September 2017 Moms

STM Q- moving sibling to new room before #2 arrives

My first will only be 16 months when DS is born. She's currently in a small nursery but we intend to move her into a larger bedroom before baby arrives so she can get used to the new space. She will be in a new crib (currently crib doesn't convert to toddler bed) and also have new furniture, the works. 

I am sort of panicking on when to move her into the new room. I want to do it before baby arrives, even though he will likely be in our room for a few weeks. (first was moved to her room 3 weeks in as it was easier with chair/changing etc in the nursery)  but I am not ready to give up the room yet, as I use it for my office. 

Has anyone moved their kids into new rooms? What as the transition like? Is a few weeks enough time or should I give her a month or more to acclimate? 

 I think I am also just emotional about losing her peach nursery. I LOVE that room. Some days I just can't imagine her not being my one and only. 

Re: STM Q- moving sibling to new room before #2 arrives

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    This is a great question and one that I have been thinking a lot about. DD will be 17 months when baby arrives and I have started asking friends what they did. One thing that everyone has said is make the move prior to the baby arrives so that your current child does not view the move as the "babies fault". 

    We did a gender neutral nursery so I am very excited to do a girly room for her and hoping she finds this to be a fun change. Any feedback others might have is greatly appreciated.
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    I've been thinking about this too. DS turns 3 in a month so I want to connect him getting a new room with turning 3 instead of the baby needing the nursery. I want to give him lots of time to get used to the new space and any changes to his bedtime routine that come out of it.

    We're going back and forth on using the double bed that's in the room now or getting a twin bed. Hopefully we get that sorted soon so that I can get bedding and put the room together!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    DH thinks we need to move DD into a different room when this baby is born as well and I have mixed feelings about it. She will be 17/18 months old and still in a crib (we will buy a second one). DH thinks the new room (currently an office) is too small for the rocker, but I think it will be fine.

    I don't really want to move her because I like her room and there is something that feels homey and special to me about it. I know it is irrational, but I am not sure I want to give that up as "her" room yet.
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    I totally get it! DD room is this gorgeous peach color and everything fits perfectly in there. The room she's moving into is Navy and we don't want to repaint it because it has super high vaulted ceilings and weird angles that are a pita to paint. Luckily she looks amazing in Navy so once we decorate her room will be plenty girly and cute. 

    I think more than anything I am just having a hard time with the change. We wanted two kids 100% but now reality is sinking in and I'm sad I won't have just my one and only baby girl! WAHHH. 

    ps. she turns 1 tomorrow so on top of being pregnant hormonal, I am all emo about her being 1 and growing up. 

    Are you guys thinking you'll set up the new room and let your oldest  get used to it by playing in that room first before you move them or will you just get the room ready and move them in? I know I am WAY overthinking this, just curious as to what others will do. 
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    Slightly different, but still in context.  DS will stay in his room when DS2 is born, but we will be switching him to a bed, as he'll be 22m by then.  I'm planning on doing the switch at least a month beforehand.  Partly bc DS was born a little bit early, and partly because I don't want him to associate the changes with the new baby, or have it be a 'bad' thing.  Honestly, your LO may be young enough that she honestly won't care too much, or at all.  
    DS1: Born 11.18.15
    DS2: EDD- 09.08.17

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    The Doula at our MW Center made the recommendation that if we wanted to wean DS (a little over two  before the baby arrived, that 28 weeks was the target. Granted weaning is probably a bigger issue and she is younger, but I'm guessing it's probably a good general guideline. 
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    DD is older, 4 years old but we had the concerns. We moved her already at 20 weeks. She helped us move the things she could over to her new big girl room. We talked about why she changing rooms but that all her things from her old room would go with her. Outside of waking earlier now, the transition has gone smoothly. 

    I'm sure this would be a bit harder at 17 months because you can't really explain it at that age as much. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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