So the university stabbing yesterday was at my alma mater. The student who died apparently went to high school with my cousin. It's a really sad day. Most of the comments I see on articles about the incident talk about how this could have been prevented if concealed carry was legal. I find this annoying for a few reasons, but the main one is that campus carry is legal in Texas. In fact, I remember seeing the school's policy on it over the summer. So, all of those people turning the death of a young person into a political issue are my TW today. Especially since they can't be bothered to look up the law and realize that the thing they are pushing for already exists on that campus.
@bridge-and-wall I hate when people use tragedy and death as a political platform to push their agenda. That is so disheartening and disrespectful to the family of the deceased.
@bridge-and-wall oh my goodness! i am so sorry. I get where you are coming from. I lost friends at the VaTech massacre, and one of my friends in college was murdered right off campus. It's sad when someone so young loses their life especially so violently. From my experience whenever a campus tragedy happens like this the conceal carry on campus discussion always comes up, whether it is legal or not in the state. On the topic of shootings, there was a shooting in my hometown in Virginia Beach that did not make any headlines nationally this past weekend because it happened at the Ocean Front and probably the department of tourism is trying to keep it hush hush. And now a bunch of my friends are making memes about it. *eyeroll* I don't believe anyone died tho, so that's good.
Anywho, as soon as I get to work the same admin lady who always chats me up about pregnancy to tell me about her's and not really ask about me, cornered me for like 10 minutes while I was trying to get my day started...GO AWAY! is what I wanted to say, but instead I just passively started to not pay any attention anymore.
I am watching all the General education teachers get showered with gifts and presents for being amazing teachers... I'm over here in a special education classroom with a child who decided to intentionally poop pants twice....and parents who tell me I'm not doing enough daily...seriously love being appreciated... (disclaimer: this is not the amazing general education teachers fault as they should be showered with love and thanks!)
@wyomama0427 it just kinda stinks somedays...especially today... literally. I've got ten bucks on my daughter pooping her diaper when we get home... I feel it haha
@klcarr19 I wish I could send you a gift and present for everything you do!! I grew up in a family of teachers (I didn't go that route) and I've heard some sad stories about parents,etc. Sooooooo thank you for all that YOU do everyday!
@klcarr19 I think people forget about everyone else except the general educators. My mom was a para who jumped between a ton of classrooms and she was constantly doing all kinds of things for all of them, and she was very very under appreciated. She was always told she wasn't doing enough even when she had five projects going per classroom. The teachers used her. It sucked. Now she's in her computer lab and happy!
@iheartichi thanks I feel as if it's not about the gift aspect it's like "do you realize how much we do here???" My daughter's day care teachers are treated like royalty from or family. In fact tonight she's is coloring a picture of a poem to give them. Because respect that's why.
@wyomama0427 Paras should get a darn month... and they should get all the damn things... mine are freaking amazing and I don't know what I would do without them!
@klcarr19 You are an awesome teacher. I can tell from the way you talk about your class. It's not a big gift, but Chipotle has buy one get one burritos for teachers today.
@klcarr19 we do the same with our daycare teachers! I see a lot of parents just drop their kids off without saying a word and it bothers me. You're right, it's all about respect. I say thank you to them each and every morning, and we bring them little gifts, too. DS actually stops by each of his old classes each morning to get hugs and say hi.
DH is being a major TW. We are way off track of how much savings we need before the baby comes, and for months now I've been basically begging him to be more careful with his spending habits. He eats out, gets fast food, buys beer and other miscellaneous crap constantly. I don't know if he just can't wrap his mind around the concept that it all adds up or what, but I flat out showed him that last month he wasted like $600 on crap like that. I look at online banking today, and yesterday he spent like $40 on coffee and food and random crap. I am going to lose my mind. It probably doesn't seem like the end of the world, but the fact that I've basically begged him multiple times to knock it tf off and shown him how much he's draining our money, and he is continuing to do it is driving me insane. I basically told him today that every day he pulls this crap is a day sooner I'm going to have to go back to work. At this point taking 6 weeks is even a stretch. I am so pissed. I feel like he 100% doesn't care.
Oh, and on top of that I've been super super (like on my deathbed feeling) sick the last 5 days and I've begged him to do the dishes and clean up the house and he hasn't done it. So now I'm hobbling around the house feeling like I might pass out to do the bare minimum because we have 0 clean dishes and the living room is disgusting.
@klcarr19 That is so sad!! You would think that the parents would know and understand how much hard work goes into caring for and educating people with developmental disabilities. It really takes a special person to do that.
@basherbaby Yes!!! Sometimes I just have to leave the forum because those video ads drive me so insane. And it feel like they slow down my computer.
@angeladowns1 One day, you should transfer all of your money to your savings account and let his checkcard get declined at one of these places! Bwahahaha! Seriously though, it sounds like the fact that you're about to lose some income for a bit hasn't hit him yet. Maybe feed him Ramen for dinner a few times or something?? He needs to wake up! I also hope you get well soon. I don't know if anything worse than being sick and pregnant at the same time.
@angeladowns1 I completely understand where you are coming from. I would try to continue to talk to him about he situation but if he is unwilling to control his spending and you do decide to go back to work, I'd consider opening a second checking account without his name on it so that you can at least monitor your own spending and savings without worrying about him eating up the money he is getting and the money you are earning as well.
@angeladowns1 I'm sorry you feel so poorly, and your DH isn't helping. I hope you feel better soon, and that your DH gets his act together!
My TW is my OB's nurse practitioner. She's very competent, and I actually know someone who had her deliver her baby in an emergency situation, so I'm comfortable with her skills, but I've always felt like she's rushed through my appointments. Until now that I'm high risk. Now she's super nice, and has all the time for me. I want to believe it's just because she wants me to be reassured, but my sinking feeling is that it's because now I have something going on that interests her.
@mrs_tacos I would be a little taken aback by that as well. I truly hope that it's only because she wants to be reassuring to you. I feel like with my appointments the OB's are always just in and out and onto the next patient and I understand but sometimes I'd like to be paid a bit more attention to.
@klcarr19 I'm a general Ed teacher, and I love my SPED teachers! I would often be at a loss of how to best accommodate a student without their expert advice. So thank you for all that you do. Happy teacher appreciation week! FYI, Chipotle is offering free food to teachers today after 3 PM.
@bridge-and-wall and @CoastalMomma thanks! I've been meal planning around chipotle today! Haha. MOMMA WANTS SOME GUAC!! And being a self contained teacher, I sadly don't get to spend much time with general education teachers which is really sad. My students require high levels of care and supervision. I am dual certified so I've been both General and special ed at some point in my career. We are going to Target tonight and DH if I promise to be frugal with money I can look at clothes for the baby... haha. Man this guy appreciates me since we already have like ten totes of baby Girl clothing from DD!
I've been pretty happy with life so I'm posting a pregnancy-related TW on behalf of my fellow FTM who is due in July and having her shower this weekend! The TW is my friend's SIL.
The shower is being planned by my friend's sister. I'll call my friend Lily, and her sister Celeste. Celeste sent out paper invitations with a URL where people could go to RSVP. Lily's SIL never responded. So, Celeste followed up and this was the gist of SIL's reply, with the bold being her actual words: I'm responding for me, my husband, and our two kids that we are all coming. This other person who didn't RSVP is coming to. We aren't used to paper invitations anymore...all the kid bday parties are on paperless post so we're challenged when it comes to replying by snail mail! Sorry!!
The invitation was to SIL only, not the whole family. Lily doesn't want the kids to come because they would be left unsupervised and would make a huge mess in the house. The other person was also planning to bring HER kid and husband. So where 2 people had been invited, there were suddenly 7 attending...
Rather than let Celeste be the bad guy, Lily told her SIL it's ladies only and no kids. The other person won't come at all. And SIL sent ANOTHER message to Celeste complaining that she didn't understand how to RSVP.
i told Lily she's totally in the right and I can't believe her SIL a) couldn't figure out the rsvp situation and b) either didn't realize the invitation was for her only or didn't think to ask...
@bridge-and-wall and @CoastalMomma thanks! I've been meal planning around chipotle today! Haha. MOMMA WANTS SOME GUAC!! And being a self contained teacher, I sadly don't get to spend much time with general education teachers which is really sad. My students require high levels of care and supervision. I am dual certified so I've been both General and special ed at some point in my career. We are going to Target tonight and DH if I promise to be frugal with money I can look at clothes for the baby... haha. Man this guy appreciates me since we already have like ten totes of baby Girl clothing from DD!
We got two adult bowls and a kids meal AND GUAC for $12.00... feeling more appreciated now. Thanks all... and thank you chipotle for making this momma and baby HAPPY! But DD has already nailed half the guacamole
@klcarr19 my oldest is in special ed part of the time and I think they are all amazing with him. I think they are understaffed though that would be my main complaint. You have a job that should be appreciated for sure!
My TW would be the dead mouse I found under my kitchen sink. We get mice from time to time, but haven't gotten any for quite awhile so my traps have just been under the sink not being checked. Well my house started smelling really bad. I was wondering if it was me, was it my kids... was there poop somewhere? Lol then I remembered the mouse traps.
My TW would be the dead mouse I found under my kitchen sink. We get mice from time to time, but haven't gotten any for quite awhile so my traps have just been under the sink not being checked. Well my house started smelling really bad. I was wondering if it was me, was it my kids... was there poop somewhere? Lol then I remembered the mouse traps.
My TW would be the dead mouse I found under my kitchen sink. We get mice from time to time, but haven't gotten any for quite awhile so my traps have just been under the sink not being checked. Well my house started smelling really bad. I was wondering if it was me, was it my kids... was there poop somewhere? Lol then I remembered the mouse traps.
There is simply no worse smell...
Oh man, I may have to argue with you Holly. I once "lost" a head of broccoli in my car. In July. For weeks. I couldn't figure out what the wretched smell was so I finally tore the car apart. It had rolled under the back seat.
@divinemsm620 Whaaaaat??? How does an adult not understand how invitations and RSVP-ing work? This blew my mind, lol! And her saying that she doesn't know how to RSVP through snail mail blows my mind too. Maybe she didn't read the invitation?? Did your friend say, "there was a link on the invite! You don't have to mail anything!" I wonder if she's shown up unexpectedly to wedding she before? Lol!
@hmclaren woooooow what a douche. Has he ever been in a relationship with a woman ever?Who says that?! And also it's how we are carrying it too. It doesn't take a lot of pounds centered in the tummy to make one look round.
@divinemsm620 Whaaaaat??? How does an adult not understand how invitations and RSVP-ing work? This blew my mind, lol! And her saying that she doesn't know how to RSVP through snail mail blows my mind too. Maybe she didn't read the invitation?? Did your friend say, "there was a link on the invite! You don't have to mail anything!" I wonder if she's shown up unexpectedly to wedding she before? Lol!
I am baffled as well. As I said to my friend, I was confused for about a minute and then I was the third person to RSVP. The odd thing is that the SIL is in her 40s so this will not exactly be her first shower...
So I'm a day late but TW goes to MIL. DH sent her a message last night letting her know that the AS went well. And she got really upset and made some nasty comments about us not talking to them or telling them what's going on. Mind you they have initiated no contact with us in probably 2 months. So apparently we are the bad people for not calling them every week with an update. I told my husband if she wants to know that bad she can call us, the phone works both directions!!!!!
Re: TW Tuesday 5/2
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
On the topic of shootings, there was a shooting in my hometown in Virginia Beach that did not make any headlines nationally this past weekend because it happened at the Ocean Front and probably the department of tourism is trying to keep it hush hush. And now a bunch of my friends are making memes about it. *eyeroll* I don't believe anyone died tho, so that's good.
Anywho, as soon as I get to work the same admin lady who always chats me up about pregnancy to tell me about her's and not really ask about me, cornered me for like 10 minutes while I was trying to get my day started...GO AWAY! is what I wanted to say, but instead I just passively started to not pay any attention anymore.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
I look at online banking today, and yesterday he spent like $40 on coffee and food and random crap. I am going to lose my mind. It probably doesn't seem like the end of the world, but the fact that I've basically begged him multiple times to knock it tf off and shown him how much he's draining our money, and he is continuing to do it is driving me insane. I basically told him today that every day he pulls this crap is a day sooner I'm going to have to go back to work. At this point taking 6 weeks is even a stretch. I am so pissed. I feel like he 100% doesn't care.
Oh, and on top of that I've been super super (like on my deathbed feeling) sick the last 5 days and I've begged him to do the dishes and clean up the house and he hasn't done it. So now I'm hobbling around the house feeling like I might pass out to do the bare minimum because we have 0 clean dishes and the living room is disgusting.
thanks a lot, DH.
@angeladowns1 One day, you should transfer all of your money to your savings account and let his checkcard get declined at one of these places! Bwahahaha! Seriously though, it sounds like the fact that you're about to lose some income for a bit hasn't hit him yet. Maybe feed him Ramen for dinner a few times or something?? He needs to wake up! I also hope you get well soon. I don't know if anything worse than being sick and pregnant at the same time.
Me: 34 | DH: 31
Married: Nov. 7, 2015
TTC Since: February, 2016
BFP: December 20, 2016
My TW is my OB's nurse practitioner. She's very competent, and I actually know someone who had her deliver her baby in an emergency situation, so I'm comfortable with her skills, but I've always felt like she's rushed through my appointments. Until now that I'm high risk. Now she's super nice, and has all the time for me. I want to believe it's just because she wants me to be reassured, but my sinking feeling is that it's because now I have something going on that interests her.
I appreciate a good deal but come're clogging up my feed with people recommending Dennys all day. Use Google, or search for last week's post!
The shower is being planned by my friend's sister. I'll call my friend Lily, and her sister Celeste. Celeste sent out paper invitations with a URL where people could go to RSVP. Lily's SIL never responded. So, Celeste followed up and this was the gist of SIL's reply, with the bold being her actual words: I'm responding for me, my husband, and our two kids that we are all coming. This other person who didn't RSVP is coming to. We aren't used to paper invitations anymore...all the kid bday parties are on paperless post so we're challenged when it comes to replying by snail mail! Sorry!!
Rather than let Celeste be the bad guy, Lily told her SIL it's ladies only and no kids. The other person won't come at all. And SIL sent ANOTHER message to Celeste complaining that she didn't understand how to RSVP.
i told Lily she's totally in the right and I can't believe her SIL a) couldn't figure out the rsvp situation and b) either didn't realize the invitation was for her only or didn't think to ask...
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
And yes, thank goodness for special ed teachers!
Me: 34 | DH: 31
Married: Nov. 7, 2015
TTC Since: February, 2016
BFP: December 20, 2016