Trouble TTC

Chart help please??

Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone can help give me some insight on my current chart? I am so frustrated and angry with my body at the moment and I'm not coping well. My temps are all over the place, I've had light AF/spotting for the last 3 days, but no PMS or normal AF symptoms. I've taken 2 HPTs and both have been BFNs too.
Any insight would be helpful, I don't even know if I should now be counting this as a new cycle or not?

Me: 26, DH: 26
TTC #1 since July 2016
Dx: PCOS, on Metformin since Feb 2017
  • June 17 - Letrozole - BFN
  • July 17 - Letrozole - BFP - MMC confirmed 30/08
  • November 17 - Letrozole - BFN
  • December 17 - Letrozole - BFP!

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Re: Chart help please??

  • Hey @Tops. I'm sorry you're having a long cycle. I've been there and I know how frustrating that can be. Hang in there.

    IMO, I don't think you've ovulated yet. I don't believe that an new cycle starts or bleeding is counted as AF unless you need a tampon/pad. (So light spotting wouldn't count). Do you use OPKs? I find that they are helpful, especially for longer cycles when you're not really sure what's going on. 
  • I agree with @Kim41313. I don't think you've ovulated yet. You should see a clear shift in temps after you've ovulated. Although I'm not sure why you're having bleeding/spotting. Does this happen tonwhen around ovulation? I've read that some women do spot near ovulation. I can't remember what your dx is and I'm mobile you normally ovulate around the same cd each time?
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  • I agree with the others that you don't seem to have ovulated yet.  It's possible you could be having an anovulatory cycle, in which case eventually you'll get a period (although I understand it's not technically a period, but that's neither here nor there because it essentially feels exactly the same).  
  • SP128SP128 member
    I agree with what others have said.  I'm with @Kim41313, I find OPKs super helpful.  For me it is like I have two different measures for O and not just relying on one thing.  
    Me: 36  DH:35
    Married: 7/10/2016
    TTC#1 - May 2016
    BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016  
    BFP 5/5/2017  - CP
    IVF #1 - June 2017  - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo.  7/9 Beta #1 - 161 
    <3 Adam <3 Born on 3/18/18

  • Thanks guys.
    @MooFish2364 I have PCOS and my last cycle was 91 days so this is still a relatively short cycle.

    The bleeding is still there today - its gone pink now though but is still super light. There's basically enough to use a liner but nothing more than that. I have never had bleeding outside of AF before either.

    I have considered OPKs, but because my cycles are so irregular I wouldn't know when to test. And thoughts on this?
    Me: 26, DH: 26
    TTC #1 since July 2016
    Dx: PCOS, on Metformin since Feb 2017
    • June 17 - Letrozole - BFN
    • July 17 - Letrozole - BFP - MMC confirmed 30/08
    • November 17 - Letrozole - BFN
    • December 17 - Letrozole - BFP!

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I don't have PCOS, but my cycles are slightly irregular. I usually start OPKs on day 10 and keep testing until I get a positive plus a temp shift. If it's really, really light sometimes I will test every other day until it starts getting darker. 
  • Do you usually see a change in your CM around ovulation? If so, once you get fertile or watery/egg white cm I would start using OPKs. This might hopefully pinpoint a smaller time frame for you to test without going through 100 OPKs. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @MooFish2364 Unfortunately I have been too squeamish to start checking my CM yet.. I'll hopefully start in the future but I just have to get my head around the idea.
    Its day 5 of light bleeding now, so I'm kind of thinking I should just count it as AF and call it a day :/
    Me: 26, DH: 26
    TTC #1 since July 2016
    Dx: PCOS, on Metformin since Feb 2017
    • June 17 - Letrozole - BFN
    • July 17 - Letrozole - BFP - MMC confirmed 30/08
    • November 17 - Letrozole - BFN
    • December 17 - Letrozole - BFP!

    Pregnancy Ticker

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