January 2017 Moms

Postpartum body question!

Hey new mamas! This is kind of not related to baby, but rather to our new postpartum bods. I have always loved sleeping on my stomach and I finally am comfortable enough to do so. However, when I'm on my belly for more than a few minutes, I get very uncomfortable lower back pain. Anyone else have this problem, or know why it happens? Thanks ladies!

Re: Postpartum body question!

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    I prefer my back, so it's not something I've experienced. However, is likely your muscles. Your body had gotten used to carrying differently due to pregnancy and put more stress on your lower back. Now you're carrying an infant, which puts a different pressure on your back (and arms and shoulders...) My advice is have dad hang out with baby for a bit and go get a massage. 
    It does wonders! It will make you feel a bit more like your usual self for sure. 
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    I'm have pain in my back from my epidural so i lay on my side but with my son is couldn't sleep on my stomach at all. Now I have the same thing but I thought it was also cause I went back to work and use my back more.

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