September 2017 Moms

Bitchfest Monday 4/3

Happy Monday all. Let them out. What has you bitching today. 


Re: Bitchfest Monday 4/3

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  • This is my first day back to work from Spring Break... it is pouring rain, with the chance of hail/tornadoes, I didn't get any sleep last night, and I have to stay late for a meeting that doesn't even pertain to me. Grrr! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My doctor way at the beginning of March messed up and didn't request all the tests we were supposed to get on the panorama. So the first test took 7 calendar days. Then they did a blood draw to test the other ones... 5 days later we got told there was insufficient fetal DNA. So blood draw number 3 is now on day 13!! I know it's still within the time frame but I'm going nuts wanting the results back we should have gotten over a month ago. 

    @jena333 That sucks! My old office did a thing like that and it took weeks. Fingers crossed it's not nearly so bad for you. And you'll get your own space at the end at least!!
  • My BF is about zofran. I don't take it often.. just one on days when the morning sickness is out of control. But it gives me a bitch of a headache.. so I get to choose how I feel like crap! Throwing up, or nasty headache!  :/
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • So when we had DS in 2015 and got our crib from Babies R Us (thanks Mema!), we were told it was a newer model so we probably didn't need to buy the conversion rails right away. Of course we waited til now when he's trying to crawl out to think about it. Welllllllllllll now they're discontinued! But they still sell the crib, which is advertised as a 4-in-1 conversion! I've been checking every now and then, but the conversion rails were $200 so we were waiting til we need them. We need them! I can't find them on amazon or eBay either. We can use the crib for new baby, but still it makes me mad. I think they should give you the conversion kit with the crib, or either make all the models universal. Ugh. What about all those mommas buying this crib right now and never being able to convert it? 

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @iheartichi That sucks. Now checking on availability of conversion kit for the one I picked. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • So when we had DS in 2015 and got our crib from Babies R Us (thanks Mema!), we were told it was a newer model so we probably didn't need to buy the conversion rails right away. Of course we waited til now when he's trying to crawl out to think about it. Welllllllllllll now they're discontinued! But they still sell the crib, which is advertised as a 4-in-1 conversion! I've been checking every now and then, but the conversion rails were $200 so we were waiting til we need them. We need them! I can't find them on amazon or eBay either. We can use the crib for new baby, but still it makes me mad. I think they should give you the conversion kit with the crib, or either make all the models universal. Ugh. What about all those mommas buying this crib right now and never being able to convert it? 
    I had a semi similar situation. I got a 4 in 1 crib from Babs R US for DD in 2015. At that time we went to order the conversion kits, and were told it was discontinued, but they were still selling the crib. We had to talk to a few different people, but we finally found that manufactures had changed and the conversion kits were on back order. I took months, but we did get the kits. So TLDR, have you talked to the manager at the store and ask about the conversion kits for the crib they are selling in their store today?

  • I really want my chicken nuggets but I'm trying to get DS to nap. #thestruggle 
  • One of my editors keeps trying to plan things for right up until my due date, or immediately after. What about "I am taking seven months off, begining a month before my due date," doesn't he understand?! Also, he and his wife have three kids, so it's not like he doesn't understand what this time of life is like. At this point, constantly forgetting my due date is just dumb. Write that shit down in your calendar, so when you think about scheduling things, you know I'm not available! 

  • @iheartichi That sucks. Now checking on availability of conversion kit for the one I picked. 
    I was going to ETA: please buy conversion kits with your crib. Lesson learned. 

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @iheartichi Hold up! You have to buy a conversion kit for cribs that are called 4-in-1?!! I thought that meant they come with everything you need! This is like when you buy a new printer that doesn't come with the cord you need. Crap!! **off to look for conversion kit info on the crib I ordered***
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 34 | DH: 31
    Married: Nov. 7, 2015
    TTC Since: February, 2016
    BFP: December 20, 2016

  • @DPandMB that makes me feel better! I haven't gone up there yet because it's such a hike, but I'll try tomorrow at lunch and ask for a manager. 

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @DPandMB that makes me feel better! I haven't gone up there yet because it's such a hike, but I'll try tomorrow at lunch and ask for a manager. 

    Good luck!

  • Work is a nightmare today. I'm covering for someone that's on vacation for 2 weeks and it's just... awful. I also have to work longer hours which is nice for my paycheck but not so much for my tiredness. Definitely going to be pretending my plum juice is much-needed red wine tonight when I finally get home. 

    Me & DH: 31  |  Married: 5.4.13  |  TTC: April 2016  |  BFP: 1.8.17  |  EDD: 9.13.17

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • I posted 2 weeks ago on BFM about my sister in law that don't need any more kids is pregnant again. She posted on Facebook that she was prego (when she was 6 wks). Today she posted "first baby check up" on Facebook. I'm over here like you are 2 minutes pregnant why post everything on Facebook. Also I'm annoyed at how she try's to act like the perfect mom on Facebook. Ugh Rant Over
    Married since 8/18/2006
    ***** TTC #1 since July 2012
    **** BFP #1 10/23/12 Mabry Hart- Born 7/2/13
    ***** Surprise *****BFP #2 1/13/2017 Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm irrationally irked that it's taking the BGs so long to put up the December BMB. Lol.
    I was thinking the same thing this morning. Hello BGs! It's 3 days into April!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • iheartichiiheartichi member
    edited April 2017
    stephy_p said:
    @iheartichi Hold up! You have to buy a conversion kit for cribs that are called 4-in-1?!! I thought that meant they come with everything you need! This is like when you buy a new printer that doesn't come with the cord you need. Crap!! **off to look for conversion kit info on the crib I ordered***
    Yes!! Ugh it makes no sense to me! And ours was a different conversion kit for the toddler bed ($200), then another kit for a full bed ($200)! They should at least offer a discount if you bought it all together or something. We we're going to skip the toddler bed, but now we may be skipping the whole thing. And I was really loving the headboard he was going to have. Buy yours now!
    ETA: maybe there is a magical consumer-friendly company out there who makes a convertible crib that comes with the actual kits, but ours wasn't. I'd double-check first. 

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • BF Update: My mom now claims she is leaving tomorrow morning. We'll see. 


    Me 34 DH 34 

    DS1 born September 2017
    Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
  • Becky012016Becky012016 member
    edited April 2017
    Re: 3in1 cribs without all the conversion pieces. We have the Child Craft London Euro Stationary crib 3-1 and it has everything to convert from crib to daybed. A special toddler rail is sold separately if you want it. The daybed ends up being less than a foot off the ground. It's not a fancy crib but it gets the job done. 
    Eta: the toddler rail is $50 if you end up wanting it for the conversion
  • I stepped in a pile of cat puke this morning after my shower.

    At school, I was grading papers and found that one of my students plagiarized a portion of an essay. Nothing I haven't dealt with before, but it's always disappointing and it requires a bunch of paperwork (talking to assistant principal, emailing home, etc).  Then I dropped and spilled the last 1/3 of my expensive Starbucks.

    My anatomy scan isn't until May 3, so I still have a month of wondering whether this kiddo is a boy or a girl. I don't want to wait that long!!

    Maybe this goes against the spirit of the BF thread, but on the upside, it's baseball season, it's gorgeous outside, and I just ate a delicious chicken sandwich. 
  • @msashley2010-2 totally agree with all the other things people are saying about the ultrasound. In fact, my office doesn't even allow you to bring your other children. So I've gotta find a babysitter for DS and it will be the first time ever. So it's totally believable that you would only be allowed one "guest" being your SO. 
  • Another BF - I need to eat something reasonable today. I had my normal bagel/oj/coffee for breakfast. Then at lunch I got a salad and waffle fries. I ate the fries. Now it's 4:45 and I'm trying to make myself eat this salad. I need to eat. I had the low blood sugar sweats before I had those fries. But now my body/baby are like nope to all the food. No food. Not interested. Don't do it.
  • @Becky012016 That is a really great idea. Thank you for the suggestion. :)  Hope your pelvic pain dies down!! 
  • My BF is the multiple blood draws DS2 had to get yesterday. In the morning, the lab did a finger stick to check for anemia prior to our WIC appointment. He was mildly anemic. Have said WIC appointment, get extra iron containing foods (it's insane (in a good way) what is covered under WIC!). Get a call in the afternoon from the pediatrician's office who says because finger stick continues to show anemia, they want a blood draw because 'finger sticks aren't accurate'. (Um, if they aren't accurate, why are the gold standard of initial testing?! And, just FYI, the research shows they ARE accurate...but I digress). I took both boys back to the lab only to have them not listen to me on where to go for the blood draw. (This drives me nuts being in medicine for more than 10 years....& the fact that if a parent tells me something, as a provider, I give the benefit of them being the PARENT & listen...) After multiple sticks, they got it and pediatrician calls last night to say that yes indeed DS2 is anemic and they don't know why but suppose it is because he was breastfed and now is only on solids and whole milk?! Adding iron supplementation for the next three months and then will do further work up if that doesn't show improvement.
  • @jutondreau That poor baby. :( They made him go through all of that just to tell you what you already knew. I hope his condition improves! 
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