I have been doing some research in prep for my RE appointment so I don't go cross-eyed when they start going over results/plans etc (educating myself on IUI and IVF)... but I can't wrap my head around the success rate of IUI... the success rates seem so low to try multiple cycles on? Is there something that I'm missing other than the cost factor between the two? Do some insurance plans require failed IUI before coverage on IVF? I tried to research the board, but most of the recent topics on this were from 2011...
For couples with unexplained infertility, the pregnancy rate for each natural IUI cycle is about 4 to 5 percent, and when fertility drugs are used, the pregnancy rate is about 7 to 16 percent.
The live birth IVF success rate for women under 35 who start an IVF cycle is 40 percent.
Re: IUI Versus IVF
Also, of course, cost for IUI is much less than IVF. I think on average a medicated IUI cycle is around $1,000-$1,200, whereas IVF can be in the $15,000-$20,000 range.
IUI is considered a less invasive treatment than IVF, so a lot of doctors (and also patients I would think) prefer to start there.
Also, what you said about insurance is sometimes true for people who have IF coverage.
So, there are a lot of reasons why someone would choose IUI over IVF or vice versa. At at the end of the day, it's a very personal decision between you, YH and your doctor.
plus also let me add that some women think that the more aggressive the plan that it has to work and it will be easy. For some it works the first time, but for my case, I was 23 when I did my first ivf cycle (MFI) and I had no obvious problems and I responded well to medication and it took three cycles because the embryos would not implant and there just sometimes isn't a reason for it. Just be prepared for all aspects because when I went straight to ivf I expected more and the downfall was very heartbreaking even though I was extremely lucky on cycle 3.
Good of luck I hope you find the right plan for you
@kim41313 @sunflowermama428 @bababatty
*TW loss mentioned*: Thank you all for your input. I hope I didn't come off the wrong way in asking this question, just generally curious because I'm in the wanted a baby yesterday boat (as I think everyone who is here is also) and thinking from a stats perspective right now of what will get me to the end goal as fast as possible. It will be interesting to see what the Dr recommends as part of my plan since I'm coming off my 3rd miscarriage. Thanks again ladies. This community has been amazing as I start my own journey
Did you do any of that bloodwork/screening after your most recent loss?
For us, we're totally unexplained - my H's SA results are excellent, I'm young-ish, my AMH is within an acceptable range, my hormones are fine - I ovulate, etc etc. But I can't get pregnant at all. So we're grasping at straws trying to figure out what's happening, and our doctor wanted us to start with medicated IUIs, just to see if that would make a difference - that way we knew for certain I was producing eggs, and that my H's sperm was getting past my cervix/cervical mucus. If one of those had been the issue, I'd be pregnant now, without having to go through IVF.
That said, the stats seem to show that those issues only resolve for about 7 to 10 percent of infertile couples - which really isn't that many couples.
One thing I'd ask your RE to clarify is your odds of live birth if you do an IVF cycle vs. an IVF cycle with genetic screening, given your history. The stats you have for an IVF cycle look like the stats for women who have not had genetic screening.
Given your history of m/c, I'd be surprised if your RE doesn't recommend that you hop straight to IVF with some genetic/chromosomal screening. That's going to give you the best odds, and for you, given your history, getting pregnant isn't the problem - so something like an IUI probably wouldn't be that effective.
Good luck! FX for you!
@bababatty @kim41313 Thank you – nothing you said made me feel that way but I always feel like I try to say something and it comes of the wrong way!
@sunflowermama428 I’m sorry to hear about your divorce. I don’t think you’ve being a negative nancy at all – it is a bit eye opening to me how emotionally different an IUI versus IVF can be, not to mention to cost of all of it.
@funkykey Yes, I went for a ton of lab work and an ultrasound last week. This week I will meet with my OB to discuss anything that comes up. I have an appointment with an RE next month. Ergh waiting list. I can imagine being totally unexplained is difficult in its own sense. I’m not sure if it has something to do with my hormones not being able to keep the pregnancy, something genetic, or because my body didn’t heal. I had a D&C in January, (no period after), CP in March, CP in April. Are you going through IVF now? FX for you