My LO has been acting so strange lately. The last few days she has been very fussy and is crying more then usual. She is having a hard time pooping but this is a different cry. She will scream uncontrollably and pull her legs into her chest. Also when she gets upset she will try and eat me. She will open her mouth and shake her head back and fourth..reminds me of a savage zombie haha. I keep thinking she is hungry but will not take anything. Just keeps crying. It's been very hard. I have been trying to get her to sleep for 2 hours now. Anybody going through the same thing?
Re: Help ! 3 month old acting strange out of nowhere!
SI TTC 7 months
DD born 10/2015 @ 27 wks. 4 days > severe pre-e (TTC 1yr.)
Hystero./Laproscopy/Ovarian Drilling/ D&C/ HSG (2/2015)
DX: Moderate Endo./ PCOS/ Diminished Ovarian Reserve(1.2 amh)/ Low Morphology (0%)
HSG (3/2017)- All Clear
RX: Follistim (75iu)/ Trigger/ IUI/ Progesterone
Starting 1st IUI cycle Friday 4/28