September 2017 Moms

Quad Screen Anxiety

mamablair07mamablair07 member
edited April 2017 in September 2017 Moms
So I had the blood work ran for the quad screen today and I'm wondering how many of you mom's have anxiety surrounding this screen? Trying not to think about it much, but whoa!

Re: Quad Screen Anxiety

  • I chose not to do the quad screen, but I know a LOT of mommas here have been having anxiety about all the testing! 
  • I had the quad screening and did feel anxious about it but it only took a week for the results to come back and everything is fine. I have the anatomy scan tomorrow to confirm. I was very anxious and am still anxious about my anatomy scan. Just keep in mind, the screening isn't a diagnosis, it just shows projected percentages. You could show higher risk for certain things but have a completely healthy baby. All the quad screening does is alert your doctor if any follow up testing is recommended. I'd just take a deep breath and (try) not to worry. :) 
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  • The testing anxiety is real. After my experience with the NT, I don't want to do any other screening tests. My NT came back high risk for trisomy 13/18. OB had me follow up with NIPT, which was negative for trisomies. The wait for those results was the longest week ever. I didn't realize how much worry these tests cause or how low the risk really is when you're told you are high risk. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • I elected to have it done and haven't heard anything back.  It's been about 2 weeks.  I was nervous at first but I haven't had a real reason to be concerned based upon previous appointments,so I decided to conserve my anxiety for the anatomy scan. 
  • With my first we didn't do any of the tests at first, we were clueless and just excited. Then we had an US just to look at his heart because of history stuff, and they found he had a shortened humerus, which is a soft marker for Down Syndrome. They also found fluid on his brain. So then we did the screening. Waited in AGONY and they came back normal. He is a perfectly healthy crazy little thing right now. With this one DH didn't want to do any tests because of all the anxiety it caused  us, mainly me, but I just had to do it. Came back low risk but now I'm waiting on a Spina Bifida screen and the anatomy scan. I'm all anxious inside. I don't know whether it's better to know and do tests, or to just hope for the best, definitely a personal decision. What I do know is that the chances of something being wrong are way outweighed by everything being just fine! Just keep reminding yourself of that, I do it every day!

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  • I wasn't offered a quad screen, nor have I ever heard of it.  Is there another name it goes by?
  • This is part of the reason I don't do the screening. I already have really bad anxiety about this pregnancy for some reason. Try not to worry. I'm sure it will all turn out great.

  • My OB presented the option of having the quad screen done, but I haven't decided if it's worth the anxiety. Most of the things they screen for can also be seen in the anatomy scan, right?
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @Sprite2012 It's also called AFP4. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • So, in California the state will pay for most women to get the NT scan, cell-free DNA, and quad screen done as a three-step diagnostic process, which is both nice, and a little stress inducing. I had the blood work for the quad screen, the last step, drawn on Wednesday. My doctor reassured me that if nothing came back on the NT scan or cell-free DNA the chances of this test showing anything negative were very slim- around 4%, if I remember correctly. FX for great results for all of us who take it!

  • @mrsmarygs Yes, most of the things tested for with the blood screenings can be seen at the AS. 
  • With my doctor's office they do not call you with test results unless there is something negative to report. No news is good news with my OB. If you haven't heard anything after a week or so I don't think it would hurt to call the doctors office just to see if they've gotten the results back. 

    @mrsmarygs my SO asked my doctor the same thing because he didn't want it to cause me unnecessary worry. My doctor responded that most things are found in the anatomy scan but they may be able to see certain factors in your blood that may alert them to do some follow up testing.  She also said it only has about 80 percent sensitivity and that there can be false positives. 
  • @Sprite2012 sometimes it is referred to as a multiple marker screening. It basically just measures certain things in your blood and uses those numbers to create percentages of how much you may be at risk for certain things. 
  • @Msashley2010 My OB is the same way. No call unless something is wrong. The NT results took over 2 weeks. When I hadn't heard after a week, I assumed everything was fine, so that sort of made the call even worse. The NIPT results took a week, but I'm pretty sure they only called with the results because I had left a message asking about shingles (my assistant has shingles). I would have called to check on the results the next morning if I hadn't heard anything. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • @bridge-and-wall and @Msashley2010  Thanks.  Interesting, I've never heard of this, nor was I offered it with either pregnancy.
  • had my 1st blood draw and the NT scan done. at the NT scan the tech told me that the blood work results were back and the chances were suuuuuuuuuuuuuper small. 
    i had my 2nd blood draw, but the lab messed up and I have to go in for another blood draw on the 19th. along with the 2nd scan. 
    i have major anxiety disorders (ptsd, panic disorder) and i find it weird that i'm not as anxious as i thought i would be. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @mrs_tacos did it actually cover it all for you?  I'm also in CA and had to pay some $$ for the NT scan.  I have no idea how insurance works.  :|
    Me: 35 | DH: 38
    Met: 2007
    Married: 2013

    BFP #1: 06/21/16                MMC: 08/04/16
    BFP #2: 01/08/17             DD: 09/23/17 <3
    BFP #3: 06/10/20             EDD: 02/11/2021

  • JNR6510JNR6510 member
    edited April 2017
    I had the NT scan and the cell free already. I go back on the 19th for my 2nd blood draw with the AS the first week of May. Out of the first two our insurance covered all but $17; so not half bad.

    eta: grammar
  • I think I might've been screwed.  They wanted me to pay $197 for the NT scan.
    Me: 35 | DH: 38
    Met: 2007
    Married: 2013

    BFP #1: 06/21/16                MMC: 08/04/16
    BFP #2: 01/08/17             DD: 09/23/17 <3
    BFP #3: 06/10/20             EDD: 02/11/2021

  • @bridge-and-wall
    so everything is all clear and good? i've been thinking about you, and I apparently missed this update! so happy that baby is ok!


  • Omg @labby18 that e-card is so true. I had a sweet tea with lunch today and it was heavenly. I figured one couldn't hurt every now and then. I don't have any caffeine otherwise. I told DH I was going to have a tea every so often and he came home the other night with one of those bottled mocha drinks from Starbucks for me. (My favorite..) He didn't realize that those are super high in caffeine so now I just get to stare at it every time I open the fridge...his heart was in the right place...but it's torture. 
    April Siggy Challenge--Creepy Easter Bunny

  • @LaceyC1020 I would get super mad at DH for bringing one of those home. I only have caffeine if I have a bad headache. Even then, I limit it to about 8 oz. of soda or tea. I find that the caffeine actually works and Tylenol does nothing. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • margareth said:
    I've been having caffeine pretty much daily... doctor said as long as it doesn't exceed 200 mg it's ok? 
    Mine, too. I have a pretty laid back dr. He said its fine for me to have a cup of coffee in the morning, then a pick-me-up in the afternoon. He said like everything, in moderation. He did tell me 6 cups of coffee is too much, ha!

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  • margareth said:
    I've been having caffeine pretty much daily... doctor said as long as it doesn't exceed 200 mg it's ok? 
    My Dr said the exact same thing... I wasn't drinking that much caffeine a day anyway, so I haven't really stressed about it. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @mrs_tacos did it actually cover it all for you?  I'm also in CA and had to pay some $$ for the NT scan.  I have no idea how insurance works.  :|
    @Cats*in*space Sorry, somehow I missed this! Yes, it covered all of it, I was even refunded my office co-pay for the NT scan office visit. I'm not sure what the state requirements are to qualify, but it's a state thing only, not federal, and my doctor said almost everyone in state qualifies.

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