Hello my name is Morgan and I would first like to say it is so good to find a community of women who support each other so much. I'm to shy to talk about all my issues with family and friends, but it is so great to know that if I need to vent or have questions there is a community waiting to answer. I just need a little encouragement right now. We just had our first IVF consult yesterday and I'm honestly just a little overwhelmed. I'm sure all of you felt this way at one point or another just thought I would reach out and see what you guys did to keep your mind off of things. Good luck to everyone.
Re: Intro/Encouragement
Hi @morgan1143 I remember when I went to my first IVF appointment I was convinced I was going to absolutely mess everything up. It seemed totally overwhelming and I was just thinking what the heck did I get myself into. But don’t worry we all rise to the occasion. I’m most cases the nursing staff at clinics are very supportive and with each ultrasound that tell you what medications you need to add, subtract, increase etc. I always make mine email me so I could look back on it. Also youtube videos are great for the medications. The first couple times that you have to do the injections it may be a little scary but believe me by the end of your first stim cycle you’d be able to do it in your sleep. This board is wonderful, supportive, and great to answer questions. I would suggest following the May IVF board and jumping in with questions or updates when you start your cycle. I hope your IVF is a wonderful success!
TTC History in Spoiler ***Trigger Warning*** Losses/Child Mentioned
* April IUI#1 - BFN
* June IUI#2 - BFN
* July IUI#3 - CP
* Sept IVF#1 - 4 Retrieved & Mature, 4 Blasts. Fresh Transfer 1 - CP
* November FET #1 - Transferred 1 Blast - CP
2017 Switched REs - Recurrent loss testing for me - all normal, remaining 2 frosties sent for PGS - both abnormal
* April/May IVF#2: 9 retrieved, 8 mature, 7 fertilized, 7 blasts! Sent for testing - 2PGS Normals (0 remaining)
* November IVF #3 12R, 8M, 6F, 4 blasts! - All 4 PGS normal!
* November FET# 2 (Transfer a PGS normal from IVF#2) - BFP!!!
2018 DD born 8/20/18
2019 5PGS frosties ( 4 remaining)
* September FET#3 (1PGS normal) - Beta#1: 139.7 Beta#2: 322.6
At my clinic, you're given a nurse/case manager who can answer all of your medical questions. I emailed mine A LOT and that was reassuring. I also felt pretty supported through my cycle by the clinic staff. Like @2MomsHoping said, they will walk you through the steps of your cycle. You're gonna be fine!
I kept a planner to keep track of all my meds, and just checked off every shot to make sure I wouldn't forget anything or do the wrong dose. But like @2momshoping said, you'll feel like a pro at the end. It's really not that scary once you get started.
Since you'll start stims in June you should definitely join the June IVF thread. It's SO nice to get to know a few ladies on your same timeline.
I hope your first IVF cycle goes well and your stay here is short.
I took BCP too before each of my cycles, only I did it for the whole month beforehand.