March 2017 Moms

GTKY: Newborn Edition

I believe we all have outside babies now, so let's talk about them!

One thing about the newborn stage you're going to miss?

One thing you'll be happy to leave behind?

Something you're looking forward to baby being able to do?

How would you describe baby's personality thus far?

Re: GTKY: Newborn Edition

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    One thing about the newborn stage you're going to miss?
    I'm going to miss just being able to put him in a stroller, carrier, or car seat and going. Right now, if DD wants to do something we just do it. He's just go easy to pack him up and go. Once he is awake more and has more opinions and is able to move around on his own more I'm sure it will not be so easy. I won't be able to just walk him around the yard in his stroller until he falls asleep, and then park him while DD and I play outside in the yard. 

    One thing you'll be happy to leave behind?
    All the spit up! With his reflux, pretty much Asher eats, pukes up most of what he ate, gets hungry again 45 minutes later because he didn't keep enough down to stay full.

    Something you're looking forward to baby being able to do?
    With my first, I was so excited and almost rushing for her to roll, then crawl and walk, but as a stm I know that with mobility comes chasing TWO instead of just one, so I was in no rush for Asher to start moving...then at 13 days he started rolling belly to back. Slow it down baby! I'm not ready for you to be moving around. I'm really looking forward to him developing his personality and being more interactive with us. Social smiles, cooing and "talking," playing back with us when we play with him.

    How would you describe baby's personality thus far?
    Asher is a pretty laid back little dude, as long as his belly isn't hurting. He just hangs out and takes everything in. He loves snuggling and his binky, and as long as he has his mom or big sister to snuggle or a binky in his mouth he is happy. (He could kind of take or leave DH. Lol) DD was a very high strung baby so this is a welcome change of pace for us. I partly think that Asher is somehow aware that his sister is a BOSS and a strong willed child, so he should just chill and take it all in and be a mellow easy going kid for our sanity. 
    Perfect example of this: Cate is 2.5 yo and bedtime has been a struggle every damn night. There are usually 3 potty breaks, 47 drinks of water, and some tears. The kid never falls asleep before 10pm, and then she almost always wakes up and ends up in our bed a few hours later. Asher on the other hand, I feed him, burp him and keep him upright for 30 minutes, swaddle him, give him a binky, lay him down and put a slightly heavier blanket tucked around him, and walk away. Once he falls asleep I go back and take the extra blanket off him, and I don't hear a peep out of him until about 4-5 hours later.
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    One thing about the newborn stage you're going to miss? The sleep haha

    One thing you'll be happy to leave behind? Burping.  Oh how I hate having to burp. Keeps you up longer and if you don't do enough of it (which can vary so much) then your local will be in pain. Just look forward to her passing her gas well on her own.

    Something you're looking forward to baby being able to do? Play with big brother

    How would you describe baby's personality thus far?  You know... I'm not too sure yet. She seems much more laid back. I'm still shocked at how amazing she sleeps without a swaddle. That would not have happened with DS.
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    One thing about the newborn stage you're going to miss?
    I'm going to miss him not being mobile when he starts crawling. As much as I'm looking forward to seeing him grow, there is something to be said for babies staying where you put them.

    One thing you'll be happy to leave behind?
    The constant spitting up. Its been very hard on both of our wardrobes.

    Something you're looking forward to baby being able to do?
    I'm really looking forward to him learning to talk. Chatting with really little kids is great fun sometimes. They have such a different way of viewing the world.

    How would you describe baby's personality thus far?
    Hahaha He's a mini me. He's very...expressive and kind of a butt head. If he doesn't like something, he will frown at you, then turn away from you and refuse to look at you. If he's really angry and you sit him up so he's facing you, he will stop crying, scrunch up his face, glare at you, and ball his hands up into fists and shake them. My fiance and I are learning that he has my temper and my (slight) lack of patience. We're going to have a lot of fun with him when he's older.

    At the same time, he can be very sweet and charming. He has the cutest smile and loves when you tickle him and talk to him in the morning. He loves to observe the world around him, and especially likes watching birds fly and his uncle dance. He has my sense of humor. The other day he puked all over us, and when I asked him if he was done he just gave me a huge smile and puked on me again. I wasn't even annoyed at that point.

    He generally only cries when he actually needs something or is in pain, and once you fix the problem he settles down. Often times he just likes to be held and be close. He's a total mama's boy, though he's very fond of his dad, grandpa, and his godfather.
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