Had to steal ^ from the TTCAL board because I love it!
Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment):
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable):
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):
Questions for the group:
GTKY: What's your favorite band/music?
BFP#1 10/21/11 EDD 06/22/12 natural m/c 11/03/11 6w6d
BFP#2 03/08/12 EDD 11/19/12 met our sweet boy @ 36w5d! 10/25/12!
Re: TTC over 35::Weekly Check in 5/1
Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): TWW
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD 27
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?):
Clomid, Trigger, TI, Vit D, Prenatal
Questions for the group:Rants/Raves: TWW is the worst. If no AF Wednesday, I go for blood test. BFN on HPT yesterday morning
For Clomid users. If you didn't get BFP on first round (which I hear is common) did they increase your dosage for the next cycle?
GTKY: What's your favorite band/music? Dave Matthews Band is my absolute favorite!
BFP#1 10/21/11 EDD 06/22/12 natural m/c 11/03/11 6w6d
BFP#2 03/08/12 EDD 11/19/12 met our sweet boy @ 36w5d! 10/25/12!
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD10
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Just finished 5 days of Femera go in Wed for bw and ultrasound hopefully I'll be able to start trigger and IUI the end of the week!!! Prenatal, vit D, CoQ10
Questions for the group: I'm nervous about the trigger shot and IUI any tips?
GTKY: What's your favorite band/music?Bon Jovi hands down.
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): No clue at this point!
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): I plan to start a BCP cycle as soon as AF starts as prep for IVF #2. Also, prenatal, vitamin D. DH is taking fish oil and CoQ10 as well as multivitamin and vitamin D.
Rants/Raves: I'm in the Midwest and this rain needs to stop already!
Questions for the group: For anyone who's done IVF, how long did it take AF to come after ER? My RE said 7-10 days but I'm on day 12 and not a spot! I hope to God all those injections didn't screw up my normal cycle.
GTKY: What's your favorite band/music? U2 and alternative music in general makes my spirit smile.
Still benched...hopefully only for a couple more days tho... I also have an appointment with my RE on Wednesday so we can start planning for my first IUI with injectables round
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): no treatment yet- still just waiting for the bleeding to stop ... i'm going to talk to my RE on Wed and see if she wants to wait a couple of cycles to start the IUI or if she is ok with starting whenever AF shows back up...i'm also going to push for a second HSG since I had an infection but I don't know if she is going to want to because my first was less than a year ago... i'm just concerned the infection could have created scar tissue in my tubes ... I am currently taking Vit D, Prenatals, Ubiquinol, Vit C and Metformin
HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF
spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio
September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL!
Cerclage placed on 03/02
@Momifbysea I got my period 11 and 10 days respectively after each of my last egg retrievals. My RE told me to expect it between 10-14 days after, so you're still in that range. My first period after ER (this year - not for egg freezing) felt like the worst one EVER (like I thought it was worse than the ER), *but my second one was more normal for whatever reason.
Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): WTO...but again to start lupron for IVF#3 and not to BD... Where is my LH surge already?!
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD14
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): OPKs, lupron for suppression for IVF, all the supplements.
Rants/Raves: I can't believe it's already May. To where is this year going? Otherwise, looking at puppies is the best! So much cuteness. We're starting to look for a dog to adopt now that we have a yard, and I've appreciated the distraction of looking at cute puppies. Unfortunately with both DH and me at work during the day we wouldn't actually be able to swing a puppy, but we're looking for a young adult.
Questions for the group: None that I can think of. Well, just one - why is it not socially acceptable to take time off from work to raise a puppy?
GTKY: What's your favorite band/music? True to my AMA-ness (IMO), I'm going to go with R.E.M. (but more their older stuff). @katekate628 I didn't really get into DMB until I spent time in Charlottesville for grad school and of course it was everywhere. Also, I think it's impossible to go to a DMB concert without running into someone you know
Married 6/18/16 (Me 42, DH 44), TTC #2
As of 12/2016: AMH 1.42, FSH 6.1, AFC ~10
Self-benched Nov-Dec 2016 for
IVF #1 Jan-Feb 2017 (OCP, testosterone primed antagonist w/HGH - ER 2/2/17 - 12R, 7M ICSI'd, 3F, 0B)
IVF #2 Mar-Apr 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 4/8/17 - 10R, 8M, 8F, 5B, 1 PGS normal)
IVF #3 May-Jun 2017 (testosterone primed agonist/luteal lupron w/HGH - ER 6/4/17 - 14R, 5F, 3B, 0 normal)
**New RE**
IVF #4 Sept 2017 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 9/28/17 - 33R, 18F, 10B, 4 PGS normals!)
FET #1 (medicated) of one PGS normal 4AA XX 11/2/17 - Beta #1 11/11/17 (153), Beta #2 11/13/17 (324), mc at 5w1d on 11/19/17
IVF #5 Dec 2017 - Insemination of 9 frozen eggs from 2012 (8F, 1B, 0 normal)
Jan 2018 - Natural cycle ERA (normal/receptive) & stimming for
IVF #6 Jan-Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/3/18 - 17R, 6M, 4F, 0 blasts)
IVF #7 Feb 2018 (natural start microdose lupron flare w/HGH - ER 2/26/18 - 19R, 9M, 9F, 4B, 2 PGS normals)
FET #2 Apr 2018 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 4AA- XX 4/5/18 - Beta #1 4/14/18 (67), Beta #2 4/16/18 (231)
Rainbow baby girl born 12/16/2018 (via c-section, induced at 39 weeks)
FET #3 Dec 2019 (natural cycle w/o trigger, w/P4 support) of one PGS normal 3BB XY 12/16/19 - Beta #1 12/24/19 (139), Beta #2 12/27/19 (482)
BFP#1 10/21/11 EDD 06/22/12 natural m/c 11/03/11 6w6d
BFP#2 03/08/12 EDD 11/19/12 met our sweet boy @ 36w5d! 10/25/12!
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): 8DPO
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Prenatals, Vitamin D. OPK, BBT. Started Estrogen for IVF
Rants/Raves: Saw a new primary care doctor who had a dumb remark.
Excited and scared for possibly doing IVF this cycle. Insurance may approve it in the nick of time. Still hoping that I'm a ss that gets KU right before IVF.
Questions for the group: Any words of wisdom to ease my mind about IVF?
GTKY: What's your favorite band/music? Love me some country!
Me: 36 DH:35
Married: 7/10/2016
TTC#1 - May 2016
BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016
BFP 5/5/2017 - CP
IVF #1 - June 2017 - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo. 7/9 Beta #1 - 161
@artemis618 there should totally be a caviat for time off when you get a puppy.
Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): WTO
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD4
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): PNV, OPK, usual stuff. DH and I have actually never really discussed IUI/IVF, but I'm not at a point where I want to do that (yet).
Rants/Raves: (longer in TTCAL), I am changing jobs and have to meet with some bigwigs, so I'm nervous!
Questions for the group: Nah
GTKY: What's your favorite band/music? I think my all-time fave is Tears for Fears. Close 2nd is Depeche Mode. We're going to see them in Seattle in October (Portland would be closer but it's on a weeknight, f--k that! ha!). Best. Live. Show. Ever. Seen. (twice already!)
CP 1/25/16 4.5 weeks, developed Graves' disease
@amberruka You are going to know them dead! I just know it. Your job sounds so interesting to me.
Me: 36 DH:35
Married: 7/10/2016
TTC#1 - May 2016
BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016
BFP 5/5/2017 - CP
IVF #1 - June 2017 - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo. 7/9 Beta #1 - 161
I never got a fever, chills, overall rash, so I never saw a Dr about it.
TTC#1 since November 2015
9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017
TTC #2 since July 2018
May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF
spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio
September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL!
Cerclage placed on 03/02
TTC#1 since November 2015
9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017
TTC #2 since July 2018
May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
@katekate628 I did clomid for 3 cycles and my dosage never changed.
@Labluver2 I was so nervous for my first trigger and it was easier than I anticipated. Same goes for my IUI.
@Momifbysea For both my ER's I got my period 12 days later. I would suggest you call your doctor if it goes past 14 or 15 days.
@SP128 I don't really have a lot of words to ease your mind but just buckle up. It's a lot of waiting and it can be tough on the heart. GL to you! Also, I'm sorry about your new doctor's dumb remark. Isn't it so frustrating when someone who is supposed to be a medical professional says something out of line.
Status (WTO/TWW/Benched/in process of testing or treatment): TWW
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD 28/ 11 DPO
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Natural cycle as we prepare for another round at giving IVF a try. I had cautiously hoped that I'd magically get KU on our own (our timing was awesome) but I got a BFN this morning. womp womp
Rants/Raves: We're moving this weekend. Ugh. Thankfully we are staying in the same apartment building but going up two floors but its still a lot of work and my poor dog is freaking out.
Questions for the group:
GTKY: What's your favorite band/music? Impossible question for me. I love so many bands and its funny to see some old school answers here (ama alert!). If I had to pick one band to be my favorite it would be The Beatles but right now I'm super into the Shins new album.
2017 - egg retrieval #1 - 3 eggs, 0 embryos appropriate for transfer; ER #2 2 eggs, 0 embryos on day 3; ER #3 1 egg 0 embryos
moved to donor egg in summer 2017; 35 eggs retrieved; 19 fertilized; 9 total embryos
Fresh transfer Dec 2017= BFP! baby boy born 8/22/18
May 2019 - surprise natural pregnancy ended in MC
Nov 2019 FET; MC at 9 weeks
May 2020 FET; BFN
July 2020 FET; CP treated with methotrexate
Oct 2020 BFP!
Take a look at my blog
CD: 2
What are you doing: sporadically temping (really erratic sleep schedule for work/kids, means this isn't super useful for me), CM, OPKs
Rants/raves: since we're just back to TTC I'm at the excited stage so that my reaction to "are you guys done/are you having more kids" has changed from annoyance to finding it hard to contain my excitement. Thankfully I remember, as TTC drags on, how annoying it is to be asked "are you pregnant yet" (especially when you start another CD1) and having every time I decline a drink analyzed, so I'm able to restrain myself. Anyway.... not really a rant/rave, just musings about TTC stages.
Questions for the group: last time I made myself a ritual for when I got my period, to cushion the blow. It was an evening of some of my favorite things that I would be forgoing in pregnancy (mojito & sushi). Anyone else do something like this? Any suggestions of other things to add to this to make it fractionally less sad?
GTKY: ahhh, I like so much music. This would take too much thought.
(edited for formatting - mobile bumping seems to be a problem)
BFP#1 10/21/11 EDD 06/22/12 natural m/c 11/03/11 6w6d
BFP#2 03/08/12 EDD 11/19/12 met our sweet boy @ 36w5d! 10/25/12!
BFP#1 10/21/11 EDD 06/22/12 natural m/c 11/03/11 6w6d
BFP#2 03/08/12 EDD 11/19/12 met our sweet boy @ 36w5d! 10/25/12!
BFP#1 10/21/11 EDD 06/22/12 natural m/c 11/03/11 6w6d
BFP#2 03/08/12 EDD 11/19/12 met our sweet boy @ 36w5d! 10/25/12!
BFP#1 10/21/11 EDD 06/22/12 natural m/c 11/03/11 6w6d
BFP#2 03/08/12 EDD 11/19/12 met our sweet boy @ 36w5d! 10/25/12!
Had my appointment with my RE today.... it went really well... she is the first doctor that agreed with me that next time I need an elective cerclage... so that helps solidify in my mind that I need to fight for one with my MFM if I am able to get pregnant again... and we agreed to move forward in June with a new HSG & IUI with injectables (Gonal-F)
HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF
spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio
September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL!
Cerclage placed on 03/02
@Momifbysea - yea for AF coming I guess? Hope this is the cycle for you!
@katekate628 - sorry for the delayed AF
@Labluver2 - GL on the IUI
I'm nearing the end of my TWW - should start pre AF spotting this weekend with AF due on Monday - can't you guys tell I'm so optimistic LOL.
HSG/FSH/AMH/E2/SA all normal DX: unexplained IF
spontaneous BFP 01/01/2017- Alexander was born sleeping 04/13/2017 at 19w1d ic/chorio
September 2017 HSG #2 & Gonal-F/Femara/Ovidrel/IUI #1 = ep (Salpingectomy of left fallopian tube)
spontaneous BFP 01/02/2018 EDD Aug 30th It's a GIRL!
Cerclage placed on 03/02
CD, CD/DPO (if applicable): CD 27 / 12DPO
What are you doing this cycle? (Testing? Treatment? Vitamins/supplements?): Femara, Follistim, HCG Trigger & IUI
Rants/Raves: So over the TWW...I'm always so excited until I get to this point!
I didn't realize this board was around until someone in a IUI board mentioned it and thought I'd say hello
June 2016 - CP
2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
IVF w/ PGS - January 2018
FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
ERA Cycle May / June 2018
ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP
U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
EDD March 28, 2019
Baby Girl born 3/26/19
BFP#1 10/21/11 EDD 06/22/12 natural m/c 11/03/11 6w6d
BFP#2 03/08/12 EDD 11/19/12 met our sweet boy @ 36w5d! 10/25/12!