
Here's to STRONG women

Through this infertility journey I've had times where I just hated everything about my body. I couldn't understand how this body, MY BODY, that works out regularly, is nourished with healthy food, and hasn't had any major medical issues, just can't hang on to a pregnancy/ become pregnant at all. I've written so many journal entries that mention how much I hated this empty vessel that couldn't do the most natural thing for a woman to do with her life. It's been a tough journey and I've faced some amazingly difficult obstacles and it wasn't until recently that my best friend reminded me how two people can have completely different perspectives on a situation. I messaged my best friend and mentioned how much of a failure I felt like; failing at being a good wife because I was preoccupied with treatment, failing at being a teacher because I can't give 100% in the classroom right now, failing at coaching because I'm caught up in my own life that I try very hard but it never seems to be enough, and failure at being a woman and mother because I can't conceive. It was a really low point and I felt like I was losing myself. She consoled me and said that she was here because she needs to remind me that she sees everything in such a different light. She said I was an amazing wife because I want to give a family to my husband, I'm succeeding at teaching and coaching because even though I feel like I can't give 100%, I still give 100% of what I have available. She reminded me that I do so much for these kids and that they might not realize it, but other people do. She also said that I'm a STRONG and FEARLESS woman because I've been able to handle all these different diagnoses and procedures and still get up each day to teach, coach, exercise, and be there for my friends when I'm hurting. 

So, this is my reminder to all y'all that are feeling like a failure and like you've been beaten to the ground. You are all some of the strongest warriors our there. A lot of people would not be able to handle what you go through. Most women would be paralyzed by daily injections, ultrasounds, being poked and prodded on a daily basis and then doing it all over again if it doesn't work that month. Most people would crumble, but you're standing. Keep moving forward and know you are walking amongst an army of strong women going through this battle together.

Re: Here's to STRONG women

  • This is really beautiful @klpangrcic, and so true. The infertility process hangs over everything we can do, and make us feel like we're not measuring up in any area of our life, but just the fact that we push through it really is a testament to our strength.

    Thank you for sharing this! I needed to hear it today.
    Me: 33 | Husband: 35
    Dx: MFI (morphology and fragmentation), possible PCOS
    Together since 2006. Married 10/14. TTC since 9/15
    9/15-8/16: Monthly TI with OPK, nada
    8/16: OBGYN consult, SA shows poor morphology (0-1%), all else normal
    9/16-11/16: Three IUIs: 2 clomid, 1 Femara w/ Metormin, nothing
    10/16: OBGYN tells me I have PCOS
    11/16: Switch to RE. RE tells me I do not have PCOS. Confusing.
    12/16: Another IUI with RE (Clomid), nothing
    12/16: See specialized urologist for MFI; diagnosed with severe fragmentation (>37%)
    12/16 - 3/17: Husband placed on ubiquinol; no alcohol or stimulants for three months
    3/17: IVF#1: Gonal-F with Menopur & Ganirelex, HCG&Lupron Trigger | 40 eggs, 32 mature, 23 fertilized, 14 made it to freeze, 8 PGS normal
    Currently: Waiting on FET

  • Thanks for this! This really helped out in a tough moment. @klpangrcic
    TTC History in Spolier:
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    Diagnosis: Me: Unexplained. Him: 1% morphology pre-washed.
    IUI  - CANCELLED Jan IUI - 100 mg Clomid Days 3-7. Cancelled after Estrace stunted follicle growth. BFN 
    IUI #1 - Feb/March, 2017 IUI - IUI+7 days Clomid+HCG trigger shot. March 1st IUI. 3/15 BFN
    IUI # 2 - August, 2017 IUI -  7 days Clomid + HCG trigger shot. IUI on August 12. 8/26 BFN 
    *TW* November 1st, BFP. Ended in MC @ 6 w 3 days. 11/20/17. **Natural Cycle with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. 
    IUI #3 Feb 24 2018, IUI + 7 days Clomid + HCG Trigger Shot. Feb 24 IUI. 3/12 BFN
    *TW* 5/10/18 BFP/MC. Natural Cycle. 1st Beta 232, 2nd 850. No Fetal pole seen on U/S, 5/30/18. Medicated MC on 6/23. 
    IVF #1, Stims begin on August 17th. ER, 8/28/18. 32 Eggs Retrieved, 18 mature, 18 Fertilized. 12 Day 5. 6 Blasts Tested Normal with CCS. 
    FET 1, 11/6/19. 1 Embryo Transferred. NEG BETA 11/15
    FET 2, 1/29. 1 Embryo to Transfer. +HPT 2/5. Beta 2/7 = 137, 2nd HCG = 317. MC at 6w4d. No fetal pole seen on U/S

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  • edited April 2017
    That's beautiful and so true, thank you
    My TTC history:
    TTC since 2013. Unexplained Infertility *Low ovarian reserve 
    Fibroid removed August2013
    3 cycles on Glomid 2015
    IUI#1 August2015 - BFN
    IUI#2 October2015 -BFN
    Fibroid removed December2015
    IVF#1 June2016 (6 eggs retrieved, 5 matured, 3 fertillized, 1 transferred 1 frozen) - BFN  
    FET#1 August2016 - BFN  
    IVF#2 November2016 (3 eggs retrieved, 3 fertillized, transferred 2 ) - BFN  
    IVF #3 January2017 (5 eggs retrieved, 3 fertillized, transferred 3 ) - BFN  
    IVF #4 March2017 ( 4 eggs retrieved, 4 fertillized, double transfer ) - BFN  no frosties  
    IVF #5 June2017 (1 egg retrieved, polysermy) Mini IVF - Bust  :'(:'(:'(
    IVF #6 August2017 (4 eggs retrieved, 4 fertilized, transferred 2) - BFN no frosties  
    IVF #7 October2017 ( 4 eggs retrieved, 3 fertilized, transferred 1 early blastocyst - BFN no frosties  
    IVF #8 December2017 ( 1 egg retrieved, 1 fertilized, transferred day 3 embryo) - BFN 
    IVF #9 February 2019 ( 1 egg retrieved, 1 fertilized, transferred day 3 embryo) - BFN 
    IVF #10 April 2019 ( 2 eggs retrieved, 1 fertilized, transferred day 3 embryo) - BFN 

  • @klpangrcic after thr day I've had. I needed to read this...Never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option to get through this  <3
  • Thank you a lot, I was tearing up the whole time while reading your posting. you are an amazing woman and your words are what I have been meaning to read, to hear for the whole time of my treatment. we all are warriors indeed but sometimes we forget about our accomplishments and cry, and feel bad, and feel devastated. we just can't help ourselves but feel like that, we need this reminder being read to us 24\7
    thank you again!
  •  Thank you for sharing this. I think many of us need that reminder every now and again of just how strong we are especially when we aren't feeling it some days. That was beautiful. <3

    me 29  |  him 32  |  married: 4/27/2013

    TTC#1 (2/14/2017 - 4/7/17):
    Menopur = 19.66mm (R) & 17.02mm (L)| Ovidrel: 3/14/2017 | TIC 3/14-3/17/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 3/30: 7.27 | Beta #2 4/3: 11.94| Beta #3 4/5: 8.02 | Beta #4 4/7: 2.24 | Ended as chemical pregnancy.

    TTC#2: (4/10/2017 - 5/12/17):
    Menopur = 13.59mm (R) & 21.68mm (L)| Ovidrel: 4/27/17 | TIC 4/27-4/30/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1: 0.1 = BFN

    TTC#3: (5/16-present)
    Menopur = 17mm + 13.5mm (L) 19.5mm (R) | CD11 Ovidrel 5/26/17 | TIC 5/26-5/28/17 | *TWW* | Beta #1 6/12: 9.91 | Beta #2 6/14: 13.89 | Beta #3 6/16: 20.81 | Beta #4 6/19: 41.46 | Beta #5 6/21: 24.50 | Beta #6 6/30: TBD - Will test until numbers reach zero.
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