I don't think this has been discussed yet, but how much weight have you guys gained and how far along are you? I have an OB appointment today and I want to know how I compare with others.
I'm 15 weeks and gained about 7-8lbs. I'm plus size, though, so im sure this will be an issue. Oh well, here's to next month!
Re: weight gain
(Eta because this came out somewhat condescending. I just don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt.)
I'm 15w4d, and I've gained about 3-4 pounds. I'm a little worried about how fast those pounds have come on, because I just started gaining weight about 2 weeks ago. So I'm hoping the trend doesn't continue.
With DD in my first trimester I lost 10 lbs. So with these two I am just glad I haven't lost weight.
Each pregnancy is different. Don't be too hard on yourself.
why? First of all that's none of your business, second your doctor will let you know if you are gaining too much or not enough so why even ask this question????????
one is forcing you. I'm LITRALLY just asking a question.
I feel like us comparing how much we've gained vs other moms on here may cause some insecurities and could breed some negative feelings for some. I remember being extremely insecure at the end of my last pregnancy from how much I gained.
carawasa said: You do, you care. You specifically started this thread saying, "...I want to know how I compare to others."
As others have said, it's never an even comparison, because our bodies are all so different. If you'll look at HDBD, I have one of the more pregnant-looking bellies at this point. I started out about 35 pounds overweight, yet I've lost 27 pounds, and have gained none. My baby is perfectly healthy, but my doctor is worried about me. He's probably going to have my thyroid checked, and have me work with a nutritionist to up my daily calorie intake in a healthy way. You'd never guess that to look at my body, which looks like I've gained more weight than others. My point being, just knowing the number people have gained or lost isn't helpful if you know nothing about their body type or medical concerns.
I would just go by whatever suggestions your doctor has for you. I'm personally going to try to eat healthier and exercise more.
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
I am very self-conscious about my weight and I always have been. I am overweight, but lost almost 30 pounds when I was TTC (I was told I would never get pregnant if I didn't lose the weight). My doctor told me I shouldn't gain more than 15 pounds during pregnancy. Every time I get on the scale and see any increase (even half a pound), I feel like I'm failing. I've gained about 3 pounds at 15w. Because I'm only supposed to gain 15 pounds, I'm already probably beyond where I should be. Also, my clothes don't fit anymore, which makes me feel huge.
I'm hoping that my long response helps show why people find this topic upsetting. It is not a fun thing to discuss. And, as others have said, everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. My friend who is not overweight was told she should gain close to 30 pounds during pregnancy. She is not concerned about gaining 3 pounds in the first trimester, because it's not considered a problem for her. I'm always terrified that my doctor is going to scold me about weight gain, which I probably can't handle emotionally right now. You shouldn't compare yourself to others. Just do the best you can for you and your baby.
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20