Trouble TTC

I feel like a fool...

My GYN is pretty great. She has it set up so you don't have to make an appointment every time you have a question. I messaged her because I am approaching the 2 month mark for being on Metformin at 1500 mg. I told her still no sign of a period. I explained that I start a new job and I don't know when I would be able to see her next, so did she want to see me before taking the next steps?

Now I know we have been TTC as long as some of you and the new dose of Metformin *might* work, but she told me we will have to wait 6-8 months to see if the new dose works because it could take that long to have a period.

Me: 34 - SO: 40
TTC #1 since 8/2016
FINALLY diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS 11/2016 (Insulin resistance and multiple cysts on both ovaries)
Miscarriage on 7/19/17 at 7 weeks 
Miscarriage on 10/16/17 at 5 weeks

Re: I feel like a fool...

  • tops-2tops-2 member
    Argh how frustrating! Thats a long time to wait
    My doctor wouldn't increase my dose so I went and saw a new doctor who did haha. So that would be my advice - get a second opinion, and ask for a referral to an RE/fertility specialist (if you aren't already seeing one) :)
    Me: 26, DH: 26
    TTC #1 since July 2016
    Dx: PCOS, on Metformin since Feb 2017
    • June 17 - Letrozole - BFN
    • July 17 - Letrozole - BFP - MMC confirmed 30/08
    • November 17 - Letrozole - BFN
    • December 17 - Letrozole - BFP!

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Thanks! I talked to my cousin and she said the same thing. She said there are a lot of doctors and gyns who take that approach to PCOS still. I'm still new to all of this too so I feel like almost 10 months and having PCOS makes me a noob and I have no clue how long is a decent amount of time before stepping it up a notch. 

    Me: 34 - SO: 40
    TTC #1 since 8/2016
    FINALLY diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS 11/2016 (Insulin resistance and multiple cysts on both ovaries)
    Miscarriage on 7/19/17 at 7 weeks 
    Miscarriage on 10/16/17 at 5 weeks

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  • Ugg, that's frustrating.  I would agree with the others.  I second opinion never hurts.
    Me:33, DH:38 Married: 8/2/2014
    TTC #1 Since: April 2015
    Unexplained Infertility

    Cycle 1&2 : Clomid 50mg- BFN
    Cycle 3: Letrozole 2.5mg- BFN
    Cycle 4: Letrozole 5mg- BFN
    Cycle 5: HSG-normal
                  Clomid 100mg+ Estrace- BFN
    Cycle 6: Letrozole 5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progestrone- BFN
    Cycle 7: Letrozole 5mg, Cyst found during follicle check
    Cycle 8: Birth control to treat left ovary cyst
    Cycle 9: Letrozole 7.5mg+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
    Cycle 10: Letrozole 7.5mg, 2 Cysts found during follicle check
    Cycle 11: Clomid 100mg+Estradiol+Trigger shot+IUI+Progesterone- BFN
    Cycle 12: Clomid 100mg- BFN
    Cycle 13-16: Natural attempts while awaiting IVF 
    Cycle 14: IVF-BFN

  • I am so sorry that happened! I am on 1500mg too and I had to request progesterone tablets because I was on day 69 of no period. I asked to increase, but my doctor said no the next step is to wait a month, if nothing they have to refer me to the infertility clinic to get on Clomid. I hope that it works out for you! If anything, see another doctor and see what they say! It can be so tough dealing with all this for extended amounts of time. It almost feels like they just don't want to help you. Stay stong! Hugs!  
    Me: 27, DH: 28
    Married June 2014
    TTC #1 since March 2016
    Dx: PCOS
    On Meftormin since Feb 2017
  • I'm on CD 258. Once I start my new job and know what my new insurance will be I plan on making an appointment with an RE/ fertility clinic here. Thank you for all of the support! It is greatly appreciated! 

    Me: 34 - SO: 40
    TTC #1 since 8/2016
    FINALLY diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS 11/2016 (Insulin resistance and multiple cysts on both ovaries)
    Miscarriage on 7/19/17 at 7 weeks 
    Miscarriage on 10/16/17 at 5 weeks

  • tops-2tops-2 member
    Omg @eranvo27 258! My longest was 91 and I though that was bad!
    Get a referral to an RE asap!
    Me: 26, DH: 26
    TTC #1 since July 2016
    Dx: PCOS, on Metformin since Feb 2017
    • June 17 - Letrozole - BFN
    • July 17 - Letrozole - BFP - MMC confirmed 30/08
    • November 17 - Letrozole - BFN
    • December 17 - Letrozole - BFP!

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I'm so sorry, that sounds incredibly frustrating! I would consider seeing someone else and see their opinion, another opinion never hurts.
    Me: 28 // DH: 28
    Married: 2014
    TTC #1: Since 2/2016
  • I keep trying to tell them I'm not ovulating. I haven't had a positive OPK yet! I just feel like at this point we need to do more because increasing metformin hasnt worked so far. When I say I haven't had a period since August I'm like "huh, its been a while." When I checked my app though and saw 258 days I about fell out of my chair! 

    Me: 34 - SO: 40
    TTC #1 since 8/2016
    FINALLY diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS 11/2016 (Insulin resistance and multiple cysts on both ovaries)
    Miscarriage on 7/19/17 at 7 weeks 
    Miscarriage on 10/16/17 at 5 weeks

  • @eranvo27 That's so frustrating I'm sorry. :/ But glad you will be going to a new job with better benefits to get in with an RE. I couldn't imagine going that long without a period wow. 
  • kjeannkjeann member
    That seems like a super long time to wait. If you can't see an RE yet because of insurance and job stuff, it could be helpful to get a second opinion from another OB/GYN. I ended up at an RE, but did several rounds of clomid with timed intercourse (after progesterone to get a period) through my regular OB/GYN's office. Every office can be so different. 
  • Thank you for the suggestion, but I have one week left at my current job which means I won't be able to see one until after I get new insurance anyway. Fortunately my job starts 5/22 and my new coverage will be effective 6/1 so it's not too long of a wait!

    Me: 34 - SO: 40
    TTC #1 since 8/2016
    FINALLY diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS 11/2016 (Insulin resistance and multiple cysts on both ovaries)
    Miscarriage on 7/19/17 at 7 weeks 
    Miscarriage on 10/16/17 at 5 weeks

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