Baby Names

2016 Popular Names

The SSA dropped the new list. It's boring. Here's the rank change list which is more interesting.

Stray thoughts:

All 238 people who named their sons Kylo are awful people.

Oh good, look at all the Hawaiian and Polynesian girl names that went up in popularity. Thanks white people.

It's kinda funny that the 5 biggest decreases in girl name usage are all variants of Caitlin.

Anything stick out to you? Any names you're sad to see jump in popularity?

Re: 2016 Popular Names

  • NME44NME44 member
    I'm annoyed to see my daughter's name, my son's name and my possible future son or daughter's names on there, but they're all towards the bottom so they didn't jump a lot. 

    Also, anything like Royalty, Princess, Heaven or variations just have me smh.
  • NME44NME44 member
    I'm a bit surprised at the huge jump in Alistair...and I wouldn't have guessed Bridger was even a name.
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  • @NME44 yeah. I'm disappointed that our top names (Leona and Tobias) jumped up a bunch of spots too.

    There's a lot of names like Bridger that I wouldn't have thought was a name on there. 
  • lm45678lm45678 member
    Remington on a GIRL?? :s
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • I'm also sad that names like Royalty, Princess, Reign, etc are jumping up in popularity. Like what if your daughter actually marries a prince and becomes a princess. She will be Princess Princess. I hate giving kids titles as names in the first place, but these names are too far 
  • Both Dylan and Logan are on the increase for girl names. 

    People are still using Khaleesi.

    The name 'Wynter' advanced more than the actual correct spelling of 'Winter'. Speshul.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • As an Ophelia mom, I'm kinda bummed. But not really surprised. 
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • mb0112mb0112 member
    The Caitlyn drop is totally a result of Jenner.  It was on the decline anyway because it's more popular as a mom's name now but I can see how people are steering clear now with the name in the news so much for Jenner.

    Other than that the list is very similar to last year and I'm interested to see if my state changes much.
  • lol I love that your reasoning for hating the name is the possibility that she may grow up to be a real princess
  • Our front runner girl name is Katelyn :D
    DD1: 2/28/12
    DD2: 9/12/13
    Baby #3: Due January 2018

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