I have not had any experience with embryo adoption, but have found TB to be a desert when it comes to folks using/exploring third party options. I still participate here, but have found a lot more discussion on Baby Center boards. I just looked and there is one that appears to be active re: embryo adoption.
I haven't done it, but I met a family at a party last year who had two kids with embryo adoption, a toddler and a baby. They're friends of a friend, and I know I'll be reaching out to them if I get to the place where we want to try it.
I understand that different facilities have different programs. Sometimes you just sign up for the embryo, and sometimes they arrange for a mutual match between the donor and donee, like something closer to an open infant adoption.
Me- 39 (turning 40 in April), TTC for the first time ever (since Jan 2015), low ovarian reserve
Married 3/14/14 to my wonderful wife, but her sperm count is rather low
TTC with frozen donor sperm and science
7 IUIs, 7 BFNs. 2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs. Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire. Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus! fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP! Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)
I don't have experience... but have thought about it. I think its a great alternative to donor egg if your husband doesn't mind not having the genetic connection either. It can be alot cheaper than donor or traditional adoption I believe. Someone in my resolve group did it and I think it was between $10-15k with all the agency fees and the transfer. i remember her saying there were 2-3 big agencies that do this- Snowflakes and another one in Knoxville that I can't remember the name of. Some clinics also have their own program. The person in my group had a partially open relationship with the family (sending pictures, emails, etc) but don't think they have have met in person and it all goes through their agency. Its an interesting option if you want some contact instead of totally anonomous like egg/sperm donor often is.
History in Spoiler
Age: 32 (same with DH). Together since 2006, Married June 2013 and TTC since August 2015 Diagnosis: Mild Endo, DOR (AMH of 1.5), Poor Quality Eggs/embryos, Displaced Window of Implantation (ERA Post Receptive) March-May 2016: 1 TI and 2 IUIs- BFN June 2016- Laproscopy- found/removed mild endo and confirmed only 1 normal healthy ovary. August 2016- IVF #1 with Antagonist Protocol- Cancelled (2 lead follies), converted to IUI- BFN Oct-Nov 2016- IVF #2 with Estrogen Priming Micro Lupron Protocol, 2 eggs retrieved, day 3 transfer of 1- BFN January 2017- New RE, IVF#3 with Estrogen Priming Antagonist Protocol, 12 eggs, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 day 5 early blasts transferred (none to freeze ), BFN May 2017- Sept 2017- Starting Donor Egg process! Waiting for donor to be available... and then she is pregnant at baseline Oct 2017- Donor #2: 25R, 22M,18F, 12 blasts frozen! Fresh transfer cancelled due to thin lining with fluid Nov 2017- Hysterscopy to remove polyp Dec 2017- DE FET #1 on 12/8 on 2 perfect blasts- BFN and devastated Jan-Mar 2018- ERA #1- Post receptive by 24 hours, ERA #2 RECEPTIVE with 4 days of Progesterone Apr 2018- DE FET cancelled for lining issues Jun 2018- DE FET #2 of two 1AA blasts- first BFP ever! Beta 10dp5dt- 378, Beta 14dp5dt- 2840, Beta 16dp5dt- 4035, beta 18dp5dt- 10916. Due on 2/20 with one baby after a vanishing twin Baby Born born early @ 33.5 weeks due to Pre-e Back for # 2!
I found the clinic in Knoxville yesterday when I was researching. We aren't at the point yet of doing this, I just like to have backup options so was seeing if anyone here had experience. It does seem to be much cheaper than IVF.
I'll also check out the blog and other board mentioned. Thanks ladies.
Your fertility clinic should offer it and really it should not cost more than $8500! You are not paying for the embryo(s), they can't be sold. The fee is for the agency to match, paperwork, legal, etc. and then transfer. My clinic offers it for $3k. It is essentially adoption but you get to carry and bond with the baby inutero which I think is amazing! However, like adoption, you have to wait for the genetic couple to choose you and I have no idea how long that takes! Also, I *think* you usually get all their left over embryos, not just one unless they only have one.
I really wanted to do to do this but hubs said he wanted to try donor eggs and his sperm first.
Me: 37 / Hubs: 42 TTC: April 2013 DOR: AMH .3 - 1.31 (it varies); FSH: 5.1 Clinic NMCSD IUI #1 July/Aug 2016 IVF #1 Sep/Oct Microdose Lupron Protocol - IVF cancelled only 1 follicle IVF #2 Feb/Mar Antagonist protocol w/estrogen priming - 0 eggs retrieved (empty follicle syndrome) Donor Egg Cycle as soon as we find a match
@mandasand I suppose it takes longer than we can imagine as it is as sensitive as adoption itself. you cannot expect genetic couples to give you their embryo(-s) just because you're in need, it is a tough decision for them too.
to be quite honest I only know about embryo donation that's why I am viewing this from this point. although it is 2 different things.
Re: Embryo Adoption
Good luck!
Me: 40, DH: 35 / Married: 2009; TTC #1: 2013
2013 - 2015: 5 pregnancies —> 5 miscarriages
TTCAL with RE (RPL specialist): February 2016
2016: 3 medicated TI cycles —> 3 medicated IUI cycles: All BFN
Donor Egg IVF Transfer: May 1, 2017
May 11, 2017: BFP!! Beta #1: 449.1, Beta #2: 844, Beta #3: 1714
EDD: 1/17/18, it's a GIRL!
E. L. A. born 12/7/2017
I understand that different facilities have different programs. Sometimes you just sign up for the embryo, and sometimes they arrange for a mutual match between the donor and donee, like something closer to an open infant adoption.
7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!
fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP!
Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)
Diagnosis: Mild Endo, DOR (AMH of 1.5), Poor Quality Eggs/embryos, Displaced Window of Implantation (ERA Post Receptive)
March-May 2016: 1 TI and 2 IUIs- BFN
June 2016- Laproscopy- found/removed mild endo and confirmed only 1 normal healthy ovary.
August 2016- IVF #1 with Antagonist Protocol- Cancelled (2 lead follies), converted to IUI- BFN
Oct-Nov 2016- IVF #2 with Estrogen Priming Micro Lupron Protocol, 2 eggs retrieved, day 3 transfer of 1- BFN
January 2017- New RE, IVF#3 with Estrogen Priming Antagonist Protocol, 12 eggs, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 day 5 early blasts transferred (none to freeze
May 2017- Sept 2017- Starting Donor Egg process! Waiting for donor to be available... and then she is pregnant at baseline
Oct 2017- Donor #2: 25R, 22M,18F, 12 blasts frozen! Fresh transfer cancelled due to thin lining with fluid
Nov 2017- Hysterscopy to remove polyp
Dec 2017- DE FET #1 on 12/8 on 2 perfect blasts- BFN and devastated
Jan-Mar 2018- ERA #1- Post receptive by 24 hours, ERA #2 RECEPTIVE with 4 days of Progesterone
Apr 2018- DE FET cancelled for lining issues
Jun 2018- DE FET #2 of two 1AA blasts- first BFP ever! Beta 10dp5dt- 378, Beta 14dp5dt- 2840, Beta 16dp5dt- 4035, beta 18dp5dt- 10916. Due on 2/20 with one baby after a vanishing twin
Baby Born born early @ 33.5 weeks due to Pre-e
Back for # 2!
I'll also check out the blog and other board mentioned. Thanks ladies.
I really wanted to do to do this but hubs said he wanted to try donor eggs and his sperm first.
TTC: April 2013
DOR: AMH .3 - 1.31 (it varies); FSH: 5.1
Clinic NMCSD
IUI #1 July/Aug 2016
IVF #1 Sep/Oct Microdose Lupron Protocol - IVF cancelled only 1 follicle
IVF #2 Feb/Mar Antagonist protocol w/estrogen priming - 0 eggs retrieved (empty follicle syndrome)
Donor Egg Cycle as soon as we find a match
I suppose it takes longer than we can imagine as it is as sensitive as adoption itself. you cannot expect genetic couples to give you their embryo(-s) just because you're in need, it is a tough decision for them too.
to be quite honest I only know about embryo donation that's why I am viewing this from this point. although it is 2 different things.