So sorry I am so late it has been a crazy day! I hope everyone's week went well.
1: How far along are you?
2: How was your last week?
3: What are your goals for the week ahead?
4: How are you going to treat yourself this week/celebrate your body and its accomplishments?
5: Rants/Raves/Questions?
6: GTKY: How do you plan to work health and fitness into post baby life? If this is 2+ what has worked for you in the past?
Re: Exercise & Fitness Check-In 4/21
2: How was your last week? great- 6 days of workouts in as of today. 3x crossfit/weights and cardio, 2x swimming, 1x power walking as gym was closed
3: What are your goals for the week ahead? same old 5-6 days of workouts
4: How are you going to treat yourself this week/celebrate your body and its accomplishments?
Well my baby shower is tomorrow so cake!!
5: Rants/Raves/Questions? eh no good week- had my growth scan Wednesday and he was head down again so yeah!!
6: GTKY: How do you plan to work health and fitness into post baby life? If this is 2+ what has worked for you in the past?
it is going to be a bit more of a challenge at first with 2 but likely the 3 days DD is in school we will trade off going to the gym after I get off from work and the gym has daycare starting at 6 weeks. Honestly I always worked out early before work most days during the week to get it in but I wasn't working out this much last time with DD as a baby and I know I'm going to be anxious to get going again. Just going to try to be patient
2: How was your last week? Pretty good - lots of walking, but the heat and humidity is starting to be a problem, and based on how I was feeling yesterday, I think I overdid it the day before. Memo to myself - drink more water than I think I need!
3: What are your goals for the week ahead? Drink more water, walk as much as I can, but listen to my body and rest if my body is telling me to rest.
4: How are you going to treat yourself this week/celebrate your body and its accomplishments? Leaving for a babymoon at the end of the week, which will hopefully be very relaxing.
5: Rants/Raves/Questions? Nope
6: GTKY: How do you plan to work health and fitness into post baby life? If this is 2+ what has worked for you in the past? Good question - I have no idea. I do know that times of big change are a great time to form new habits, so DH and I will have to sit down and come up with a plan that allows us both to exercise regularly, while meeting the new demands of being parents.