September 2017 Moms

Braxton hicks

hey mamas. I was debating putting this in a symptoms thread but, I thought maybe I'd start a thread instead.  :#

just wondering if any of you have been getting Braxton hicks yet? And if so, when they started. I am 16 weeks today and have been getting them for a few weeks already which really surprised me. They were sporadic at first but now I am having several episodes a day. With my DS I thought they started pretty early around 24 weeks or so, so I was caught pretty off guard with these. Not to mention it feels SO much weirder on a tiny bump... suddenly it just feels like I have a baseball lodged in my pelvis. Ah, pregnancy! The fun continues:)


Re: Braxton hicks

  • Is there a pattern to them? Definitely talk to your doctor about them. I have had a few (16+1) but there's no pattern to mine. I think I started getting them around the same time as you did for my first. 
  • No real pattern, thankfully... just more incidents per day as the weeks go on it seems. I have noticed though they do also seem to increase if I am not staying up on water intake. So for now it's serving as a helpful reminder there. I was just a little surprised to have them start so soon. But, maybe it's just one of those things that can start earlier in subsequent pregnancies. I have an appt on Monday and I do plan on bringing it up then just to put it out there.


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  • If you go to the weekly symptoms thread I was just in L and D last night for contractions. The monitor didn't pick up any, but they put it too high...anyways, I was feeling them for hours, despite water and rest. I'm 17 weeks today. I don't remember any Braxton hicks with my DS until I was 36+ weeks and they were mild and sporadic, mainly when I went walking. 
  • Dehydration can cause contractions. I would try upping your water and electrolyte intake and see if that reduces the occurrences.
  • In my first pregnancy I ended up in the ER having full blown contractions around 22 weeks. I apparently had a kidney infection and the pain was causing me to contract and they kept me in the ER until they went away. After that I didn't have any until I went into labor. 

    Do braxton hicks feel any different from regular contractions? I get very uncomfortable spasms in my abdomen but I'm not sure what they are from. 
  • They are basically just that, uncomfortable and intense tightening... it doesn't hurt it just feels like all of the sudden your uterus is rock solid. I can even see if bulge out like a little baseball.... it's really kind of creepy feeling actually. 


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