July 2017 Moms

PGAL Check-In 5/2

Happy Tuesday! and happy 3rd Trimester! (according to an online calculator, all the July babies should be in their last trimester starting today, woohoo!)

This thread is for July moms who have previously suffered a loss (miscarriage, stillbirth, etc).

Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 

How far along are you? 

How are you doing? 

When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to?

Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: 

Any questions you want to ask the group?

What has been your oddest pregnancy craving and/or aversion?


Re: PGAL Check-In 5/2

  • Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    Mmc in July2016.  Baby measured 9w2d, passed naturally on what should have been 12w0d.

    How far along are you? 

    How are you doing? 
    Pretty good.  Feeling 90% better from my cold, sleeping ok, energy is holding in there...

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to?
    I have a biweekly check in this week.  The next big appointment is in two weeks with a follow-up anatomy scan to check on baby's kidneys.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: 
    The furniture was delivered!  And it matches and was the style we wanted, yea!  (If you look back at the drama with the ordering about two months ago, you would understand how exciting this all is).

    Any questions you want to ask the group?

    What has been your oddest pregnancy craving and/or aversion?
    I haven't had any great cravings, I kinda feel like I'm missing out.  Aversions were rampant though (although not as strong as my first pregnancy).  The most specific/odd one was probably the little Cuties fruits - I could handle most other citrus fine, but the smell of Cuties was awful to me during first tri.
  • Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    mc at 6 weeks in September 

    How far along are you? 
    29 weeks

    How are you doing? 
    I'm hot and out of breath and feeling huge

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to?
    Next apt is next Wednesday.   Nothing exciting

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: 
    All the snow is gone, the rain has stopped and I finally got to bust out the flip flops!  Hooray for not having to bed over to put in boots any more!

    Any questions you want to ask the group?
    Are you all feeling hiccups regularly yet?

    What has been your oddest pregnancy craving and/or aversion?
    Craving: eggs, gummy candies and milk, which I never drink
    Aversions: chicken, but it's faded out a lot.  With my first pregnancy it took about 6 months PP to be able to stomach chicken.
    Baby N-Born:10/29/15
    Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
    Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17

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  • @MrsN092714 Hiccups were the first movement I felt at 20wks. They've happened a few times since, but not often. I've been getting them a bit lately though, especially when the baby decides to cram up in my ribs. 
  • Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    Misscarriage at 5 weeks in Jan 2015. Passed naturally. 

    How far along are you? 30 weeks!

    How are you doing? Good :) Nausea is back but it goes away. Fairly standard third tri symptoms. 

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to? Had my appointment today, and everything looked great. Still having white coat syndrome BP related issues, but it came down to 127/76 by the end of my appointment, so that's good. Normally it's in the 110/70 range. The only milestone left is to make it to full term! Which I'm counting as 37 weeks since that's when I can deliver at my birthing center. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Wish it didn't hurt my back so much to drive :( 

    Any questions you want to ask the group? 

    GTKY: What has been your oddest pregnancy craving and/or aversion? Craving is when I crave things I don't eat, like steak or burgers. I'm a vegan, and I hear it's fairly typical to crave meat in pregnancy. I normally get the vegan version and then I'm happy. Aversion: I had wicked aversions in first tri. There were maybe three things a day I could eat, and that often changed daily. So everything? 

    @MrsN092714I'm not convinced I've felt hiccups at all, but I get tons of other movement
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 3 mc in 2016

    How far along are you? 28 + 2

    How are you doing? Pretty good. Can actually go a couple days in a row without worrying that something is wrong with baby.

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to? I just had one yesterday, so next is in another 2 weeks. Excited for an ultrasound at the next visit!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Rave: My husband just called that he's finally on his way home and suggested getting frozen yogurt for dinner. Man I love him. 

    Any questions you want to ask the group? Nope

    What has been your oddest pregnancy craving and/or aversion?
    Cravings: Tacos and milkshakes. I normally like Mexican food, but there has been more than one occasion where I HAD to have a taco. I hadn't had a milkshake for years prior to pregnancy, but I've had probably 5 or so since the start of the second trimester. 
    Aversions: Meat in general during the first trimester. That's gotten a lot better. There are still plenty of days where I don't want it though.

    @optbaby2017 Cuties have actually been one of the things that I've really liked lately. 

    @MrsN092714 I've only felt what I'm confident were hiccups once. Definitely a weird sensation.
  • fioripfiorip member

    Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 
    MC around 6 weeks
    Preterm labor at 22 weeks
    Premature rupture of membranes at 17 weeks 

    How far along are you? 
    30 weeks and 3 days!  :o

    How are you doing? 
    Anxious, it feels I'm at a point where I'm so close, yet far enough that I should worry if something happened. I had another tachycardia/panic attack last Thursday, this time I was able to manage at home, my mom and dad soothed me by rubbing my pack and stroking my hair and I took metoprolol. 

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to?
    May 17th, if all is well it'll be my last appointment with MFM, which is great although I do really like my doctor and will miss him. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: 
    I failed the 3 hour test, as I was expecting, I have a strong family history of diabetes, I was a little overweight when I got pregnant and I've been in bed rest this entire pregnancy so it wasn't a total shock. I have an appointment next week for diabetes management but I'm fairly confident I won't be needing medication, I've been monitoring my blood sugar 4 times a day; fasting glucose and 2 hours after every meal. The highest fasting glucose I got was 103 one day, the rest have been below 100 and the 2 hour levels have been all below 140 and as low as 73. 

    Any questions you want to ask the group?

    What has been your oddest pregnancy craving and/or aversion?
    No cravings, first few months I couldn't stand pork or the smell of it, pork chops, ribs, no matter which cut and how it was cooked, I'm still not that into meat in general. 

    @optbaby2017 Glad you're feeling better! 

    @MrsN092714  I'm not really sure if I've felt hiccups, do they feel like a twitch? 

    @kerils I'm also counting full term at 37 weeks, I've convinced myself this baby won't make it till July. 

    I'm 29, husband is 30
    Together since 2006
    Married 01.17.15  <3

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

  • Let's all do a little intro, as a reminder and for those that weren't around when we did the first time! 

    6 losses total, 5 miscarriages and one baby lost after birth, most recent loss and D&C in 2016. 

    How far along are you? 

    27 weeks

    How are you doing? 

    I spent all of last week in the hospital with pre term labor, at home now on a lot of different drugs and strict bedrest to keep baby girl an inside baby

    When is your next appointment? And/Or What milestone are you next looking forward to?

    Friday, I just want to get to 32 weeks which is when they say the baby will be safer to deliver

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: 

    Hating the drugs I'm on, this strict bedrest thing is sucky and I've done it with 4 pregnancies now, so it's wearing on me, but other than that, I'm good. Just worried for our baby and hoping she stays inside as long as possible

    Any questions you want to ask the group?

    What has been your oddest pregnancy craving and/or aversion?

    It's all about the sweets for me :) 
    Mommy of 3 little ones, 6 losses Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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