2nd Trimester

Its a girl...2 months later...Nope ITS A BOY!!

I am in shock right now! We were told we were having a girl, but just found out ITS A BOY!! How should I tell my husband?

Re: Its a girl...2 months later...Nope ITS A BOY!!

  • soteros1 said:
    I am in shock right now! We were told we were having a girl, but just found out ITS A BOY!! How should I tell my husband?
    Just tell him. "Sweetie, you know how we were told we were having a girl, come to find out our most current ultrasound is showing we are having a boy!"......not that hard to do.

  • You just got to say it, there is only so much time left till your baby comes out, if you guys were hoping for girl there will be some disappointment, but he will start accepting it soon.
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  • I would just tell him all the updates from the scan including gender. 
    Tho we aren't finding out . Since its fun to wait and neither of us like gender specific newborn type stuff or nursery designs there's no plus side to knowing 
    Also he comes to all my appointments but I understand not everyone's work position affords them that 

    So in the senario of him not being there I'd update him on everything anyway and just come out with the gender mistake 
  • Thanks for all of your support!! I was going to wait and find a cute way to surprise him...but I couldn't wait and told him that morning during breakfast
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