May 2017 Moms

Thursday ticker change 5/11

How far along are you?

How big is baby?

Any appointments this week?



Progress made or plans for baby preparation?

GTKY: What was the funniest thing that happened to you all pregnancy or in these final weeks (or any funny thing -- doesn't need to be funniest)?

-----or for postpartum-----

How many weeks old is baby?

Any medical appointments/updates for baby or mom this week

Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning feeding/weight gain?

Questions, concerns, updates, etc. concerning sleeping or other symptoms for both baby & mom?


GTKY: What was the funniest thing that happened to you all pregnancy or since baby has been born?

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Re: Thursday ticker change 5/11

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  • kat81kat81 member
    n&a0630 said:
    Baby is 1 month old!  She has an appt this afternoon. 

    Baby loves to eat! I really hope she's at least 6lbs when she's weighed today. 

    I am so jealous of my husband's occasional full night's sleep. 

    Question: So if I requested to join the FB group a week ago and still haven't seen an invitation, does that mean I've been denied membership? 

    GTKY: I don't know that anything really funny has happened to me. It really makes me laugh when my daughter is crying and she kind of snorts or hyperventilates.
    My question was worded badly -- you answered the GTKY perfectly as it can be about baby or you or both.

    As for the fb group I would try pm-ing one of the admins to ask if you can friend her on fb and then add you to the group. That's the only way I ever got my invite, which was apparently sent multiple times.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • n&a0630n&a0630 member
    @luckywife10 I had that lightning crotch feeling that turned out to just be the urge to pee all the time in my last two weeks! 

    @kat81 I know that "not picking it up" feeling! 
  • mcvgalmcvgal member
    @luckywife10 congrats on starting maternity leave, a few days of rest  before baby will be great. @kat81 happy due date day! @n&a0630 one month already, hope all goes well with her weigh in today.

    11.2011 - DS1

    02.2013 - loss at 6 wks

    06.2014 - DS2

    10.2015 - loss at 12 wks

    03.2017 - DD

  • How far along are you? 38 weeks

    How big is baby? Winter Melon, whatever that is. 

    Any appointments this week? I had an NST Monday. I have another today and an OB appt today. 

    Symptoms? I can't decide if I'm feeling twinges now and then, or if it's just random whatever's or nerves. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Hips hurt!!!

    Progress made or plans for baby preparation? DD was moved to a toddler bed this week, freeing up the crib for when we're ready to put DS in it. My bag is almost finalized and packed, just a few items in the laundry. Moved the glider out of DD's room to just outside our room so I can use it overnight without waking DD or going downstairs to the other glider. We've pulled out the swing, bassinet, Rock N Play, infant carrier. I have a message in to the CPST for car seat installation. I will be asking for a breast pump Rx from my OB today so I can get any ordered. 

    GTKY: What was the funniest thing that happened to you all pregnancy or in these final weeks (or any funny thing -- doesn't need to be funniest)? I farted and peed myself. 

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
  • How far along are you? 38 weeks

    How big is baby? Winter melon

    Any appointments this week? I had one today. Just a quick routine check-up. Still measuring good, just a tad small (37 instead of 38).

    Symptoms? Same things as the past couple weeks (painful hips, pelvis, back, nerve pinching in my crotch). Still having occasional, sporadic contractions.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm just ready for this baby to show up whenever she is. I know I still have two weeks until my due date, and there's a very good chance I won't have this baby early, but I'm ready. I told my H I'd hold off on actively trying to evict her until tomorrow, as he's busy at work until then. But I have pineapple and raspberry leaf tea ready to go!

    Progress made or plans for baby preparation? We're good to go! Hospital bag is packed, diaper bag is organized, everything is set up in the house, car seat is ready to go, I picked up some snacks for nursing...just a waiting game now. I do have a few things on my to-do list that aren't necessary to get done ahead of time, but I'll have them to keep me busy over the next couple weeks if she doesn't come early.

    GTKY: What was the funniest thing that happened to you all pregnancy or in these final weeks (or any funny thing -- doesn't need to be funniest)? I honestly can't think of anything particularly funny that had to do with pregnancy. Maybe when I realized that my belly button would pop out when I laughed? That set off a chain reaction of laughing and trying to cover my belly button and feeling it poke my hand. It's a full-time outie now.
  • How far along are you? Pumpkin

    How big is baby? 39w

    Any appointments this week? This morning 

    Symptoms? Contractions have been happening occasionally in the last week. I'm most aware of them only when I'm laying down.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Been dealing with some bs regarding our bedroom set which we ordered in March. Half was damaged upon delivery last month and today the 2nd round was supposed tp get delivered but apparently the damage is so bad it cant be.

    Progress made or plans for baby preparation? Got a membrane sweep at my appt this morning. I haf always declined cervix checks in the paat but decided why not this time. She said 3cm, water bag bulging.  I fimalized my hospital bag when I got home so I'm just ready! Sitting on a pee pad just in case!

    GTKY: What was the funniest thing that happened to you all pregnancy or in these final weeks (or any funny thing -- doesn't need to be funniest)? My mind is way too occupied to think of aomething!

  • How far along are you? 39weeks

    How big is baby? a pumpkin

    Any appointments this week? Had one yesterday- since being on maternity leave this week the doctor said my swelling is down, I've lost 3 lbs of water weight, and my blood pressure looks much better. Yay!

    Symptoms? everything. So tired and sore and REALLY hungry this week!

    Rants/Raves/Questions? When is this baby coming?!

    Progress made or plans for baby preparation? Progress looked about the same as last week, although she's lower. Everything is ready for her at the house! Found a pediatrician, pre-registered, just waiting for LO to get here.

    GTKY: What was the funniest thing that happened to you all pregnancy or in these final weeks (or any funny thing -- doesn't need to be funniest)?
    One of my students (5 yrs old- who coincidentally shares the same birthday as LO's due date) told me repeatedly "it's ok, take your time, take your time" when I tried to sit on the floor last week.
    On another note, recently my farts in the morning are so out of control and I can hear DH laughing at me from the bed.

    @mcvgal The chlamydia situation totally takes the cake for this question!
  • @luckywife10 Congrats being on maternity leave, it's a great feeling! Hope you enjoyed the massage!

    How far along are you? 38 weeks

    How big is baby? Winter melon

    Any appointments this week? I was going to have one yesterday, but my midwife got called out to a birth so we have to reschedule. 

    Symptoms? I think the lightning crotch, but it's more along the front of my right thigh, and stops me in my tracks. Yesterday I was walking in the grocery store and I had to stop, it hurt so much. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Just trying to take each day at a time - I can't help by analyze every movement and odd feeling.

    Progress made or plans for baby preparation? I am still doing laundry and putting clothes away, but everything else is done. We had a house cleaning company come and do a "deep clean", which made me feel a lot better. We had so much drywall dust from my husband's DIY projects. 

    GTKY: What was the funniest thing that happened to you all pregnancy or in these final weeks (or any funny thing -- doesn't need to be funniest)? @kat81 Sort of similar to yours, as I work in schools...whenever I would drop something I would ask one of my kids to pick it up for me :smile:
  • completely forgot about this and my phone had a "spaz attack" when I tried to copy the questions yesterday 

    How far along are you
    ? 40+3 now

    How big is baby? Too big

    Any appointments this week? Had a check up on Thursday, nothing fun to report, have another this Thursday where I will book my induction if LO hasn't made his arrival beforehand.

    Symptoms? Just pain, my arms hurt, my shoulders hurt, my chest hurts, my hips, back and legs hurt, I'm just so done, I didn't actually feel too bad until this week, now I really do feel pregnant.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I just want him out! I'm sick of contractions that are getting more painful as days go by but don't turn into anything. TMI I've had a huge increase in discharge which is weird. It's very watery but still white so not fluid. It has me confused. 
    BTDT but flying blind DS was induced and was posterior, this LO is actually the right way and unless I go on for another 4 days, will choose his own arrival date (which I'm thinking may be Monday or Tuesday because H needs to be at work)

    Progress made or plans for baby preparation?
    nothing new, everything has been done and ready for weeks now.

    GTKY: What was the funniest thing that happened to you all pregnancy or in these final weeks (or any funny thing -- doesn't need to be funniest)?
    Not sure, I'm so uncomfortable I have lost my sense of humour.

    Oh, H bought some lights yesterday and turned them on to see how they worked, and said "so bright I can nearly see the error of my ways" 
    i thought that was pretty funny.
    Me - 22  |   DH - 32   |  Married - 24 May 2014
    DS - January 2014 
    TTC#2 - December 2015
    BFP - 6 March 2016  |  MC Confirmed - 21 March 2016
    TTCAL  |  April 2016
    CP  |  June 2016
    CP  |  July 2016
    BFP - 25 August 2016  |  Due Date - 11 May 2017
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