This check-in is for any plus size mom's out there. Tell us how you're doing and any thoughts/concerns about being plus size and pregnant. Don't forget, if you're comfortable, to post your bump-pic on HDBD!
Question of the week: What has being pregnant done for/to your relationship? Or how do you think your relationship will handle the addition to your family?
*TW below*
Me: 40 DH: 38
TTC since November 2012
BFP IUI Cycle 2 Dec 2016
Baby Boy Due Sept 12 2017
Elias (Eli) born 9/2/17 at 7:07pm weight 8lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long!!
Re: Plus Size Check In May 24
I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check the baby's size, my placenta and hopefully get a good shot of his heart. They couldn't get one at my anatomy scan so here's hoping!
QOTW: My DH has really stepped up when it comes to taking care of things around the house. And he won't let me do much either. I do feel bad because I have no desire to be intimate. I need to just give it up once in a while. I'm nervous though cause things don't feel the same anymore...just feel different! I do think we'll be fine when this baby does come. DH has been 100% on board with getting ready and finding childcare and figuring out finances. It will be hard but I think after a while we'll figure this whole parenthood thing out!
I sent @SuzieMay827 a message in hope that we'll hear from her this week. Fingers crossed.
Me: 40 DH: 38
TTC since November 2012
Elias (Eli) born 9/2/17 at 7:07pm weight 8lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long!!
Things have been going pretty good. Feeling normal and trying my best to eat better and start walking. But it's been raining here lately so the walking has been sporadic.
Question of the week: What has being pregnant done for/to your relationship? Or how do you think your relationship will handle the addition to your family? DH has 3 kids already, 2 who are twins, so he's been through this. I'm not going to lie, I am a little concerned. Worried I won't "do things right" because they are different than the way he and his ex did it before. And from what I've heard DH is an overly paranoid, protective parent when they are babies and doesn't want anyone touching them. I don't see myself that way at all. And I am worried about my dogs. DH isn't a fan of them, and they are pretty difficult to deal with. But I've had them since they were puppies, before DH and they aren't going anywhere. I hope they adapt well and don't cause too much stress.
QotW: Nothing has really changed. My DH has a thirteen year old son who lives with us so I think it won't change our routine so much since kid schedule is built in. DH has definitely been more protective of me in general. It's cute but I'm also like... Hey, I'm still a capable human! Which occasionally back fires on me when I then really don't want to do something. We're all excited for LO to get here.
I'm just still really tired. I thought I was supposed to get some sort of second tri energy, but it never showed up.
I dont think things have changed much with DH really. He does more than his share of the housework normally, but he is doing even more now. And he's more attentive. I know that the baby will be a huge adjustment. I'm not really sure what we'll do. So far our biggest issue is dealing with my mom moving down here.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20