How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Any appointments this week?
Team Pink/Blue/Green?
GTKY: (stolen from weekend ticker change) It's hard to be positive this late in pregnancy. What's something you still enjoy about it?
-----or for postpartum-----
How many weeks old is baby?
Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week?
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain?
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom?
GTYK: What's something you enjoy about no longer being pregnant?
Re: Thursday Ticker Change 5/18
How big is baby? Pumpkin
Any appointments this week? Had an NST Monday. Today I have an OB appt with cervical check, and an NST.
Symptoms? Overall discomfort and tiredness. I might be reaching my "I'm Done" threshold. I also can't decide what I think of these BH. They are coming with some crankiness very low down (not full uterus) but I've been gassy this AM and just pooped, so I'm hoping they'll settle back down.
Cravings? Not really
Rants/Raves/Questions? Too tired.
Team Pink/Blue/Green? Blue
GTKY: (stolen from weekend ticker change) It's hard to be positive this late in pregnancy. What's something you still enjoy about it? Feeling the little guy move. DD kissing and hugging my belly.
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
How far along are you?
39 weeks
How big is baby?
Any appointments this week?
I had one on Monday, nothing eventful happened. My doctor said that he might check me next week to see if I'm dialated at all. He also said we'll talk next week about how far he feels comfortable letting me go past my due date if baby hasn't come by a certain point.
I've had a handful of BH every day since this weekend. I don't feel some of them unless I have my hand on my belly. I've also hit another hunger phase. I could have eaten a whole horse for breakfast! Every time I use the bathroom I hold my breath a little hoping I'll loose my mucus plug.
Any food, especially chocolate. I have chocolate packed in my hospital snack bag in the car and I've already eaten half of the bag haha.
I love my siblings to death, but they've started texting or calling me (or both) every day to see if I'm in labor yet. The longer this baby stays inside me the more impatient my family will get, which will drive me more nuts.
Team Pink/Blue/Green?
Team green, I would really like to know if it's a boy or a girl now though!
GTKY: (stolen from weekend ticker change) It's hard to be positive this late in pregnancy. What's something you still enjoy about it?
I love feeling baby's movements and I know I'll miss that when I'm not pregnant any more.
How big is baby? a gigantic watermelon
Any appointments this week? Had one on Tuesday with an ultrasound. Baby looks perfect and just a little too comfortable in my opinion! My feet are swelling again and blood pressure is going up a bit but no protein in urine so doctor wasn't concerned yet. Still 1 1/2 cm and 60% thinned- she was able to do a membrane sweep but seeing as I'm still pregnant I don't think it worked. sigh
Symptoms? Everything. It hurts to move. Emotional. I've been sleeping ok though
Cravings? My hunger the last 2 weeks has magnified, but weight has stabilized! I get to eat and stay on track- woohoo!
Rants/Raves/Questions? My doctor doesn't really force induction until after 42 weeks, but that would be June! DH said the 28th would be his cut off, I said the 23rd. I have another appt the 22nd and will discuss induction with the doctor then, but I'm in limbo land.
On one hand I want her out of me soon, plus she's already around 8 lbs according to doctor, so I'm nervous about her getting close to the 9lb mark (DH and I were both around that when born-and both late).
On the other hand I know pitocin doesn't always work well and can sometimes stress baby out.
I don't know what to do and just wish she would come on her own already!! I had some contractions Monday but not much since then. DH and I did just about everything in the book to start labor yesterday and got nothing in return. He was happy though haha
Team Pink/Blue/Green? Pink
GTKY: (stolen from weekend ticker change) It's hard to be positive this late in pregnancy. What's something you still enjoy about it?
Definitely feeling her moving around, and especially being able to feel the outline of her feet
How big is baby? Pumpkin...whoops, I thought it was watermelon
Any appointments this week? Just had one and they did a cervical check. Nothing too exciting going on...1 cm dilated, starting to soften but not completely there, etc. Also, she mentioned spotting, but I've already had a decent amount of bright red blood...keeping my eye on that. This doc is one of the ones I like, and she mentioned she's on call this weekend. FX this baby wants to show up soon.
Symptoms? Same things (painful hips/pelvis/back, pinched nerves, etc), but also add on not sleeping as well lately.
Cravings? Nothing really, but I have been eating a lot of sweets to make myself feel better about being so pregnant.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Too tired to think of any.
Team Pink/Blue/Green? Pink
GTKY: (stolen from weekend ticker change) It's hard to be positive this late in pregnancy. What's something you still enjoy about it? I'd say I enjoy the closeness with the baby and the feeling of "I'll get to meet you very soon".
How far along are you? 41w
How big is baby? watermelon again?
Any appointments this week? tomorrow for a fluid check
Symptoms? feeling giant, general soreness, repeated loss of mucus plug
Cravings? just the usual sweets
Rants/Raves/Questions? my questions were things like "is it normal for the baby to be dropped for 4-5 weeks" and "anyone else lost their mucus plug repeatedly?"
Team Pink/Blue/Green? Green
GTKY: (stolen from weekend ticker change) It's hard to be positive this late in pregnancy. What's something you still enjoy about it?
Every day I was overdue I did something to treat myself, get something done, or induce labor. It helped psychologically. Also helped to know baby was growing (I make small babies).
-----or for postpartum-----
How many weeks old is baby? just a few hours! Born today at 1:43pm.
Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? Today is the birthday! Nothing really. DD is being monitored because I'm GBS+ but she descended through the birth canal so fast I doubt there is any need for concern, even though my water was broken for quite some time (that's what started things off at 3:30am).
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? In spite of having come a full week late, DD is only 6lbs 9oz, close to her brother's weight (6lbs 6oz). DS did NOT eat well for about 2 months, whereas DD#1, who was 7lbs 6oz, ate very well. My concern is that DD#2 will be more like her brother and less like her sister. At least we know what to expect if that is the case.
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? Not yet! Though again, in line with what I said above, she has already been a bit too sleepy to feed. It's only been a few hours, though; we'll relax!
GTYK: What's something you enjoy about no longer being pregnant? Since I was a week overdue it's nice to be DONE and have that uncertainty gone. It's nice to have my med-free birth behind me. It felt good to bend over without the belly being in the way. It's great to know I'm DONE, forever (this is the last baby).
@luckywife10 I keep hoping for a mucus plug appearance every time I go to the bathroom!
@pshaortao I feel you on the pubic area being beaten up...sometimes it's so uncomfortable and I make some really weird faces.
How far along are you? 39 weeks
How big is baby? Pumpkin
Any appointments this week? I had a routine appt with my midwife yesterday. She offered to check me for dilation but I said no...I think knowing would make me stressed, especially since it won't tell me how soon she might arrive.
Symptoms? Lots of discomfort in my pubic area, mainly at night. Feeling hungry more often.
Cravings? Sleep
Rants/Raves/Questions? The weather is supposed to heat up starting tomorrow - in the 90s this weekend. Ugh!
Team Pink/Blue/Green? Pink
GTKY: (stolen from weekend ticker change) It's hard to be positive this late in pregnancy. What's something you still enjoy about it? I enjoy feeling her kick and move around (when it's not down low). It made me happy last night when my DH said how much he can't wait to meet her.
How far along are you? 41
How big is baby? A watermelon (pretty sure I've seen smaller watermelons )
Any appointments this week? Induction
Symptoms? Contractions mainly
Cravings? None
Rants/Raves/Questions? None
Team Pink/Blue/Green? Blue
GTKY: (stolen from weekend ticker change) It's hard to be positive this late in pregnancy. What's something you still enjoy about it?
Being able to hand off running after DS1 because I'm huge
-----or for postpartum-----
How many weeks old is baby? 8hrs!
Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? Yep! He was born lol
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? I am not coordinated enough to breastfeed ugh! I forgot how hard positioning is
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? Will update when he has been around for at least one night lol
Rants/raves/questions? I am so happy to not be pregnant! After birth cramping sucks but it's better than pregnancy pains, I still feel a bit ill from the organ rearrangement, but I'm looking forward to feeling like myself again
GTYK: What's something you enjoy about no longer being pregnant?
being able to sit up from laying down.
DS - January 2014
TTCAL | April 2016
CP | June 2016
CP | July 2016
Congrats @kat81 and @PartiallyDomesticated!!
How many weeks old is baby? 2 weeks
Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? Had pediatrician visit today, and got all thumbs up. She's surpassed her birth weight, got her second heel prick and doesn't have to go back until 2 months!!
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? I could tell she had lip tie and suspected tongue tie based on some latch issues. We got it fixed, so tonight is a clusterf*** because she's in pain.
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? Sleep? What's that?
Rants/raves/questions? H is just so great with her. He's completely in love and is completely different than when DS was little. It's adorable to watch.
GTYK: What's something you enjoy about no longer being pregnant? Wine. All the wine. Also the fact that my SPD is basically gone and I can move without wanting to cry
Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
How many weeks old is baby? 1 day now, born last night at 39w
Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? In the hospital until Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully until just Saturday.
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain? I think tonight is going to be the night of cluster feeding. He's also spitting up a lot because he delivered fast and likely swallowed some fluid and didn't have enough squeezed out. So I haven't been able to lay him down on his back in the bassinet all day.
Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom? I'm just tired, I didn't get much sleep last night and we had the primary visitors throughout the day so no rest today either. I haven't seen a nurse in hours and DH/DD are home for the evening so I'm feeling a bit stranded right now. At least I have some water and snacks...
Rants/raves/questions? Nursing cramps are uncomfortable. So is the hot spot developing on my right nipple because this little guy can really suck.
GTYK: What's something you enjoy about no longer being pregnant? My hips didn't hurt last night!
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
I had even told DH when I was waiting for an NST room that it was a good day to not be in labor because they had no more space. HA!! Three hours after leaving the hospital I was admitted. Luckily someone went home and freed up a full size room by then.
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
How many weeks old is baby? 11 weeks
Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week? DD handled her 2 month shots like a champ.
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
I am enjoying being able to see my feet. :-)
DS - January 2014
TTCAL | April 2016
CP | June 2016
CP | July 2016