September 2017 Moms

weight gain

carawasacarawasa member
edited March 2017 in September 2017 Moms
I don't think this has been discussed yet, but how much weight have you guys gained and how far along are you? I have an OB appointment today and I want to know how I compare with others.

I'm 15 weeks and gained about 7-8lbs. I'm plus size, though, so im sure this will be an issue. Oh well, here's to next month! 

Re: weight gain

  • mrsmarygsmrsmarygs member
    edited March 2017
    First of all, since I've seen this type of thread blow up on other boards, let's not compare ourselves with other people. We all started at different weights, and we all gain differently based on body types and many other factors. I love all you ladies, and I am confident we can have a great encouraging conversation about what can be a touchy subject to some.

    (Eta because this came out somewhat condescending. I just don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt.)

    I'm 15w4d, and I've gained about 3-4 pounds. I'm a little worried about how fast those pounds have come on, because I just started gaining weight about 2 weeks ago. So I'm hoping the trend doesn't continue.
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  • Oh god I don't know how this could blow up, lol. Everyone is different, I'm just wondering what others have gained. 
  • I am 14 weeks today with twins. I started out about 10-15 lbs over my ideal weight. I have had incredibly terrible morning sickness with many food aversions so I haven't eaten a lot. I've maintained my pre-pregnancy weight, although the weight is definitely being redistributed. 

    With DD in my first trimester I lost 10 lbs. So with these two I am just glad I haven't lost weight. 

    Each pregnancy is different. Don't be too hard on yourself. 
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  • With my first pregnancy I gained 6-7 lbs in the first 4 months. This baby I haven't gained anything. Like others have said no one should feel bad about anything they have gained. Every pregnancy is different. 
  • I have no idea, to be honest with you. I lost weight between my 1st and 2nd appointments, but they didn't mention it either way at my last one. My clothes still fit, just a little differently, so whatever I've gained or lost can't have been too much. 
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  • I gained five pounds total at my last appointment where I was 17 weeks. However, I have also been stuffing my face and not exercising, which is of course not healthy. I would really like to make better choices from here forward. 

  • carawasa said:
    Oh god I don't know how this could blow up, lol. Everyone is different, I'm just wondering what others have gained. 
    why? First of all that's none of your business, second your doctor will let you know if you are gaining too much or not enough so why even ask this question???????? 
  • LOL you guys are killing me. Who cares we're pregnant we gain (or lose) weight. Do we not? Not sure how this is such a sensitive topic. 
  • lap018 said:

    carawasa said:
    Oh god I don't know how this could blow up, lol. Everyone is different, I'm just wondering what others have gained. 
    why? First of all that's none of your business, second your doctor will let you know if you are gaining too much or not enough so why even ask this question???????? 
    Mmmmk so don't respond if you don't want to. No
    one is forcing you. I'm LITRALLY just asking a question. 
  • carawasacarawasa member
    edited March 2017
    let's ask and talk about our sex life, but not mention weight because that's no ones business! This is why people are uncomfortable with their bodies. 
  • carawasa said:
    LOL you guys are killing me. Who cares we're pregnant we gain (or lose) weight. Do we not? Not sure how this is such a sensitive topic. 
    I can't speak for anyone else here, but I tend to be extremely hard on myself personally. I have always struggled with worrying about my weight. I gained a lot of weight with DD and it caused a lot of self esteem issues. Perhaps comparing weight gain with other mothers may be a trigger for self esteem issues or even perhaps worry for those mothers who have lost weight because they have been sick. 
    I can understand that, but don't we post HDBD pictures? I mean people talk about their weight in round about ways. 
  • carawasacarawasa member
    edited March 2017
  • I guess I'm not here to compare myself to others. 
  • carawasa said:
    I have an OB appointment today and I want to know how I compare with others. 

    LOL I guess I worded that wrong. I guess I was just interested in the average amount of weight ppl in their first tri gain. Not that I'm comparing myself to someone who has gained 3-4lbs. If that makes sense 
  • carawasacarawasa member
    edited March 2017
  • carawasa said:
    I'm gonna DD this because obviously 

  • Not a smart move 
  • I just don't think you should beat yourself up over the amount you have gained so far. Your doctor will let you know if they are concerned. But I think the first trimester is all about survival. When I was feeling sick all I could stomach were really fatty and high carb foods. Not to mention being tired all the time and not exercising a bit. 

    I would just go by whatever suggestions your doctor has for you. I'm personally going to try to eat healthier and exercise more. 
  • Why? Someone gonna boot me? go for it. 
  • carawasa said:
    I can understand that, but don't we post HDBD pictures? I mean people talk about their weight in round about ways. 
    I haven't been here long, I've only posted twice for HDBD, but can you tell from those how much weight I've gained? Pretty sure that's a big nope. 

    Me & DH: 31  |  Married: 5.4.13  |  TTC: April 2016  |  BFP: 1.8.17  |  EDD: 9.13.17

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  • I have an under active thyroid so trust me, I know. It's too bad women can't talk to other pregnant women openly about their bodies. Oh well, not the kind of people I want to talk to anyways. Toodaloooo
  • carawasa said:
    I don't think this has been discussed yet, but how much weight have you guys gained and how far along are you? I have an OB appointment today and I want to know how I compare with others.

    I'm 15 weeks and gained about 7-8lbs. I'm plus size, though, so im sure this will be an issue. Oh well, here's to next month! 
    Well QFP then
  • Who said someone was gonna boot you? Im just advising you that it wouldn't be the best move to DD. 
  • why though hahaha
  • TB was so fun 3 years ago. Tsk tsk 
  • if you DD you will more than likely get flamed. 
  • carawasa said:
    I don't think this has been discussed yet, but how much weight have you guys gained and how far along are you? I have an OB appointment today and I want to know how I compare with others.

    I'm 15 weeks and gained about 7-8lbs. I'm plus size, though, so im sure this will be an issue. Oh well, here's to next month! 
    Since youre "plus size" you shouldn't have gained any weight yet. 11-20lbs for the whole pregnancy is recommended. Your baby isn't even a pound yet so you're already over on what you should have gained by now. 
  • just trying to help you out. 
  • And I care if I get flamed...why?
  • carawasa said:
    I don't think this has been discussed yet, but how much weight have you guys gained and how far along are you? I have an OB appointment today and I want to know how I compare with others.

    I'm 15 weeks and gained about 7-8lbs. I'm plus size, though, so im sure this will be an issue. Oh well, here's to next month! 
    Since youre "plus size" you shouldn't have gained any weight yet. 11-20lbs for the whole pregnancy is recommended. Your baby isn't even a pound yet so you're already over on what you should have gained by now. 
    11-20lbs by the END of your pregnancy. But thanks
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