My mom wins this one again. As we know, I am not on speaking terms with my parents right now, due to me apparently barring them from meeting their grandchild, which isn't the case. Anyways, my Aunt posted on Facebook and tagged my mom about them getting mani/pedis over the weekend. Guess where my Aunt lives? Oh yeah that's right 5 hours away, in Jacksonville. So, my parents came to Florida for Easter, and no one thought to invite us? Oh, I am sure they made up some story on us already having plans or something, but COME ON GROW UP! I got a text on Easter from my mom saying "I hope you and DH had a good Easter." that's all. I really wanted to say "I hope you had a blast in Florida.", but instead I just said "Same to you and Dad". Mind you DH and I both had a 3 day weekend, with no real plans, and could have made the drive (like we do often) to be with family over the Easter holiday.
@HollyGolightly09 she was about 360 miles away, instead of the normal 1000 miles. A day trip away. A 5 HOUR CAR RIDE AWAY. I am livid and my feelings are very hurt.
My TW is whoever keeps going in the teaher's bathroom, spraying enough Lysol to kill a small mammal, and then closing the door so the smell is trapped in there waiting to suffocate me the 15 times a day I need to pee.
@labby18 that's just crazy. My parents were often petty too and it sucks when they act so childish. Hoping things smooth over soon.
@HollyGolightly09 I hate that!!!! I have a bad reaction to Lysol smell even not pregnant and it makes me crazy when people drown stuff in it.
My TW for the day is my former employer. This is the same job I walked out on a little over a week ago because Mr. Employer was harassing and verbally abusing me. Mrs. Employee called me repeatedly back to back at 7:00 last night and sent a bunch of texts wanting to know how to find a list of clients. I am obviously not responding because they clearly do not understand how quitting works.
@labby18 Did you have the conversation with her about the baptism before this happened? You're much nicer than I am, I would have totally called her out on it. At least you have some ammo against her if you haven't had the baptism call yet.
I haven't spoken to them about the Baptism. Saturday before last, I was telling her about how we want to wait on visitors until about 2wks postpartum as we do not want everyone staying at our house (we live away from all family) and all she heard was "you can't visit". And it BLEW UP into a huge mess, and we haven't spoken since except for Easter texts. I am going to wait on the baptism conversation, as depending on what orders we receive determines on when DH will deploy next, which will then determine how soon the baptism will or will not be after birth.
Non parent complaint. Coworker who likes to talk about my pregnancy whether I want to or not...made the following comment today whilst I walked in....
"You're wearing heels pregnant?"
First of all, I SIT AT A DESK ALL DAY. I don't even currently have my shoes on. Secondly, they are like 2.5 inch heels. And third...WHY DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU?!
Non parent complaint. Coworker who likes to talk about my pregnancy whether I want to or not...made the following comment today whilst I walked in....
"You're wearing heels pregnant?"
First of all, I SIT AT A DESK ALL DAY. I don't even currently have my shoes on. Secondly, they are like 2.5 inch heels. And third...WHY DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU?!
When I was pregnant with DD, I still worked in the office, and I heard this all the time. My response, "Why yes, I might be growing a baby, but I haven't forgotten how to walk." I wore heels until my feet were too swollen to fit into anything but crocs.
@labby18 That sucks, my feelings would be really hurt too. I really hope they come around and you guys can put all this behind you befor the baby comes and/or you guys move closer to them. The whole thing is so selfish and unreasonable. (Hugs)
Also, major props to anyone still wearing heels. I am using pregnancy/baby as an excuse to not wear those torture devices at all for at least another year.
My TW is people who treat pregnant women like they're disabled. Common curtesy is nice- like the neighbor who carried a fifty pound box to my apartment for me last week, or the guy when held the door yesterday while I waddled through with my hands full. The friend who question my ability to walk the length of the mall to get to a restaurant or the cashier at target who asked if I needed help getting to my car and clearly didn't believe me when I said I was fine (I had literally bought four things, none of the heavier than a roll of aluminum foil), well, those "courtesies" I don't appreciate as much.
Mine is the lady who sits next to me at work. She is in her 50's and has two kids in their 30's. Everyday she tells me what I should and shouldn't do. Today I told her how nice it was that before my DH went out of town for work he carried baskets of clothes upstairs for me and the vacuum in case I needed it to limit my carrying anything up basement steps. She was like wow in my day women still did their everyday chores as normal. Ummm what year is it? Then she asked what hospital I will go to since they announced they are closing the birthing center of my local one. I told her I am still deciding so she told me which one she went to and its over an hr and a half away from my house! So I nicely said there are closer options I would be more comfortable with. And she went on a rant about how I should not worry about when I go into labor and I act like it is an emergency situation. Wtf why are you even talking to me about any of this?
Ohh the comments people make to pregnant women! Like really is all of the world suddenly stupid when they see a baby bump!
I might have to nominate myself this week for the TW award. If anyone has read my posts in the past my SIL is pregnant and she and my BIL are real @ssholes. At Easter dinner she made the comment that if everyone wanted babies they should have gotten pregnant before her. This enraged me. Yelling ensued and my husband flipped out on her (SIL is husbands sister). Turn the page to yesterday, we were supposed to be going on a family vacation this summer with them and I'm absolutely under no circumstance going. I suggested that I will try to change ge reservations to a smaller condo or cancel the trip. This is not acceptable to them or MIL who is staying in our condo also. I hate to say it ladies but my response is pretty much F off then and eat our share bc I'm not going with you @ssholes on vacation. I know flame away that we made the commitment and should pay up but some circumstances are just unreasonable.
@jillibean0871 you do you boo boo. you do not need to put up with that kind of bullshhh if you don't want to. Could your MIL stay with someone else who is going? I don't blame you for not wanting to go, but I dont think you should still have to dish out the $ for it.
@labby18 It's crazy that some people who happen to be adults also happen to be incredibly childish and immature. I don't think the way that they are behaving is fair at all and I'm sorry you have to deal with that.
@mrs_tacos I also hate being treated like I have a disability!! Last weekend I went to the fair with my mom and sister. my mom (after parking) exclaimed that she should have dropped me off at the front so that I didn't have to walk so far to get to the entrance. Then she tried to flag down a tram for me. I just put my hand on her shoulder and said, "Mom. Calm down. I'm pregnant. Not handicapped. I can walk." I was mentally preparing myself for her to try to get a wheelchair for me.
Awww I'm sorry to everybody who gets inconsiderate comments and family members. I think we should start a post with just rude and random things people say to us. I've had two people tell me, after finding out I'm having another boy, "awwww you can still try for a girl". no thank you. We're absolutely happy with whatever we get, but thanks for your unsolicited advice.
@labby18 thanks! I'm trying to be fair but am still slightly bitter and extremely annoyed sooo not sure what route we will go. My MIL and SIL can definitely get a smaller room at the same place and it'll be way cheaper to the point no one would be wasting any money. But to be stubborn that's not an option. So that fuels my fire also...
Can my TW be about buying baby things. I love you Canada but prices are suck here.
Left: Shoppers Drug mart ( usually a little more expensive, but seriously?) Right: Target (in USD currency) I'm glad I live so close to the border and near a Target
Can my TW be about buying baby things. I love you Canada but prices are suck here.
Left: Shoppers Drug mart ( usually a little more expensive, but seriously?) Right: Target (in USD currency) I'm glad I live so close to the border and near a Target
@kaylaakosua I'm so with you! I'm about 2 hours from a few border crossings. I need to make a list and go do it. I love you Canada but shopping here is just not as good.
I've been stewing about this since Sunday- TW goes to FIL. He had the audacity to tell me he didn't like that I never got a job when we moved here and ended up being a SAHM because I wasn't "contributing." I made a budget and stuck to it for the last year and a half so we could become mostly debt free and add a little to savings each month while DH makes an ok wage. I pointed that out to FIL and how they haven't given us any money since we've been together yet have bailed out both BILs when they made dumb financial choices with their good salaries. I just really hate the comments SAHMs get about not contributing/what do you DO all day.
@MyNamesTaken I'm not even bothering with BRU either. I'm at the boycott stage with them. I'm so thankful to be less than an hour away from Buffalo.Also going there for mat clothes because here seriously sucks for clothes.
Mine is the lady who sits next to me at work. She is in her 50's and has two kids in their 30's. Everyday she tells me what I should and shouldn't do. Today I told her how nice it was that before my DH went out of town for work he carried baskets of clothes upstairs for me and the vacuum in case I needed it to limit my carrying anything up basement steps. She was like wow in my day women still did their everyday chores as normal. Ummm what year is it? Then she asked what hospital I will go to since they announced they are closing the birthing center of my local one. I told her I am still deciding so she told me which one she went to and its over an hr and a half away from my house! So I nicely said there are closer options I would be more comfortable with. And she went on a rant about how I should not worry about when I go into labor and I act like it is an emergency situation. Wtf why are you even talking to me about any of this?
I'm LOLing at the bolded section. DS was born less than 2h after I went to the hospital. An hour before we went the midwife on call said I should wait longer bc I was a FTM and it would still be long time before I gave birth. I would've been giving birth in the front seat of my car if I had to drive 1.5h to a hospital. It may not be an emergency, but there's no guarantee that your baby won't come faster than expected.
@cchenal07 women "still did their chores"? What is DH my father, am I going to get my allowance taken away if I don't clean up my bedroom and do my homework? Wow lol it is 2017 and we now know men are capable of doing housework! Gasp! This lady needs to mind her own. Nosy people suck. I'd be getting a pair of headphones. But then again I don't like people or chatting with them so that's just me
@cchenal07 I second what @wyomama0427 said about getting headphones if allowed. I had a coworker at one job who would keep offering her opinions on things we never asked for. We all finally started bringing headphones and tuned her out when she got to be too much.
@mrs_tacos@msashley2010 I am totally with you on this!! We are on our babymoon in London and it is very nice to be offered a seat on the tube (in fact, there are seats designated for pregnant women and others who might need to sit). But my husband seems to think I have to sit every, I don't. Sometimes I'm not tired, we are going two stops, AND I would have to displace somebody, and while I would do that if I NEEDED to, I don't always need to. As I said to him, I'm five months pregnant, not eight or nine.
Thank you ladies! She is very much the type to always think her opinion is always the correct one. And about the chores.... My dh only carried up the vacuum knowing I am having a couple friends over for a girls movie night and would like the house to appear like I care. If my DH told me to do my chores I would laugh in his face. It would blow her mind if she knew he does 99% of the cooking and dishes. Ugh people. I will remember headphones tomorrow.
Tomorrow is HDBD and we still can't post pictures.
<><><><><>DD1- May 2011<><><><><> <><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><> <><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><> <><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
Haha I tried to post a pic with my birth story and almost had a stroke because I couldn't, and tomorrow is HDBD!! And I'm actually really excited about it dammit. I finally popped.. I look pregnant now! They need to fix that quickly.
I haven't been able to bump all day due to DH family funeral, but jumping on late at night to nominate my mom and vent. We're 20 weeks, but haven't posted anything on Facebook yet. She's been all over me about doing it, because apparently I can't actually be pregnant until she gets to share it on Facebook. We were going to wait until our A/S Friday, to make sure everything's ok, and have a photo of LO that doesn't look like a frog. But today was DH's birthday, and she posted on his page a picture of her and my dad with the card we gave them to announce them becoming grandparents. So now a few people have messaged us asking if we're pregnant, instead of us being able to tell ourselves. I'm pissed, but I haven't said anything to her yet. A) the damage is done... and b) I'm trying to collect my thoughts. Grrrr.
@MrsVP614 ugh why are parents like this? The only thing that should matter is that they know they're having a grand baby, the whole world doesn't need to know to make it more official or exciting. I'm sorry she did that to you guys.
@MrsVP614 Parents can be the worst. I don't know how many times my mom asked if she could tell people yet before I was ready to announce. It was very rude of your mom to do that. She needs to respect your decisions. This is your baby, not hers.
I know I'm a day late, but I would also like to nominate my mom. When I was talking to her yesterday, I mentioned that I needed to check with my insurance to see if they cover circumcision, because I wanted all the facts while we were trying to decide if we want to do it. She went in a rant about how he'll look funny if we don't circumcise. We haven't decided what we are going to do, but I don't think "it'll look funny" is a good reason to permanently alter my son's genitalia. When I told her that, she got all huffy and said, "Okay, but I think you'll regret not doing it." She also told me it was required by our religion. We're Protestant. It's not required by our church.
Re: TW Tuesday 4/18
Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
BFP #2 7/6/16 SCH, D&C 8/4/16
BFP #3 12/26/16 EDD: 9/6/17
My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast:
Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
1/12/16 6.7%
5/25/16 6.0%
11/2/16 6.1%
3/22/16 5.8%
4/27/17 5.4%
6/13/17 5.3%
"Sugar Fancy Tutu"
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@HollyGolightly09 I hate that!!!! I have a bad reaction to Lysol smell even not pregnant and it makes me crazy when people drown stuff in it.
My TW for the day is my former employer. This is the same job I walked out on a little over a week ago because Mr. Employer was harassing and verbally abusing me. Mrs. Employee called me repeatedly back to back at 7:00 last night and sent a bunch of texts wanting to know how to find a list of clients. I am obviously not responding because they clearly do not understand how quitting works.
DS2: EDD- 09.08.17
I haven't spoken to them about the Baptism. Saturday before last, I was telling her about how we want to wait on visitors until about 2wks postpartum as we do not want everyone staying at our house (we live away from all family) and all she heard was "you can't visit". And it BLEW UP into a huge mess, and we haven't spoken since except for Easter texts. I am going to wait on the baptism conversation, as depending on what orders we receive determines on when DH will deploy next, which will then determine how soon the baptism will or will not be after birth.
"You're wearing heels pregnant?"
First of all, I SIT AT A DESK ALL DAY. I don't even currently have my shoes on. Secondly, they are like 2.5 inch heels. And third...WHY DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU?!
This is how i feel about people who make comments to pregnant women
Also, major props to anyone still wearing heels. I am using pregnancy/baby as an excuse to not wear those torture devices at all for at least another year.
My TW is people who treat pregnant women like they're disabled. Common curtesy is nice- like the neighbor who carried a fifty pound box to my apartment for me last week, or the guy when held the door yesterday while I waddled through with my hands full. The friend who question my ability to walk the length of the mall to get to a restaurant or the cashier at target who asked if I needed help getting to my car and clearly didn't believe me when I said I was fine (I had literally bought four things, none of the heavier than a roll of aluminum foil), well, those "courtesies" I don't appreciate as much.
see above gif. I hate when people make stupid comments, although I do like doors being held for me as well lol.
I might have to nominate myself this week for the TW award. If anyone has read my posts in the past my SIL is pregnant and she and my BIL are real @ssholes. At Easter dinner she made the comment that if everyone wanted babies they should have gotten pregnant before her. This enraged me. Yelling ensued and my husband flipped out on her (SIL is husbands sister). Turn the page to yesterday, we were supposed to be going on a family vacation this summer with them and I'm absolutely under no circumstance going. I suggested that I will try to change ge reservations to a smaller condo or cancel the trip. This is not acceptable to them or MIL who is staying in our condo also. I hate to say it ladies but my response is pretty much F off then and eat our share bc I'm not going with you @ssholes on vacation. I know flame away that we made the commitment and should pay up but some circumstances are just unreasonable.
you do you boo boo. you do not need to put up with that kind of bullshhh if you don't want to. Could your MIL stay with someone else who is going? I don't blame you for not wanting to go, but I dont think you should still have to dish out the $ for it.
@mrs_tacos I also hate being treated like I have a disability!! Last weekend I went to the fair with my mom and sister. my mom (after parking) exclaimed that she should have dropped me off at the front so that I didn't have to walk so far to get to the entrance. Then she tried to flag down a tram for me. I just put my hand on her shoulder and said, "Mom. Calm down. I'm pregnant. Not handicapped. I can walk." I was mentally preparing myself for her to try to get a wheelchair for me.
no thank you. We're absolutely happy with whatever we get, but thanks for your unsolicited advice.
Left: Shoppers Drug mart ( usually a little more expensive, but seriously?) Right: Target (in USD currency)
I'm glad I live so close to the border and near a Target
DS #1 [S-5]
3 Step Daughters [A-8] [E-6] [I-4]
Baby #2 09/10/2017
It's a BOY!
DS #1 [S-5]
3 Step Daughters [A-8] [E-6] [I-4]
Baby #2 09/10/2017
It's a BOY!
DS2: EDD- 09.08.17
with you on this!! We are on our babymoon in London and it is very nice to be offered a seat on the tube (in fact, there are seats designated for pregnant women and others who might need to sit). But my husband seems to think I have to sit every, I don't. Sometimes I'm not tired, we are going two stops, AND I would have to displace somebody, and while I would do that if I NEEDED to, I don't always need to. As I said to him, I'm five months pregnant, not eight or nine.
Tomorrow is HDBD and we still can't post pictures.
<><><><><>Angel Baby- June 2012<><><><><>
<><><><><>DD2- March 2013<><><><><>
<><><><><>DS1- ETA September 2017<><><><><>
Hopefully they get this problem fixed soon!!!
We're 20 weeks, but haven't posted anything on Facebook yet. She's been all over me about doing it, because apparently I can't actually be pregnant until she gets to share it on Facebook. We were going to wait until our A/S Friday, to make sure everything's ok, and have a photo of LO that doesn't look like a frog. But today was DH's birthday, and she posted on his page a picture of her and my dad with the card we gave them to announce them becoming grandparents. So now a few people have messaged us asking if we're pregnant, instead of us being able to tell ourselves. I'm pissed, but I haven't said anything to her yet. A) the damage is done... and b) I'm trying to collect my thoughts. Grrrr.
Married: 10.15.16
DS BD: 8.20.17
TTC #2 1.1.19
BFP #2 7.3.19
EDD #2 3.13.20
I know I'm a day late, but I would also like to nominate my mom. When I was talking to her yesterday, I mentioned that I needed to check with my insurance to see if they cover circumcision, because I wanted all the facts while we were trying to decide if we want to do it. She went in a rant about how he'll look funny if we don't circumcise. We haven't decided what we are going to do, but I don't think "it'll look funny" is a good reason to permanently alter my son's genitalia. When I told her that, she got all huffy and said, "Okay, but I think you'll regret not doing it." She also told me it was required by our religion. We're Protestant. It's not required by our church.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20