited until past the holiday so that I didn't end up with a random on call doctor!! My first came 40w 2 days and I can't imagine waiting one more week right now!
@soontobemrsdavis Oh! I know what you mean about comparing the wait from the last one! My DD was born at 42+1... I cannot fathom another THREE weeks from this point!! And cheers to a fellow June 1st Mama-to-be!
39+3. Trying so hard to be patient but I'm so ready. I have BH every night. They were so regular last week I called L&D. They said, 'sounds like pre-labor! Try to get some sleep.' Woke up not in labor. I'm terrified of going past 41. Come on baby!!!
Happy to be 39 weeks. Not so happy about the sudden shift from feeling pretty great to feeling pretty miserable.
I feel like I'm the only one here who would rather go late than go this week. I'm just not ready. I mean, we're ready in terms of car seat, crib, hospital bags, baby clothes washed etc. I'm just not emotionally ready to have an infant at home. Plus, my family is all out of town on vacation til my due date, and I don't want them to cut that short, so FX she stays in til Monday 6/12 at the earliest. I have suerficial reasons to hope for the 17th, which would put me at 40+6.
Ultimately though, it's not up to me. I'm pretty sure I was having BH contractions last night, but I'm sticking my fingers in my ears and pretending it was just a side effect of a long day yesterday.
@sejica, you're not the only one who would rather go late at this point...more for superficial reasons than anything! We have a wedding to attend on the 17th and was totally expecting to have had the baby already b/c my first was born at 39+2 and I truly felt like this one has been running out of room for the past week (I'm 39+3 today!). Alas, baby will pick his own birthday, but it sucks that I'll probably be days post-partum at this wedding!
39 weeks as of yesterday. I definitely thought baby would be here by now. Mostly ready despite some errands, but nothing 100% necessary. Worried about labor, but feel more and more ready for it as each day passes. Thought about dtd to speed things up, but it kind of freaks me out thinking contractions could start right after or during. Ahhh. New symptom today was upper in thigh sharp pains. I get pretty tired/achey fast. Doing about one house chore and running one errand a day.
I'll be 39w on Wednesday and I am pretty psyched. Getting close to meeting this LO and I'm very lucky that he/she is getting the opportunity to bake as long as possible. I personally know many moms who have struggled through NICU for their babies so I consider it a blessing to make it so far despite any discomfort I'm feeling... of which there is PLENTY! I have noticed a peculiar trend of women being shocked/upset by not delivering before their due dates though. I'm genuinely confused as gestational period is based on statistics so naturally a good percent will deliver during week 40 or beyond. Assuming you know your LMP (which also assumes one has regular periods - eg not PCOS) and/or an accurate ovulation date, it shouldn't come as a surprise when you're still cooking at or after 38 weeks.
Happy to be 39 weeks. Not so happy about the sudden shift from feeling pretty great to feeling pretty miserable.
I feel like I'm the only one here who would rather go late than go this week. I'm just not ready. I mean, we're ready in terms of car seat, crib, hospital bags, baby clothes washed etc. I'm just not emotionally ready to have an infant at home. Plus, my family is all out of town on vacation til my due date, and I don't want them to cut that short, so FX she stays in til Monday 6/12 at the earliest. I have suerficial reasons to hope for the 17th, which would put me at 40+6.
Ultimately though, it's not up to me. I'm pretty sure I was having BH contractions last night, but I'm sticking my fingers in my ears and pretending it was just a side effect of a long day yesterday.
I was seriously hoping she would go a week past her date like her brother did. I'm so bummed i am being induced this week.i know it's for the best but I'm not ready emotionally.
I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow. I agree with @Elyse1384. Part of me thought I would go early just because almost everyone I know has, but I have been mentally prepared to be late. As uncomfortable as I am, she is clearly benefiting from being in there. Each day I try to enjoy my alone time with DH and a decent nights sleep. My parents are coming in a few days and it would also be fun to have some time with them before things get crazy.
I'm 39+4 today. I had an appointment and am 2cm. She also did a membrane sweep. I would love for him to come on his own before Sunday. If he isn't here Monday morning, I have another appointment scheduled. I'm enjoying having some free time (getting a pedicure and going grocery shopping while MIL watches DS) and sleep, but I'm also super uncomfortable and ready for him to come.
Married my best friend May 24, 2008
BFP #1 9/1/11, EDD 5/15/12, Missed M/C at 9w4d, discovered at 11w3d, D&C 11/2/11
BFP #2 6/20/12, Baby Boy born 3/2/13
BFP #3 October 2016, EDD 6/11/17
39 today. Some contractions the last few nights but otherwise no signs. My son was born 39+1 so it's a mind trip to think it could be up to 3 more weeks. Hoping the full moon does something.
39 weeks today! Had an appointment and got the sweep done, 1cm dilated. Was put on the monitors to watch bubs movement/heartbeat as his movement has been getting less and less, this is the 2nd time I've been monitored. Now going in tomorrow morning to get the balloon (foley) to stretch my cervix and then be induced on Sunday as they're worried and with my history I'm technically high risk. Sooo nervous! Wasn't expecting to be induced at all! Very emotional at the moment, can't believe I'm going to be meeting my little man this weekend! It's all so real now
Me: 23 | DH: 25 | Married: 28.3.14 | Together Since: 28.07.10 MC#1: April 15 | MC#2: Aug 15 | MC#3: Jan 16 | MC#4 : April 16
@megsyyx Have you had the foley before? I've never heard of it. I have my 39 week appointment Monday afternoon. She said they will do the sweep that day (not that's it's helped the last 3 times). I'm scheduled to be induced Friday the 16th. If there is something that could kick things into gear before then it sounds good to me.
@megsyyx Have you had the foley before? I've never heard of it. I have my 39 week appointment Monday afternoon. She said they will do the sweep that day (not that's it's helped the last 3 times). I'm scheduled to be induced Friday the 16th. If there is something that could kick things into gear before then it sounds good to me.
This is my first pregnancy so no I haven't had it before, apparently it can be painful/uncomfortable I hope the sweep works for you! I had a little bit of bleeding but no signs of contractions or anything, was hoping I'd go into labour before the induction tomorrow. Maybe the foley will get it going Goodluck to you!!
Me: 23 | DH: 25 | Married: 28.3.14 | Together Since: 28.07.10 MC#1: April 15 | MC#2: Aug 15 | MC#3: Jan 16 | MC#4 : April 16
@megsyyx Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow and it's not very painful, if at all. I was induced with my last two. It would be nice to just let it happen on its own but my dr and the specialist I've been seeing agree that it's not in our best interest to do so.
Has anyone else been extra hungry lately? I woke up starvingggg and very lethargic feeling(like low blood sugar). Ate throughout the day and just ate another snack. I wonder if it's my nerves and I'm stress eating. Due date is tomorrow and I'm super anxious!
Has anyone else been extra hungry lately? I woke up starvingggg and very lethargic feeling(like low blood sugar). Ate throughout the day and just ate another snack. I wonder if it's my nerves and I'm stress eating. Due date is tomorrow and I'm super anxious!
My DS woke me up at 4am and I was starving. I need to eat like ASAP when I wake up, not a lot but something. I know I get anxious as the date gets closer, it's just so exciting!
Has anyone else been extra hungry lately? I woke up starvingggg and very lethargic feeling(like low blood sugar). Ate throughout the day and just ate another snack. I wonder if it's my nerves and I'm stress eating. Due date is tomorrow and I'm super anxious!
My DS woke me up at 4am and I was starving. I need to eat like ASAP when I wake up, not a lot but something. I know I get anxious as the date gets closer, it's just so exciting!
Last night, I ate dinner, and was hungry a few hours later so I made a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. When I finished that, I wished I'd made extra eggs because I was still hungry. After ice cream I felt better.
I can post here now. How is everyone doing at 39 weeks? Pretty good, just everything is exhausting and makes my feet swell. I'm officially done with work after tomorrow. New symptoms? Just more swelling and more BH. Signs of labor? BH contractions fairly often but still waiting for more encouraging signs. My doc wants to check my cervix this week at my appt so we'll see if that looks promising. Doing anything to try to speed up the process or start labor? Drinking RRL tea, eating pineapple, having sex more often.
MC Sept 2010 BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012 TTC again since July 2014 First IUI 9/26/16: BFP! EDD 6/19/2017 It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
How is everyone doing at 39 weeks? Ehh, tired, uncomfortable, anxious
New symptoms? started getting a lot of Braxton hicks over the weekend
Signs of labor? 1 cm dialated last week, we'll see tomorrow at my appointment if there was any progress. Last week Dr mentioned my pelvis seemed odd shaped and that could be why baby hasn't dropped yet, which would mean a c-section. She said she would re-assess Monday.
Doing anything to try to speed up the process or start labor? Not really. We are DTD when DH is in town on weekends, but that's not new. Maybe it will help me progress though.
I'm 39 weeks today and my mucus plug is coming out!! No blood though. At my last appointment I was 1-2 cm and 50% effaced. Now I'm trying to distinguish between maybe contractions, just plain achiness, or I'm imagining things completely because I lost my plug. Lol drives me crazy that there's still no way of telling when labor will start. Praying it's soon. I just can't wait to meet him.
Re: 39 weeks: comment, share progress, commiserate
I'm fully prepared to have the baby tonight, but I've accepted the fact that I may have another week or more of work left with frequent BHs.
I've been trying to stay busy and fairly active, but I've also been slowing down and taking naps.
Good Luck ladies!!
~Declare it..Claim it..It will be!!~
Here We Go Again!!
And cheers to a fellow June 1st Mama-to-be!
I feel like I'm the only one here who would rather go late than go this week. I'm just not ready. I mean, we're ready in terms of car seat, crib, hospital bags, baby clothes washed etc. I'm just not emotionally ready to have an infant at home. Plus, my family is all out of town on vacation til my due date, and I don't want them to cut that short, so FX she stays in til Monday 6/12 at the earliest. I have suerficial reasons to hope for the 17th, which would put me at 40+6.
Ultimately though, it's not up to me. I'm pretty sure I was having BH contractions last night, but I'm sticking my fingers in my ears and pretending it was just a side effect of a long day yesterday.
New symptom today was upper in thigh sharp pains.
I get pretty tired/achey fast. Doing about one house chore and running one errand a day.
Married 7/11/09 TTC #1 Since 05/10
BFP #1 09/20/10 Natural m/c 10/05/10
BFP! #2 04/21/11... Beta 16 DPO: 437, 18 DPO:1446 Ultrasound 6w6d TWINS!
Annabel & Sophia Born 11/28/11 at 34w6d
BFP #3 10/4/16... Beta 13 DPO: 145, 15 DPO: 367 12/1/16 It's a GIRL!
BFP #1 9/1/11, EDD 5/15/12, Missed M/C at 9w4d, discovered at 11w3d, D&C 11/2/11
BFP #2 6/20/12, Baby Boy born 3/2/13
BFP #3 October 2016, EDD 6/11/17
Had an appointment and got the sweep done, 1cm dilated. Was put on the monitors to watch bubs movement/heartbeat as his movement has been getting less and less, this is the 2nd time I've been monitored.
Now going in tomorrow morning to get the balloon (foley) to stretch my cervix and then be induced on Sunday as they're worried and with my history I'm technically high risk.
Sooo nervous! Wasn't expecting to be induced at all!
Very emotional at the moment, can't believe I'm going to be meeting my little man this weekend!
It's all so real now
I hope the sweep works for you! I had a little bit of bleeding but no signs of contractions or anything, was hoping I'd go into labour before the induction tomorrow. Maybe the foley will get it going
Goodluck to you!!
How is everyone doing at 39 weeks?
Pretty good, just everything is exhausting and makes my feet swell. I'm officially done with work after tomorrow.
New symptoms?
Just more swelling and more BH.
Signs of labor?
BH contractions fairly often but still waiting for more encouraging signs. My doc wants to check my cervix this week at my appt so we'll see if that looks promising.
Doing anything to try to speed up the process or start labor?
Drinking RRL tea, eating pineapple, having sex more often.
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
How is everyone doing at 39 weeks?
Ehh, tired, uncomfortable, anxious
New symptoms?
started getting a lot of Braxton hicks over the weekend
Signs of labor?
1 cm dialated last week, we'll see tomorrow at my appointment if there was any progress. Last week Dr mentioned my pelvis seemed odd shaped and that could be why baby hasn't dropped yet, which would mean a c-section. She said she would re-assess Monday.
Doing anything to try to speed up the process or start labor?
Not really. We are DTD when DH is in town on weekends, but that's not new. Maybe it will help me progress though.
Guess it's not happening soon. I'm so bummed right now.
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz