May 2017 Moms

Monday Ticker Change 5.22.17

How far along are you?

How big is baby?

Any appointments this week?



Progress made or plans for baby preparation?

GTKY: Did you have a comfort toy or blanket when you were little? What was it?

-----or for postpartum-----

How many weeks old is baby?

Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week

Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain?

Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom?


GTKY: Did you have a comfort toy or blanket when you were little? What was it?
Me: 29, DH: 31
Married: October 2014
Began TTC: April 2015
BFP #1: 9/18/15. EDD 5/18/16. MC 10/26/15. (9w)
BFP #2: 2/27/16. EDD 11/7/16. MC/D&E 4/20/16 (11w)
BFP #3: 9/22/16. EDD 5/29/17. DS born 4/24/17 <3
BFP #4: 5/20/18. EDD 1/23/19. 

Re: Monday Ticker Change 5.22.17

  • kns1988kns1988 member
    How many weeks old is baby? 4 weeks (gestational age 39)

    Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? Nada 

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? He's gaining weight super well. I need to dig out more newborn clothes because he grew out of all of his preemies. 

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? Nope, just tired, but we're in a good swing of things.

    Rants/raves/questions? Rave: I'm so glad we moved closer to family before having a kid because this shit is hard. Our families will come over and watch DS while we run to the grocery store, clean, or do errands. They'd even just watch him while I sleep, but I only took them up on that in the first week. It'd be really hard without this help.

    GTKY: Did you have a comfort toy or blanket when you were little? What was it? I had a monkey named George that I took everywhere. 

    Me: 29, DH: 31
    Married: October 2014
    Began TTC: April 2015
    BFP #1: 9/18/15. EDD 5/18/16. MC 10/26/15. (9w)
    BFP #2: 2/27/16. EDD 11/7/16. MC/D&E 4/20/16 (11w)
    BFP #3: 9/22/16. EDD 5/29/17. DS born 4/24/17 <3
    BFP #4: 5/20/18. EDD 1/23/19. 

  • Baby is 39 weeks and as big as a pumpkin. (think it might be the prize winning pumpkin you see photos of on the news)

    Appointments? Today is 39 week check with OB and an NST, tomorrow is BPP, and then (assuming kiddo doesn't come on his/her own) induction Wednesday morning due to GD/Polyhydraminos concerns. 

    Symptoms? Starting to get anxious about being induced. I know it can be easy or complicated and (of course) am hoping the least complicated route works. My labor and delivery with DD was a dream so I feel like I might be "due" for a crazy difficult labor. Again I know it's my worrisome mama-brain. 

    Rants/Raves- DH has been such a rockstar comforting me and taking on a lot of the DD duties. We are both excited to see her take on her new role as big sister. 

    Progress made- nursery is set up and we have installed the baby bucket seat base. Finally put the bags in the car.... now all we need is baby. :)

    GTKY: I didn't have any kind of singular comfort item as a baby, but I did have an imaginary friend as a young child. DD has a lamb that our realtor gave us when we bought our current house that she loves, but she isn't attached to it to the point we have a spare or have to take it anywhere we go. 

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  • It's my due date!! 

    Im so cranky and I can't get the top to cut and paste so I'm just going to freeestlye down here. 

    I have an appt today around 10 to get checked and hopefully set and induction date. Im hoping that date will
    be tomorrow but who knows. I thought we'd be scheduling something at my last appt but the dr was showing off for a med student and said I wasn't favorable enough even though I'm just as progressed as I was when my son was induced at 40 weeks. 

    Which means and I have to freaking work today- it will
    be from home but ughhhh I don't want to anymore!!!  My moms ready to make the 6.5 hour drive whenever we need her but it's stressful having this whole crazy plan in the meantime with my DS. I wish she was just here. We had a practice run today because I thought I might be leaking but nope. DS was fine over at a friends house so at least that's good to know. 

    GTKY: I ALWAYS lost my favorite stuffed animal when we would move so I stopped getting attached to them!  First it was a bear, then a lion, then I was like screw it. DS has a stuffed curious George we call Georgie that he loves and it's really cute how he carries him around and hugs him. Then slams his head into the floor if we say "awww". 
  • @kns1988 that's too funny that you had a George too!!  I'm def jealous of having family close by. I keep pressuring my mom to retire and move here. Preferably down the street :)

    @PghMom412 fx your appointments go well!  I was induced with my first and it was long but everything was fine so you never know!  Good luck with your prize winning pumpkin!
  • How many weeks old is baby? 1 week old today

    Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week?  Went for a weight check this morning and Mason has gained 3 oz in 3 days - so we are tracking well 

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? I am breast feeding and I have some cracked nipples.  It hurts SO much when he latches - I need to make an appointment with a lactation consultant but every time I think of it - it is after hours.  Hoping to see if maybe I can fix his latch and how to repair my nipples while still breastfeeding.

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? He is cluster feeding at night at lot which makes it hard for H to help me. I am trying to sleep more during the day to see if it makes the nights easier.

    Rants/raves/questions? Even though this is the hardest thing i have ever done, I have never been more in love with another human in my life.

    GTKY: Did you have a comfort toy or blanket when you were little? What was it? Pink panther blanket, which was then ruined during hurricane Andrew when I was 10.  It was a sad day for me :(
  • kns1988kns1988 member

    Rants/raves/questions? Even though this is the hardest thing i have ever done, I have never been more in love with another human in my life.
    This was nice to read. It's been a tough day for us, and it's nice to have a reminder that it's all worth it. 
    Me: 29, DH: 31
    Married: October 2014
    Began TTC: April 2015
    BFP #1: 9/18/15. EDD 5/18/16. MC 10/26/15. (9w)
    BFP #2: 2/27/16. EDD 11/7/16. MC/D&E 4/20/16 (11w)
    BFP #3: 9/22/16. EDD 5/29/17. DS born 4/24/17 <3
    BFP #4: 5/20/18. EDD 1/23/19. 

  • kns1988kns1988 member
    Lol I love that your bunny was gender fluid, @ShadeofGreen816
    Me: 29, DH: 31
    Married: October 2014
    Began TTC: April 2015
    BFP #1: 9/18/15. EDD 5/18/16. MC 10/26/15. (9w)
    BFP #2: 2/27/16. EDD 11/7/16. MC/D&E 4/20/16 (11w)
    BFP #3: 9/22/16. EDD 5/29/17. DS born 4/24/17 <3
    BFP #4: 5/20/18. EDD 1/23/19. 

  • How many weeks old is baby? 12 days. Today should have been my due date! 

    Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? 2wk weight check on Wednesday. I'm slightly anxious for it, because breastfeeding is such a mind game too! You have no idea how much they are actually eating... 

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? See above. 

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? He still hates to be flat in his bassinet to sleep. I remember this vividly with DD2 and how I had to just be persistent to put her down but my tailbone is still super painful (I feel directly on it 1wk before delivery) and I can barely maneuver in the bed or a chair so it's hard to continue to get in and out of bed. DH helps but he's also been taking care of DD1 and DD2 with bedtime and getting them up in the morning so I can sleep longer so I try not to wake him at night. 

    Rant: My PP bleeding was super light and almost gone a few days ago, and now it's back. Boo. 

    GTKY: Did you have a comfort toy or blanket when you were little? What was it? I had a blanket that my mom had to "pretend" to throw away to get me to stop dragging it around. She ended up keeping it though for my memory chest. 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
  • @kns1988 I'm so glad that you have family around to help you! It really is amazing to be able to call someone to come help so you can run errands or nap! 

    @ShadeofGreen816 DD1 has a gender fluid Koala. Sometimes he's a boy and sometimes she puts bows in his hair and decides he's a girl today! He's also a well traveled Koala who's been left at hotels and grandparents houses and had to be mailed! 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17

  • How many weeks old is baby? 7 weeks and 2 days (I keep waiting for the days and weeks to be too difficult to figure, until then I amuse myself with "exact" age)

    Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? no appts until next week

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? today has been off. he has spit up a good deal of formula from 4pm til now. twice on Dad and then his last feeding at 2:15a. Not too sure what's up with that tummy but until this everything was going well. He likes eating..I'm anxious for his 2 month appt to see if he's still where he is supposed to be or if he's wanting to eat too much 

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? He is sleeping a good chunk of time still, but I can't nap during the day. There's nights where I just can't get back to sleep after a feeding  (hence why I'm here at 2:45am). At night, he's waking up on average every 3 hrs or so. I sleep when I can. I'm thankful for what I do get

    Rants/raves/questions? other than the surprise today with all his spitting up I've got nothing

    GTKY: Did you have a comfort toy or blanket when you were little? What was it? I don't recall a comfort toy. I loved my baby blanket, but I don't think it was a "I have to have this 24/7" type thing. now I remember my sister had this little yello plush baby doll and it got left at a store...oh my! we had to find another asap because she was a mess! I think we ended up getting the one left at the store back, so then we had a back up.
    None of the kids seem to have a comfort toy or blanket either. they have their favorites and their blankets for sleeping but toy wise they get rotated every night by the kids. 
  • edited May 2017
    How many weeks old is baby? 5 days

    Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? He had his first pedetrician appt. yesterday and lost 11 percent of his body weight which was obviously concerning to us. Today we met with a lactation consultant and he gained 7 oz back yesterday! My milk also came in which probably contributed. He drank 2 oz of milk during my lactation appointment which was also relieveing. 

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? See above

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? He hates sleeping on his own and hasn't had a poop since we left the hospital on Sat. I hope he'll get a poop now that my milk came in.


    GTKY: Did you have a comfort toy or blanket when you were little? What was it? I used a pacifier for forever!

  • Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? I am breast feeding and I have some cracked nipples.  It hurts SO much when he latches - I need to make an appointment with a lactation consultant but every time I think of it - it is after hours.  Hoping to see if maybe I can fix his latch and how to repair my nipples while still breastfeeding.

    Our lactation consultant said to rub the milk on your nipples after feeding and then let it air dry. It's helped a ton for me! I did use a shield for a day before I saw the consultant. Since then I haven't used the shield and I never had to stop feeding while they healed, mine were really cracked/bruised. 

  • @rosemarylaff I have bleeding cracked nipples too and saw a lactation consultant today. She gave me these Medela gel pads to wear and recommended medihoney if the gel pads don't work. You can get it on Amazon.
  • How many weeks old is baby? 11 days!

    Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? She has her 2 week check up!

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? She's doing so much better, though I think she's going through a small growth spurt. She wants to eat sooner and longer.

    Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? She's been pretty good sleeping, Sunday she did not want to go to sleep after her 1:30 am feeding... I think the bedroom light is too bright when I change her diaper after her feeding. Anyone else had a good light suggestion, something I can see what I'm doing without waking her completely up?

    Rants/raves/questions? I LOVE our pediatrician, she has personally called us twice about a few things, she's been really really assertive, seeking second opinions about a few things. She referred us to a surgeon about 2 different things, both he said we will wait and see. Today he called back and told us he was seeking second opinions, and talking to the pediatrician about the one issue, they decided to be on the safe side to have her go in for an ultra sound. I'm just so impressed!!

    GTKY: Did you have a comfort toy or blanket when you were little? What was it?  I had a teddy bear named Snuggles, he looks exactly like the laundry detergent Snuggles. I loved him so much, and I can't wait to let her play with him!

  • SKZWSKZW member
    edited May 2017
    @Cubslove12: I've been playing around with light levels a bunch lately. My top two suggestions are (1) these flickering orangey candles, which give a lot of great indirect background-type light that doesn't wake up anybody, but is enough to see by, which I have on the nightstand, and (2) this dimmable touch light that I hung near the changing station. It has an LED that's on a dimmer!, so it changes from crazy bright down to super dim. I leave it on a middle point, which is still very bright in the MOTN. Enough to really see to change a dirty diaper! (ETA: the dim level you leave it on is retained for the next time you tap it on, so no having to fool around with it!)

    (Bonus, these smell like vanilla!)

    (This doesn't come with instrux, FYI, but it's easy enough to figure out how to hang and how to dim.)
    Rechargeable Touch Light, RTSU DIY Stick Anywhere Led Night Light Touch Lamp Tap Light (Touch Sensor Switch, Stepless Dimmer, Last Setting Memory, Bui
  • @Cubslove12 we use one of the pink salt lamps so we can just leave it on dimly all night. Supposedly they purify the sir and release good ions too.

    We we went through a crystal phase lol. 
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