My daughter is 14 Months old. She is at an awesome day care. She is really happy there and i get to see her on the web camera they have. Its one of the big chain so its pricey but with quality food, care and camera access i am ignoring the price. Today i was watching her over the camera and i saw that teachers were preparing for lunch. They were picking up each child and putting them in the high chair. My daughter's primary teacher was on her break so one of the substitute teacher was doing this process. My daughter kept running behind that substitute teacher and lifting her hands to pick her up. That teacher kept ignoring her ,putting other kids in the high chair but not my daughter.My daughter was the last one to be picked up and they put her on one of the kiddo table with other kid. i saw this happening and i felt she must have been felt ignored. i felt like she did not get the attention she should have gotten at that time and her feelings must have hurt. I know they are just babies and she wont remember this but if this happens every single time i feel like she will feel neglected. At the same time i am feeling i am overreacting because i would not have known this unless i was watching my kid over camera, not all the patents get to see their kids like that. Having a camera is a blessing and curse. Should i talk to her daycare primary teacher and ask them to be careful about this or should i wait and watch and see if it happens again, then have a talk with her teacher. I feel if i say something over this one time thing they might think i am oversensitive parent and it also could affect how they treat my daughter.
Re: Am i Overreacting?