Hi all,
Some of you know me from the April IVF thread. I went through my first cycle of IVF last month, and had four follicles, but the RE was only able to retrieve one egg because my uterus blocked two on my left side, and one follicle on my right side was empty. The egg fertilized, but never made it to the biopsy stage. So, because I turned 40 in April, the thinking was that I would do the Clomid challenge in May as a formality to prep for another cycle of IVF in June.
Unfortunately in spite of my earlier normal test results, I failed the challenge.

I'm lucky living in Massachusetts, where insurance covers many fertility treatments, but since I failed the challenge, I don't think they will cover IVF any longer (I'm not sure if they will do partial coverage for a donor egg).
We're meeting with our RE next week to talk about next steps, but I was wondering if anyone else has failed a challenge, and what you did from there. And if anyone knows any details on Massachusetts coverage, that would be a bonus.
Part of me is wondering if my OH and I should try again naturally, as we conceived twice last year, but unfortunately *TW* both of those ended in MC. *end TW*
We are open to DE, but are trying to wrap our minds around the cost, especially if insurance will no longer cover part of it (i.e., medical stuff, but not lawyers' fees, etc.).
Re: Advice needed: failed clomid challenge in Massachusetts
Me: 40 DH: 46
Married: Oct 2013
TTC #1 since Oct 2013.
dx: unexplained (age)
Aug 2014 - IUI#1 + injectables - BFP (m/c 11/6/2014 - 14 weeks placental abruption)
Feb 2015 - IUI#2 + injectables - BFP (m/c 3/31/2015 - 9 weeks unknown cause)
Jun 2015 - IUI#3 + injectables - BFP delivered healthy baby girl 03/23/2016
TTC #2 since Sept 2016
Dec 2016 - spontaneous BFP (first ever!) - beta#1-57, beta #2-17 CP
May 2017 - clomid challenge
I go to Boston IVF where we have done 3 egg retrievals none of which resulted in a transferable embryo. We are planning to do at least one more round but I'm starting to research DE IVF as an alternative. Boston IVF offers seminars twice a month (maybe once a month in the summer) to go over all the details of DE IVF so we are planning to attend one of those in the near future. I too am a little confused about what is covered. I get the impression that my plan will cover most of the costs of a fresh donor egg cycle but not a frozen cycle.
GL to you.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
We could pay for another round of IVF with a different protocol, but my RE thinks that my uterus could block my left ovary again, and since my right ovary didn't respond that well, I'd likely have a similar result next time.
So right now my DH and I are leaning toward trying again naturally, especially since my AMH, follicle count, and other tests were normal. My doc did say that it was possible for us to get pregnant again (especially since I got pregnant twice last year), but the question is whether at my age I'll have a successful one.
We know we may have another MC, but want to give natural conception one more shot. We're also going to start meeting with a therapist who specializes in fertility issues so that we can start to figure out how long we'll try before doing a donor egg, etc.
GL to both of you!