Sorry to start this late today.
Please chat about anything plus size. And don't forget to post a bump day selfie in the HDBD thread!
GTKY: Since I'm sure names are on everyone's minds to an extent, how do you feel about your own name?
Me: 26 DH:25
Married:August 2015
TTC #1 since April 2016
Re: Plus Size 4/26
Controlling my weight has been really hard. I mentioned last week I think that I gained 8lbs since my last appointment. I've just been crazy hungry. Since my appointment where I got scolded (whoops!) I've been trying to make better choices but I'm just hungry all the time. It sucks. At least DH's birthday has passed now. We may or may not have been eating birthday cake for about a week straight.
My manager just walked by my desk and said (are you eating again?!). Yep. You clearly see me eating yogurt. Thanks for pointing it out! I'm really struggling to find the balance.
GTKY: how do you feel about your own name?
I love my nickname and I think it fits me but I'm not a huge fan of my given name. My husband is the same. So it's important to us to name LO something with nickname options. It seems to me that the nickname debate is much more of a hot button topic than I realized though. But that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!
Married:August 2015
TTC #1 since April 2016
Weight is something that I have struggled with since the dawn of time. A few years ago I lost 65 lbs and then eventually gained it all back. Then I got pregnant at my starting weight, which is the highest weight I've ever been. So in my head I'm thinking "No! I can't go above that number!" But I also know that it is inevitable. Also, I supposedly gained 12 pounds in 2 weeks in February, but I think the weight they recorded at the Dr.'s office my first visit was wrong because how is that even possible?! I've since stayed at the same weight for a couple months, but just recently gained a few.
And the constant hunger doesn't help anything. The past few days I have been an empty pit and I was just thinking to myself that my stomach must have a hole in it because it's never full.
GTKY: how do you feel about your own name?
I didn't care for my name when I was younger but I have since grown to love it. It is a pretty feminine name (I think), but shortens to a "boys" name. I kind of love that. I think nicknames are important and I plan on picking a first name that can be shortened.
My OB practice has about 6 female docs. I like most all of them except this one. I’ve seen her one other time (she did not remember me, saying “Nice to meet you” as I replied “nice to see you again”). At 12 weeks she wouldn't look for the HB on the doppler and I had been finding baby’s hb at home for at least a week by then. I suspect she was just afraid of move my fabulousness (that’s what my yoga instructor calls our curves). She didn’t want to deal with my tummy so she skipped it.
Fast forward to Monday: she barely spoke to me and went straight for my belly to do the doppler. She squirted cold jelly on my belly, listened for a minute and said “oh well, can’t find it, let’s go do an ultrasound!” I was terrified. Again, seems like she did not want to move my fabulousness to get to the HB.
Anyway, we walk to the ultrasound room and I am ready to cry. She was moving that ultrasound wand around my belly for a while, I’d say a full on 2 minutes before telling me “oh, yes, there we go, i see baby moving.” and then a minute or so later “ok, there’s his heartbeat. He’s just fine.” So lady, to ease a first time mom’s mind, could you PLEASE just talk us through what you are doing while moving that wand around? I was on the verge of shear panic. So everything turned out fine, but you’d think an OB dr would have a little more experience calming fears and not stirring them up.
QOTW: I like my name, it's not very common and has given me a beloved nickname. We are 95% sure we know this little one's name. He'll have great nicknames!
Me: 40 DH: 38
TTC since November 2012
Elias (Eli) born 9/2/17 at 7:07pm weight 8lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long!!
I'm with everyone on the constant hunger. It is really bad. I know I've gained more weight than I should have recently, but if I don't eat, I get so cranky.
GTKY: I'm fine with my name in theory. My parents gave me a super common name, but with an alternative spelling. I agree that the spelling looks nice, but it is annoying to have it misspelled every day. DH has the same issue, but his spelling is an uncommon alternative spelling. We agreed early on to use the most common spelling for our kids' first names. I did struggle with the spelling of the nn Freddie for this baby. As far as I can tell, it is slightly more common than Freddy, but it's hard to check nicknames on the sites that track names and popularity.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@bridge-and-wall I think spelling Freddie with an "ie" is more masculine than with a "y." I usually tend to associate names that end in "y" with girls. Not that this should matter, because I'm over here really loving a "boy" name for a "girl"
I'm having a week of why in the hell did I not get maternity shirts earlier and do I ever want to give them up? I'm basically living in black pants with a stretchy top. They work for home and work and I love them. I scored major deals online at Motherhood maternity last weekend - 14 shirts for $90! Now I just have to wait for them to get here. My friend went shopping in store with me and ended up buying a swim suit. She's not pregnant but she said she can never find anything with enough chest support and the swim suit was perfect.
GTKY: My name is Amethyst. It's on the spreadsheet so I figured I'd just say it. It's obviously unusual. Because it is actually a purple gem stone people can usually pronounce it and sometimes even spell it! I actually love my name. My parents are hippies and the midwife have them an amethyst when I was born so that became my name. People call me Ame.. "Am-E". The name I will not answer to is Amy.
I'm also big on making sure nicknames are possible!