

Hey darling, are you here? How were the holidays? Happy New Year!!

Re: Sweetie

  • OMG!  Congratulations!  I am so happy for you!

    we had a great time over the holidays.  we went to chicago to visit some of s's family. it was awesome!

    how are you feeling?

  • Thanks, I'm feeling okay. Not so excited yet about this pregnancy though. I'm just sad for J, he's not going to be spoiled anymore, lol! Seriously, I was looking forward to enjoying the summer in our new house (just the 3 of us). But I'm going to be so big that I won't have the energy. Heck, I'm tired all the time already and I'm only a few weeks along.

    What I worry about most is, will I be able to handle 2 kids? It must be so hard. I can't fathom what my mother went through raising 5 kids. I wish I could ask her :(

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