August 2017 Moms

The "crunchy" thread

middy411middy411 member
edited May 2017 in August 2017 Moms
Brought back to life. As reworded by @PinkPrincessPiper
"This is a thread for crunchy granola mom's to discuss natural beauty and household products, cloth diapers, organic food, reducing your carbon footprint, etc. What's your 'crunch'?"
Also, please share your favorite taco preferences.

Re: The "crunchy" thread

  • I like carrots, they're crunchy!  ;)

    ***TW in Siggy***
    Me: 34 / DH: 33
    Married: Nov 2011
    TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014
    TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
    BabyFetus Ticker

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  • middy411 said:
    Deleted due to no interest
    And the dirty delete! 
  • @PinkPrincessPiper what's the dirty delete?
  • middy411 said:
    @PinkPrincessPiper what's the dirty delete?

  • I just thought it was actually a topic people would be interested in and want to share opinions and advice on. Wasn't deleting because nobody agreed with me. There's nothing to agree or disagree with. Figured I'd just get it out of the way if there's no interest instead of watching people tear others down for no reason.
  • middy411 said:
    I just thought it was actually a topic people would be interested in and want to share opinions and advice on. Wasn't deleting because nobody agreed with me. There's nothing to agree or disagree with. Figured I'd just get it out of the way if there's no interest instead of watching people tear others down for no reason.
    There wasn't even a discussion to begin with to agree/disagree with. Not sure why you think people are so eager to tear others down. There are, in fact, many crunchy granola moms in this BMB that would be willing to participate & share, you just have to approach the topic correctly.  "This is a thread for crunchy granola mom's to discuss natural beauty and household products, cloth diapers, organic food, reducing your carbon footprint, etc. What's your "crunch"?" That probably would have gone over a bit better. No one was mean. I thought the crunchy gifs where pretty funny myself. 
  • I'll just let you manage the Aug 17 group since my form of humor doesn't strike your fancy. Of course you thought the gifs were funny. You think it's funny every time you and the same few people attack someone on these boards. And staying that "That probably would have gone over a bit better" does imply your intentions were not harmless.
  • Ok, I'll still play. I fail to find any kind of "attack" here. I guess the Maytag Man hurt your feelings? Giving you a suggestion on how to make your thread more successful does not equate to be "harmful". But if you're GBCB'ing, I can dig it. 
  • middy411 said:
    I'll just let you manage the Aug 17 group since my form of humor doesn't strike your fancy. Of course you thought the gifs were funny. You think it's funny every time you and the same few people attack someone on these boards. And staying that "That probably would have gone over a bit better" does imply your intentions were not harmless.
    Also QFP due to previous DD. 
  • @PinkPrincessPiper thanks for the success advice. Pretending to be innocent all the time while continuing to purposely laugh at others or encouraging them to leave TB must give you some kind of joy that I'll never understand. 
  • NxyNxy member
    Yet again with the super duper meanies on the internet.  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • middy411 said:
    @PinkPrincessPiper thanks for the success advice. Pretending to be innocent all the time while continuing to purposely laugh at others or encouraging them to leave TB must give you some kind of joy that I'll never understand. 

  • Nxy said:
    Yet again with the super duper meanies on the internet.  

    I mean if that's what gets you going, go for it. But why not admit it instead of pretending like you're being kind and helpful when those aren't the intentions

  • ***TW in Siggy***
    Me: 34 / DH: 33
    Married: Nov 2011
    TTC #1: Jan 2013, BFP Sept 2013, DD: June 2014
    TTC #2: Aug 2016, BFP Nov 2016, DS: August 2017
    BabyFetus Ticker

  • NxyNxy member
    I didn't say I was being kind nor did I give the implication that I was being helpful in this thread at all. See, I hadn't commented until you started being sensitive. Which I know happens for you a lot. Because "well I'm sensitive" is almost always your reason for why these things happen. Not a single person was tearing you down. Crunchy can be a life style and a type of taco shell (I prefer soft myself so I make this distinction a lot in life) 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Maybe we need a taco preference poll! I like hard shell!
    DS1: 8/2012 <3 DS2  8/2017 <3 DS3 10/2018 

  • NxyNxy member
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited May 2017

    eta Jinx @Nxy
  • Well in that case, #TeamHardShell. I wasn't being sensitive about this post. Just recognized a pattern where things typically go south and replies were purposely not considering the true topic of the thread. So as I've seen done before, I removed to not clutter the board. If tacos are the preferred topic, I can get on board. 
  • lewlivlewliv member
    Soft and Corn! #noflour
  • LSP87LSP87 member
    #alltacosaredelicious #bancilantro
  • I want all the Mexican food now. Currently asking DH to make a late-night trip to Taco Bell. @LSP87 #cilantro4life 

  • middy411 said:
    Brought back to life. As reworded by @PinkPrincessPiper
    "This is a thread for crunchy granola mom's to discuss natural beauty and household products, cloth diapers, organic food, reducing your carbon footprint, etc. What's your 'crunch'?"
    Also, please share your favorite taco preferences.
    Not the thread for me (besides tacos, tacos rock). :-) 


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @namestolen +1 for "granola light". I'm super careful what makeup and skin care I use (I work for Beautycounter so that helps, even though I don't exclusively use our products), try and use mostly clean household products (Seventh Gen, Honest, Method), will use "cleaner" diapers, and see a chiropractor and acupuncturist and take herbs. I don't really use/believe in essential oils but hey, to each her own. 

    We're homebirthing so I feel like that automatically put me in a "granola medium" category but my lifestyle doesn't fully reflect that level  :p
  • imwithbabyimwithbaby member
    edited May 2017
    I think it might be helpful to have a full list of "crunchy" topics, so add to this list what I'm missing:

    •Cloth diapering
    •Essential Oils
    •Organic foods
    •Waste reduction
    •Clean beauty/skin
    •Green living/cleaning
    •Alternative medicine (though anti-vaxxers need not apply BYE FELICIA)

    what else?

  • Mango517Mango517 member
    edited May 2017
    1) Cilantro is disgusting and ruins everything it touches #facts
    2) I also fall into the granola light category.

    For instance I have both a gas efficient Mini Cooper and a...not efficient... Ford F150 pickup truck :#

    One of the biggest things I try to do is eliminate useless waste like plastic shopping bags, and water bottles. I fucking hate bottled water for everyday life.

    I think essential oils are cool ( I don't use them) but MLM's have built them up to such *life changing magic* heights that a lot of claims are ridiculous.

    Together: January 2002
    Married: May 2008
    Baby: August 2017

    Clearly we like to rush along at lightning speed...

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • +1 on the "granola light" category. DH and I are really conscious about buying organic meats and produce. Once I got my BFP, I switched some of my beauty products (shampoo, facewash, etc..). I hadn't even thought about cleaning products though. I struggle feeling like things are really "clean" if it's not cloroxed to death  :#

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • lynkatlynkat member
    I would say I probably fit in here. Not sure my degree of "crunchiness" but I typically...

    - cloth diaper
    - use essential oils/herbal remedies/supplements
    - birth at home
    - breastfed into toddlerhood 
    - organic foods (as much as we can afford to)
    - green living/cleaning
    - clean beauty (again, as much as I can afford to)
    - practice yoga and meditation 

    That's all I can think of at the moment. Most of these are not 100% of the time.
  • middy411 said:
    Brought back to life. As reworded by @PinkPrincessPiper
    "This is a thread for crunchy granola mom's to discuss natural beauty and household products, cloth diapers, organic food, reducing your carbon footprint, etc. What's your 'crunch'?"
    Also, please share your favorite taco preferences.

    *stuck in box*

    this repost literally made me LOL! Absolutely no hate at all to you! Well played. 

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