hey mamas. I was debating putting this in a symptoms thread but, I thought maybe I'd start a thread instead.
just wondering if any of you have been getting Braxton hicks yet? And if so, when they started. I am 16 weeks today and have been getting them for a few weeks already which really surprised me. They were sporadic at first but now I am having several episodes a day. With my DS I thought they started pretty early around 24 weeks or so, so I was caught pretty off guard with these. Not to mention it feels SO much weirder on a tiny bump... suddenly it just feels like I have a baseball lodged in my pelvis. Ah, pregnancy! The fun continues:)
Re: Braxton hicks
Do braxton hicks feel any different from regular contractions? I get very uncomfortable spasms in my abdomen but I'm not sure what they are from.