September 2017 Moms

Fibroid Degeneration

edited April 2017 in September 2017 Moms
Had to go to the ER tonight because the pain meds I got from the doctor yesterday for cramping and pain wasn't putting a dent in my pain today. Yesterday doc said I had scar tissue stretching, but ER did much more thorough ultrasounds to check everything, and the pain is right at an orange sized fibroid which is probably degenerating. FTM so never been in labor but I have broken my elbow and leg, this is the worst pain I've ever been in. ER gave me stronger norco, so it works for about an hour and I can sleep for that hour...but have to wait 4 hours between doses. Warm compresses were recommended and it does help me get a little more comfortable. So off work and drugged up, neither of which I'm happy about indefinitely until pain ends. Anyone else dealt/dealing with this? Any advice? 

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