We are contemplating baby #3. Pretty set on a boy name, but have a list for girls. Just out of curiosity, and because I'm bored, what do you think goes best with siblings Catherine Victoria (goes by Kate), and Andrew Richard (goes by Andy):
Miriam (will use Miri for NN, if any...I don't care for Mimi)
Any other suggestions? I love names like Penelope and Juniper but can't use them because they sound funny with our last name.
Re: Complimenting Sibsets...if we had another.
TTC since September 2012
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I also like Anastasia. Haven't run that one by my husband yet.
Lorelei came to mind as well!
Red (30) & DH (30) m. 08'
IVF #2 Roman Carter 8/3/16 (40+6)
5 frozen embryos
Natalie is very nice also