June 2016 Moms

Sending food to daycare

Levi attends a smaller daycare run by a local church so we have to provide all food/snacks/formula.  For those of you that are in a similar situation, what does your kids menu look like and what sort of containers do you send it in?  Right now I'm stuck in a rut with the same two or three things on rotation.  Mainly for breakfast stuff since he won't eat fruit for the most part (working on that!), And has reacted to eggs every time he has tried them so those are out for now.  I just need a mental reboot and inspiration jump start that isn't from Pinterest! Thanks!

Re: Sending food to daycare

  • lm45678lm45678 member
    Breakfast- yogurt or oatmeal and fruit
    Lunch- chicken nuggets or mac n cheese with a veggie or leftovers 

    If I'm busy I send pouches, if I have time I sendfresh stuff cut up

    Strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, honeydew

    Broccoli, avocado, cauliflower, butternut squash, sweet potato
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • We initially sent food with Damien but they have a kitchen and prepare meals and snacks so we stopped. Someone gave us these awesome little interlocking containers that have ice-packs that attach to them, which are really freakin' handy. I'll check out the name of them when I get home.

    For snacks, we would send yogurt mixed with fruit puree and cut up fruits (sometimes a mix of grapes/blueberries, sometimes apples, plums, etc.).

    For lunch we would send some sort of protein (chopped up chicken, pork, etc.) and a veggie (carrots, sweet, potatoes, green beans, etc.) or pasta with cheese or tomato sauce. 

    Our go-to arsenal for foods are....
    Egg (scrambled or hard-boiled)
    Chicken (usually a chopped up breast)
    Turkey (same as chicken)

    Our grocery store and the butcher sells fondue-size cut beef and pork, which makes cooking and cutting a lot easier since it's already in small pieces. 


    Sweet potato
    Green beans
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  • Once I realized that I didn't have to restrict to traditional "breakfast" foods, breakfast got much easier. We did a lot of cheese, sweet potato, avocado, applesauce, and pita bread. If he doesn't like fruit, I wouldn't hesitate to pack him veggies and protein for breakfast. I bought a pack of those square, semi-disposable storage containers and I would pack both breakfast and lunch in the same container and label it so they knew what was what. 

    Also, if you think about it, adults often eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast everyday, so you shouldn't feel bad about rotating between the same few meals. 
  • Food is provided at the daycare, but since my LO is under 1, he doesn't get meals yet. We provide the purees and stuff.
    Breakfast he gets baby cereal and milk, lunch is usually a meat/veggie puree combination and afternoon is like a veggie/fruit puree combination, whatever is in the pantry.
    My husband and I work and I have two jobs, so we honestly just toss it all in the diaper bag.
  • Thanks.  He's starting to eat more and I sometimes feel I'm not sending enough.  He will eat a good cup-2 cups at a time.  We are down to four 6oz bottles/milk cups a day and then although he's not a huge breakfast eater, lunch and dinner I'm sometime amazed at the food he puts away. I'm going to have to get a divided plate/container instead of the bowls I've been sending.  
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