*We had so many fabulous April check-ins! Thought I'd get the ball rolling on May so that you lovely ladies can keep us updated!*
Welcome to the monthly pre-TTC, TTC, and TTC Grad check-in. This board is designed to allow those of us considering our next child to update the other members of June 2016 on that journey. Please feel free to post often in this board, updating as the month goes on if your status or details change, or if you have anything inspiring/sassy/a fun gif/etc to add. We are here to provide each other with support, comfort, non-medical answers, and help with the BSC symptom spotting that we know can happen.
*Status: Pre-TTC, TTC, KU
For Pre-TTC -
*How long until TTC begins?
*How is the wait going?
*General questions, updates, r/r
For TTC -
*What month/cycle?
*(If you're comfortable) What are you doing to get KU?
*Any symptom spotting chart stalking craziness we can help with?
*General questions, updates, r/r
For KU -
*(If this is your first post after your BFP) When did you find out you were pregnant? How did you tell your SO this time around? Feel free to share any other details you're comfortable with (what were you doing to get KU, how long were you trying this time, etc)
*How far along are you/when are you due?
*Future or recent appointment updates?
*Team Pink or Blue?
*How is this pregnancy different from/similar to June '16?
*General questions, updates, r/r
Re: May 2017 Pre/TTC & Grad Check-In
EDD is currently 1/1/2018
We are definitely not team green, but do not have a preference for one over the other.
At this point nothing is too different. Bloating and some cramping seems to be the biggest symptoms. My milk supply has gone down a little, but I only have one month to go...I may be limping across that finish line with frozen milk if/when morning sickness kicks in.
As I mentioned in the other thread my OB is monitoring my hormone levels due to the light spotting I had this week, but so far levels look good. Looking forward to my first ultrasound.
Since I never really did an update beyond "I had drunk bday sex unprotected one time and got KU".... lol.
Im 7+2 I think?? Hah. EDD 12/21
i kind of bombarded DH when he came home, and said "surprise!! Our drunk shenanigans got us pregnant!" Or something to that effect. He was not happy at first but now he is BEYOND excited!
We just want healthy. But we are finding out. No preference, although as convenient as another girl would be, a little boy would carry on the last name. Lol.
My first appointment is 5/15, and I'm very excited as weird as it sounds, my obgyn and his team is amazing and I've definitely missed them. Haha.
So far, this pregnancy has been mildly different. Morning sickness hit me this last week. Same with food aversions. Also I've been unable to stay asleep which didn't hit me until 3rd tri last time.
Status: Pre-TTC
*How long until TTC begins? We've agreed on at least one more and we've agreed they should be fairly close together sooooo soon? Next cycle? I've got a longer cycle, around 35 days average chart last time we were TTC and I'm due to ovulate any day now. So next cycle would give us the start of the time frame we're looking for. But then again, who knows
*How is the wait going? It's going. Personally I'm excited to be pregnant again, but then again, there are lots of complications
*General questions, updates, r/r Ok, here goes, finally got the official green light on the existence of baby 2 for us. When it was all a hypothetical still in discussions last year, we knew that if we decided yes, we wanted to be jumping back on the horse around Miles's 1st birthday. Things have been a little rough for me mentally and emotionally since that time though. I'm still having a hard time being back at work, even though it's been 8 1/2 months. I feel like a completely different person at my job compared to when I'm at home, and I know a lot of people like that feeling, but it hurts me, every day. I've had a couple of complete breaks in front of DH, most recently about 2 weeks ago when I came home from work bawling because I was offered a promotion that would most likely result in more work, stress, and longer hours. It's a great career move and one that I was really expected to take or it would likely result in a lot of commitment questions from my managers. As it is, I'm already usually at my desk until 5:30-45 and clocking a few hours from home most weekends and a couple weeknights. It's exhausting and frankly depressing when I show up at my parents house to pick up Miles for the day to have my father try to give me tips on all of the things that Miles likes to play, watch, and eat. DH understands my emotional struggles and admits that my salary probably isn't necessary, but has stated that my quitting and lifting that hardship off of me would basically put it on him in worry and responsibility and he's not comfortable with that. However he is comfortable being a bit of a sour puss about needing to do chores in the evening and through the entire weekend because I just don't have the arms or hours in the day to keep up with the dishes and laundry all on my own. Adding to that, Miles isn't sleeping well again and still won't settle unless I'm the one comforting him. With his high-needs night schedule and my emotional imbalance, I know my DH must be thinking we would be crazy to try for another right now. Part of me agrees, and another thinks that 9 months is a long time to figure that all out, lots can change in that time. Either way, I wasn't quite ready to deal with the discussion of when last weekend when we finally decided yes to another. That part exhausted me enough
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
While our situations aren't exactly the same I too have been struggling with my inability to keep up around the house and my time away from Savannah. She is also very needy at night and only wants me, not to mention she also won't sleep in her crib right now (she's had 5 teeth break through in about 2.5 weeks) so we are now co-sleeping. A big source of my anxiety is my trip to Paris without her in 2 weeks.
I have decided to see a therapist once a week and it really is helping me, so I would recommend looking into that to help get you to where you want to be emotionally.
DH and I also wanted kids close together but his business really plummeted a year ago and now he's back in school so it's going to have to wait awhile. It took me a long time to get over the grief of not having the family I imagined I would have. I honestly felt sort of heartbroken about the fact that I wouldn't have another baby for a long time. But now I actually am happy with our decision. I love that savannah will be my whole world for longer, that I'll have my body back (no pregnancy or nursing for awhile). And that we get to spend more time as a family of 3. I love how easy to is to bring her places and can't imagine adding a newborn into that mix. And I love not having another 1400$ daycare bill.
Making the right decision for our families is tough- but I think you should take a step back, weigh the pros and cons. And definitely try talking to someone who can help to put things into perspective:)
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
time. I think @ laurenm2123 suggestion has merit. Maybe a therapist can help you sort out your feelings and where you want to go. For the ladies who have decided to wait a bit, waiting isn't such a bad thing, I honestly wish I had a bit more spacing between my daughters and Cameron. 3 under 3 was no joke, but I imagine 2 under 3 is trying as well!
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
I remember there being a handful of crazies early on here too.... luckily we ended up with an awesome no-drama group.
With our first DH was there when I took the test but that was when I was like 3 days late and this time I couldn't wait! But I knew an earlier test was more likely to be negative so I took it on my own.
So this morning I wrote a note to DH from the new baby lol. Asking him to get a minivan bc big sis won't move from her place in his truck. And also to get her off Mommy's boobies so he / she can eat haha! Poor DH thought the note was from LO (big sis now!) and was so confused, then he was in shock that it happened so fast! Then he was shaking his head and hugging me saying God is good : )
*How long until TTC begins? We have been talking about trying in November. That will put 2yrs 2months between Addysyn and baby. Our oldest, Carsyn, and Addysyn are about 2years 2months apart.
*How is the wait going? It's going good. We were thinking about waiting 4 years between Addysyn and another one but with my dad passing away this past December (from a 6 year cancer battle), we decided that life is too short and God has control of our life and if it is meant to be it will be. Plus I am now a stay at home mom, my husband is a farmer. So I think it would be good to add another child to our family! We want 4 total. So, we will see!
*General questions, updates, r/r: we are excited and just in the planning stage but we have a pretty neat thing going with our kid's birthdays 4/2014 & 6/2016. So we will be going for a 8/2018. However, we will see what God has in store for our growing family! Plus we are currently in the beginning stages of building our dream home!! Lots of things going on around here!
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
Fingers crossed that the job goes well and you enjoy your new role!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
So, not really the timing I wanted to tell anyone this news, but I guess it had to be done. And DH is relieved that I'm not leaving him with LO for almost a week haha.
*How long until TTC begins? We want one more and fairly soon we talked about starting to try when DD is 1 1/2 and I'd like to be pregnant by her second birthday
*How is the wait going? Good as my daughters 1st birthday approaches I'm starting to get baby fever badly though I know it's better for us if we wait a few more months
*General questions, updates, r/r since going off birth control my cycle is off and I'm due for my period and haven't gotten it so I took a test today a first response digital and got a false positive I think because I took a clear blue digital and got a negative. Planning on testing again in the morning to make sure but it was strange I've never gotten a false positive or negative before.
a different brand and got a negative but am still unsure because it's late in the day and I have no clue where I am in my cycle because while I was on birth control I would bleed halfway thru my pack and it would last till my sugar pills which is why I went off it.