I know that most of our LOs are in size 3 by now (mine just moved there at about 8 months), but how long is baby expected to be in size 3s? I know it goes up to 28lbs, but I'm a FTM and don't know when that's expected to happen. Close to 2 years old?
Reason being is that we recently bought like 4 boxes of size 3 diapers from Up & UP. It was a massive clearance sale and each box contained 222 diapers. that's like 888 in total. Aside from that, we already have 2 boxes of 88 Pampers brand, two boxes of Huggies 100 each, and one Toys R Us box with about 188 diapers.
Yesterday, there was another really good clearance sale and we got two packs of Pampers of 150 each, but size 3. Hubs and I are debating changing them for size 4s.
Do you think we have too many size 3s? LO is consistently in the 30 percentile for weight, but around 80 for height.
Re: Diaper Sizing
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20