

These monthly TWW boards seem to be working well, so I thought I'd start one for May. I'll be triggering with Ovidrel tonight, but most of my TWW will actually fall into the month of May. Beta #1 is scheduled for 5/12.

FX for all of you other May TTW'ers!  :)

me 29  |  him 32  |  married: 4/27/2013

TTC#1 (2/14/2017 - 4/7/17):
Menopur = 19.66mm (R) & 17.02mm (L)| Ovidrel: 3/14/2017 | TIC 3/14-3/17/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 3/30: 7.27 | Beta #2 4/3: 11.94| Beta #3 4/5: 8.02 | Beta #4 4/7: 2.24 | Ended as chemical pregnancy.

TTC#2: (4/10/2017 - 5/12/17):
Menopur = 13.59mm (R) & 21.68mm (L)| Ovidrel: 4/27/17 | TIC 4/27-4/30/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1: 0.1 = BFN

TTC#3: (5/16-present)
Menopur = 17mm + 13.5mm (L) 19.5mm (R) | CD11 Ovidrel 5/26/17 | TIC 5/26-5/28/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 6/12: 9.91 | Beta #2 6/14: 13.89 | Beta #3 6/16: 20.81 | Beta #4 6/19: 41.46 | Beta #5 6/21: 24.50 | Beta #6 6/30: TBD - Will test until numbers reach zero.

Re: May TWW

  • I'll jump on this train! We are having a DE transfer on Monday, May 1. Our fert report from DH's contribution made yesterday is excellent. We had 6/6 thaw and fertilize!

    I am unsure of when Doc will have me come in for beta, but I will probably start POAS Sunday, May 7 cause I am crazy.

    I am sorry for your loss, @katherind - hopefully this cycle is the one!

    Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013

    2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages

    TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016

    2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN

    Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017

    May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714

    EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL!  <3 E. L. A. born 12/7/2017

  • I'll join!  I'm transferring my only PGS normal embryo on May 1st, beta scheduled for May 11th (out anniversary!) but I'll start POAS on Sunday too... if I even make it that far!
    Me: 36 DH: 34
    TTC our first together since Aug 2015
    MC 4/2016 and 8/2016
    IUI #1-3 with Clomid - BFNs
    IUI #4-6 with Follistim - BFNs
    IVF March, (6R, 5M, 4F, 2 sent for PGS, 1 normal girl)
    FET May 1st, Beta #1-73, Beta #2-150, Beta #3-708
  • Loading the player...
  • @fivetimesnoluck - Thank you. My fingers are crossed that we get it this time.

    *TW* I think i'm going to try and not do home tests this round. Last time was pretty crazy because of the false negatives, low hcg but positive test & then the ultimate chemical pregnancy ending *end TW*

    me 29  |  him 32  |  married: 4/27/2013

    TTC#1 (2/14/2017 - 4/7/17):
    Menopur = 19.66mm (R) & 17.02mm (L)| Ovidrel: 3/14/2017 | TIC 3/14-3/17/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 3/30: 7.27 | Beta #2 4/3: 11.94| Beta #3 4/5: 8.02 | Beta #4 4/7: 2.24 | Ended as chemical pregnancy.

    TTC#2: (4/10/2017 - 5/12/17):
    Menopur = 13.59mm (R) & 21.68mm (L)| Ovidrel: 4/27/17 | TIC 4/27-4/30/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1: 0.1 = BFN

    TTC#3: (5/16-present)
    Menopur = 17mm + 13.5mm (L) 19.5mm (R) | CD11 Ovidrel 5/26/17 | TIC 5/26-5/28/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 6/12: 9.91 | Beta #2 6/14: 13.89 | Beta #3 6/16: 20.81 | Beta #4 6/19: 41.46 | Beta #5 6/21: 24.50 | Beta #6 6/30: TBD - Will test until numbers reach zero.
  • caseyw8784caseyw8784 member
    edited April 2017
    I'm joining in too! I'll be transferring(hopefully 2) PGD/PGS normal embryos on May 10th (+/- a day or two...) 

    I can see myself breaking down and POASing to pass the time....the struggle is real, people! :lol:
  • I'll also join in over here! I had a 20mm follie on my left side yesterday so just waiting for the surge and then IUI the following day. So hopefully I'll have my IUI Sunday or Monday! 
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • I transferred one fresh embryo today- Beta scheduled for 5/10!

    1st cycle of IVF started April 9, 2017. ER- 15R, 7M, 5F, 4 frozen, 1 transferred. BFN

    May 2017- Hysteroscopy

    June-August 2017- 2nd attempt via FET. 2 Embryos transferred on 08/10/17. BFP, but ended in a chemical.

    November 2017- Hysteroscopy

    January 2018- 3rd attempt via FET. 2 Embryos transferred on 01/25/18. BOLD BFP on a HPT on 1/31, Beta # 1 on 2/5= 721. Beta # 2 on 2/7- 1903. 6wk+3 day scan revealed twins!

    I'm blogging about it here

  • @Dragonfly6191 - congrats on the transfer! your beta is on my tentative transfer day! do you plan on POASing ahead of time or going to try to hold out until the 10th? :smile:
  • @caseyw8784 I feel like my clinic schedules our betas so far out- that'll be 11dpt5dt for me. So I mayyyyy test a day or two before :)

    1st cycle of IVF started April 9, 2017. ER- 15R, 7M, 5F, 4 frozen, 1 transferred. BFN

    May 2017- Hysteroscopy

    June-August 2017- 2nd attempt via FET. 2 Embryos transferred on 08/10/17. BFP, but ended in a chemical.

    November 2017- Hysteroscopy

    January 2018- 3rd attempt via FET. 2 Embryos transferred on 01/25/18. BOLD BFP on a HPT on 1/31, Beta # 1 on 2/5= 721. Beta # 2 on 2/7- 1903. 6wk+3 day scan revealed twins!

    I'm blogging about it here

  • Good luck to all of you! TIC is done and now in the TWW. Crinone and estradiol start tomorrow. Will test 5/12. 

    me 29  |  him 32  |  married: 4/27/2013

    TTC#1 (2/14/2017 - 4/7/17):
    Menopur = 19.66mm (R) & 17.02mm (L)| Ovidrel: 3/14/2017 | TIC 3/14-3/17/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 3/30: 7.27 | Beta #2 4/3: 11.94| Beta #3 4/5: 8.02 | Beta #4 4/7: 2.24 | Ended as chemical pregnancy.

    TTC#2: (4/10/2017 - 5/12/17):
    Menopur = 13.59mm (R) & 21.68mm (L)| Ovidrel: 4/27/17 | TIC 4/27-4/30/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1: 0.1 = BFN

    TTC#3: (5/16-present)
    Menopur = 17mm + 13.5mm (L) 19.5mm (R) | CD11 Ovidrel 5/26/17 | TIC 5/26-5/28/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 6/12: 9.91 | Beta #2 6/14: 13.89 | Beta #3 6/16: 20.81 | Beta #4 6/19: 41.46 | Beta #5 6/21: 24.50 | Beta #6 6/30: TBD - Will test until numbers reach zero.
  • *tw* I'll join here too. I'm only a couple days behind you @katherind & and I'm sorry for your loss *tw*
    I did my Ovidrel on the 29th and had a very huge temp drop this morning. As I'm sitting on this bus, I'm feeling lots of pain and pinching in my left side which had the 1.8 follicle on Friday the 28th (CD15). Hoping the TI worked over the weekend although dh wasn't super enthused about TI. It's harder then I thought. GL ladies!
  • Hi ladies! best of luck to everyone! Thought I'd join you guys since 1/2 of my TWW is in May and there's a good chance the next one will be too :) 
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • edited May 2017
    My transfer is complete and I'm headed back home for a mini staycation! Acupuncture this afternoon and Wednesday and then nothing else on my calendar until I go to work Thursday.  B)

    Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013

    2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages

    TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016

    2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN

    Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017

    May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714

    EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL!  <3 E. L. A. born 12/7/2017

  • blackrose-9blackrose-9 member
    edited May 2017

    Hello Everyone! I used my trigger shot and ovulated on Saturday. I go back to my RE on May 11 for my blood test! On the calendar is looks like its just right around the corner, but it feels like forever! Just trying not to lose hope or get too hopefully!

    @kris031409 We both test on the 11th!

  • Back from my FET, everything went great!  

    fivetimesnoluck congrats on being PUPO!  I only took off today, I'm jealous of your staycation!

    blackrose-3 good luck!  Are you planning on waiting until your beta, or POAS before?  I'm planning on testing at 6dp5dt, on Sunday
    Me: 36 DH: 34
    TTC our first together since Aug 2015
    MC 4/2016 and 8/2016
    IUI #1-3 with Clomid - BFNs
    IUI #4-6 with Follistim - BFNs
    IVF March, (6R, 5M, 4F, 2 sent for PGS, 1 normal girl)
    FET May 1st, Beta #1-73, Beta #2-150, Beta #3-708
  • @tryingfor1st Lol. Yes, my dh was not enthused about TI either. Seems backwards for a man to think, but I think the pressure kind of kills the experience. 

    Wishing you luck! 

    me 29  |  him 32  |  married: 4/27/2013

    TTC#1 (2/14/2017 - 4/7/17):
    Menopur = 19.66mm (R) & 17.02mm (L)| Ovidrel: 3/14/2017 | TIC 3/14-3/17/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 3/30: 7.27 | Beta #2 4/3: 11.94| Beta #3 4/5: 8.02 | Beta #4 4/7: 2.24 | Ended as chemical pregnancy.

    TTC#2: (4/10/2017 - 5/12/17):
    Menopur = 13.59mm (R) & 21.68mm (L)| Ovidrel: 4/27/17 | TIC 4/27-4/30/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1: 0.1 = BFN

    TTC#3: (5/16-present)
    Menopur = 17mm + 13.5mm (L) 19.5mm (R) | CD11 Ovidrel 5/26/17 | TIC 5/26-5/28/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 6/12: 9.91 | Beta #2 6/14: 13.89 | Beta #3 6/16: 20.81 | Beta #4 6/19: 41.46 | Beta #5 6/21: 24.50 | Beta #6 6/30: TBD - Will test until numbers reach zero.
  • @blackrose-3 Good luck!!! I triggered a little over a week ago too. FX its a good month! :)
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • blackrose-9blackrose-9 member
    edited May 2017

    @kris031409 I will try and wait, but I may give in. I'm just not sure when the trigger shot would be out of my system enough to test. My RE doesn't say anything about testing at home.

    @kristimh80 I hope this is the month! FX!!!

  • I have a question... has any of your REs said anything about exercises that you should avoid? I didn't ask this time, but last time mine said that I could take my fitness test the next day after an IUI (2mile run, sit ups, and push ups). I have another one this weekend and I try to workout in the evenings every day, but I don't know if there is certain things I should avoid doing. As far as I know I'm good to continue doing what I do, but I was just wondering if others has said something differently?
  • @blackrose-3 Mine hasn't said anything after IUI. When doing medicated shots, the only thing I was to avoid was AB workouts, but everything else was ok. I'm sure you're fine especially if it's something your body is use to. 
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • IlkyIlky member
    I had a similar question one week ago, we were planned to go on cross country hiking with overnight stay and the nurse told me not to carry anything heavy and not tire myself. She said I most likely will have a lot of pain due to multiple follies ovulation. I'm glad I cancelled it because I couldn't move for a whole day after I ovulated. She also said the doctor says definitely no exercise that elevates your heart rate for the first trimester. 
  • @Ilky Your nurse is probably right! I didn't even think to ask what to do post IUI. 
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • IlkyIlky member
    @kristimh80 I mean I've seen pregnant woman (over 7 months I say) running full speed. So, I guess it's OK for some people. I just personally wouldn't take a chance because like most of you I have been TTC for years and I'm invested in this procedure to work. :) That's why I'm so out of shape but as long as I get pregnant, that's not a problem, I can always go back to it. 
  • @Ilky Yes...I totally agree! I mean, I don't ever see myself running anywhere anyways unless there's a fire LOL 
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • IlkyIlky member
    @kristimh80 you just cracked me up :D:D 
  • @Ilky How are you feeling? I feel like I've been driving myself crazy the last few days. Trying not to look into everything thinking its a sign, but started writing things down just in case..
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • IlkyIlky member
    @kristimh80 I ve been having cramps, facial acne, and feeling tired. Nothing is new though I had these symptoms last time too. I'm hopeful and depressed at the same time. I'll be only 10dpo tomorrow but I already want to test. I promised myself I would not drive myself crazy but when you have symptoms like cramping there is no way you can forget it and live your life. Last night I was googling crazy iff anybody turned out pregnant wth high progesterone levels lol even though the nurse said no a
  • @Ilky Me too!! I'm 11DPO as of today. I'll get random cramps thru the day, hot flashes, sore boobs, but so far this morning I've felt normal. I'm on progestrone suppositories, so figure that may have a little effect, but its still hard not to symptom check. During down time at work I find myself on here or googling everything! 
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • IlkyIlky member
    I tested today, its BFN! I know its too early only 10DPO but I couldn't resist :(
  • @Ilky Me too!! I know I shouldn't look into it, but betas are Friday and I wanna be prepared either way...
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • @Ilky I know that women in active duty still have to workout every day so I'm assuming that it probably would be okay. I'm Just trying not to do so much core workouts like @kristimh80 suggested. 
    I also have a random question... how long should it take for the ovidrel to get out of the system? I have a bunch of opks left and since this is going to be my last time I decided to try it out earlier and I still have a smiley face. I'm trying to figure out if I will be able to test at home before I go back for my beta. 
  • @blackrose-3 Some say it's 10 days for a 10,000 trigger shot and goes according to the amount used. Guess it can range depending on your metabolism...least what I've read. I know my last cycle, by 10dpo it was out of my system and opk's didn't show anything. 
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • J1006J1006 member
    @blackrose-3 my doctor recommended testing at 12 dpiui (14 days after trigger shot was administered) to verify that the shot is out of my system. She also said to use a regular pregnancy test, not an early response. 
  • IlkyIlky member
    @blackrose-3  last time they gave me 10,000 it was out of my system on 12 dpiui. This time I had only 5,000 I don't know when exactly it left my body since I didn't test to see but on 10dpiui it was already gone!
  • Thanks. I go in on the 11th so I guess I won't be able to test at home. 
  • Hello, I am new to this board, I wasn't going to join this board as I was so close to the end of my TWW.. but I feel I need to write this down.. lol.  So, I had a FET on April 25.  Today was my beta, I got up bright and early on my day off to go get my blood drawn.  Since then I have been anxiously awaiting a phone call with results.  Luckily, I just checked my patient portal.. my doctors office sent me a message that they close at noon on Thursdays, and they had reached out to the lab I went to (closer to home than drs office) before they closed but they did not have any info yet.  So, now I have to wait a whole other day for results!!  I did break down and POAS the other day, and it was positive, so I am very hopeful  - but I was really looking forward to hearing that beta # to give me some comfort.   Ahhh.. I hope tomorrow comes quickly now, this is totally just my luck though :)   
  • @kiwisun4385 Welcome! That's got to be driving you crazy about waiting for your results. I'd be pulling my hair out. 

    I'm only about 5dpo or 6dpo and this cycle has been absolutely crazy. I can't say I've ever been this emotional or cried so much in my life - and for no reason other than hormones. Really hoping for a positive beta on 5/12 to make it all worth it. I think DH is ready to lock me away until this is over -- and I don't blame him one bit. LOL :#  Is anyone else experiencing crazy mood swings? This is driving me crazy.

    me 29  |  him 32  |  married: 4/27/2013

    TTC#1 (2/14/2017 - 4/7/17):
    Menopur = 19.66mm (R) & 17.02mm (L)| Ovidrel: 3/14/2017 | TIC 3/14-3/17/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 3/30: 7.27 | Beta #2 4/3: 11.94| Beta #3 4/5: 8.02 | Beta #4 4/7: 2.24 | Ended as chemical pregnancy.

    TTC#2: (4/10/2017 - 5/12/17):
    Menopur = 13.59mm (R) & 21.68mm (L)| Ovidrel: 4/27/17 | TIC 4/27-4/30/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1: 0.1 = BFN

    TTC#3: (5/16-present)
    Menopur = 17mm + 13.5mm (L) 19.5mm (R) | CD11 Ovidrel 5/26/17 | TIC 5/26-5/28/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 6/12: 9.91 | Beta #2 6/14: 13.89 | Beta #3 6/16: 20.81 | Beta #4 6/19: 41.46 | Beta #5 6/21: 24.50 | Beta #6 6/30: TBD - Will test until numbers reach zero.
  • IlkyIlky member
    @megmac2010 welcome and best of luck!
  • Hello Ladies, I am also waiting for my Beta on 5/12 ( popular day for betas!) My DH and I did a double IUI this round, my DH's volume had been low on our first IUI so we thought a double would make up for it this time. Turns out this month he had plenty on the first and even more on the second IUI. However, I went from having 6 follies on IUI#1 to only have 2 this time, so its a cant win situation. Since DHs #s were low on our first IUI, the RE suggested we not spend too much time with IUI before thinking about IVF (she felt we may be wasting money on the IUI, when she knew the #s made it highly unlikely to be successful), but after seeing #s this time, she said even if this IUI didnt work, it would be good to continue IUI provided DHs # stay up. So even though technically for us this is IUI#2, with the low #s last time, its really more like IUI#1. I think DH and I would prefer to keep trying IUI for a few more goes before jumping into IVF (at 11xs the cost!)
  • Welcome to the board, @Heidiisboss and @megmac2010! Good luck with your IUIs and the TWW.

    AFM, I had bright red spotting this morning when I wiped and it has me freaking out a little bit. I know about implantation bleeding and I know that since I am on progesterone, I am unlikely to actually be starting my AF, but of course I am sitting here trying to divine the impossible - am I pregnant or not?! And all this after just 4dp5dt. This next week is going to be long.....

    At least it's Friday!

    Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013

    2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages

    TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016

    2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN

    Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017

    May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714

    EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL!  <3 E. L. A. born 12/7/2017

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