I'm curious about how you all chose your OB. STMs was this the OB you used prior? FTM how did you find your OB?
Heres my story-
I am a FTM and was sort of lost on how to find one, what are good qualifications. My best friend has had two kids, both had different OBs and she delivered at two different area hospitals. She gave me the name of the woman she went to with her last pregnancy, and highly recommended her. In doing some research I found that different doctors only deliver at certain hospitals. So I went about it trying to decide which hospital I wanted to deliver at and then find which doctors deliver there and then pick from there.
I was torn between 2 different and highly rated hospitals in the South Denver area. One wasn't better than the other for me, except that SR was about 5 minutes from my house while LA is about 20. I decided since they both rated the same for me I would go with the one closest, SR. In looking at their website they had a list of OBs that they work with. I found one lady that I really liked, she had great reviews and took my insurance. Made my 1st appointment, showed up and was filling out the paperwork and was informed she recently changed hospitals she delivers at (website hadn't been updated yet) and she now delivers exclusively at LA! Funny how that worked out, but it didn't make much of a difference to me since it was also a #1 choice for me. I ended up scheduling a tour of the birthing center at LA for the week after to make sure I was certain it was a fit for us, and I LOVED it! Funny how things work out, but had it been another hospital she changed to I would have probably found another OB.
After having multiple appointments with her I am so happy she is who I went with!
Re: Lets talk OB's
Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
BFP #2 7/6/16 SCH, D&C 8/4/16
BFP #3 12/26/16 EDD: 9/6/17
My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast:
Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
1/12/16 6.7%
5/25/16 6.0%
11/2/16 6.1%
3/22/16 5.8%
4/27/17 5.4%
6/13/17 5.3%
"Sugar Fancy Tutu"
Me 34 DH 34
Baby number 2 due 4/11/20
@mrs_tacos, I have some (not necessarily scientific) Thoughts & Opinions about NYC hospitals and have had friends who've delivered at almost every one of them. I personally switched from a doctor affiliated with Mt. Sinai eastside to one affiliated with Weill Cornell; I would have been happy with either of those hospitals but anecdotally my friends seem to have a slight preference for WC. I've heard mixed reviews of NYU, NY-Presbyterian and St. Lukes-Roosevelt. NY-Pres and St. Luke's (aka Mount Sinai west) do have awesome-looking natural birthing centers if you're interested in going epidural-free (I am not) but I've had friends with mixed/bad experiences at both of their regular L&D departments. Then again, a one-off bad experience could happen to anyone anywhere... You may already be aware but just in case, know that the default in all Manhattan hospitals that I know of is to share a room in recovery (obviously birthing rooms are private) unless you are in one of those birthing centers I mentioned. Private rooms are $800-1200 a night (not covered by insurance). I love NYC (and I'm sure you will too), but some things about it do suck!
Sorry for the novel...
ETA Just to make super clear my info is all anecdotal-- don't mean to malign anyone's choice of hospital (you're going to get great care at pretty much any major NYC hospital) and am sure lots of people disagree!
But don't stress out! There are a LOT of practices and a lot of solo doctors in the city (who do most of their own deliveries, if you like the idea of knowing who will be there at delivery) and you will be able to find someone good at the hospital you want. I might suggest that you start calling sooner rather than later, even if your initial appointment in the city won't be for a few months, so you can get your foot in the door so to speak.
I picked my OB when my old gyn retired. I decided to go with a doctor that I have known for over 30 years (since childhood.) There are a number of doctors at the hospital and delivery depends upon the attending and on call. However, I ended up with a c section and was lucky enough to have my actual OB deliver DS. She will hopefully do the RCS but I am comfortable with all the doctors. Still, it was so special to have her and I trust her implicitly which is rare and phenomenal.
I was a little unnerved by having to meet new doctors that often, but learned I liked a lot of them and it will make me feel more at ease with the C-section roulette that I may have to play in September.
Im glad to hear you had a good experience at LA, that's where our baby will be born. They've just completely remodeled their birth center and I was extremely impressed when I took the tour.
So off topic-but do you not consider Littleton to be quite far south? That to me is way more burbs than the tech center area of south Denver. I think it's much more convenient to get around just due to the highway being right there. I can get downtown in about 10 mins.....
@Sprite2012 I've heard amazing things about the midwifery practice at Rose (if that's where you're referring to). I've had several friends birth there and they felt really supported in their choices. I'm sorry your friend had such a horrible experience @coolwhipz1. What I've heard about the hospital in general is really great and it's disappointing that she didn't have a better experience.
Also, @coolwhipz1 Isn't SR in Lone Tree? That's definitely south of Littleton. Littleton is suburban, DTC is urban-ish, but not Lone Tree - it's not beyond suburban. You have to drive for five years to wind your way out of cookie-cutter-house-land and find any retail/business of any kind. I feel like I'm living in the theme song to Weeds whenever I visit there. That's how I feel in general about all of Lone Tree/Highlands Ranch though. Just sayin'
ETA: And I've now officially revealed more personal information on the internet than I thought I would. Congratulations ladies! You now know where I live.
Married 2013
Kiddo #1: Sept 2015
BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30
"I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
You're the first person I've hear have anything negative to say about Rose, and that makes me nervous.....if you don't mind me asking, why was her experience so bad??
Yeah Sky Ridge is in Lone Tree, but I think the fact that it's right off the highway and easier to access makes me feel like it's closer I guess. It's funny how people in different areas of the metro area see the different areas differently. Like for example to me nothing exists north of Coors Field, I never go north of Rino. I met someone from Thornton awhile back and they felt nothing existed south of downtown LOL. I guess we just don't have any reason to go that way, we don't know anyone up there either.
Although...all this nonsense I keep seeing online about "brads wife" has me wanting to take a trip up there to go to Cracker Barrel
I have seen some recently bad reviews about SR turning into a "baby factory" and quality of care has really gone down and I've heard this is due to them having a "spa like" rep. And the fact that they now take Medicaid. I read multiple reviews that they at times didn't even have open beds and one women I read gave birth in the ER.
So after seeing all that I'm happy to be going with LA. After taking their tour I just fell in love with the place!
I would imagine that once you start seeing higher numbers daily, and you have nurses rushing in and out of rooms to get to everyone constantly that is going to affect things. One lady whose review I read had her second baby there very recently, she had a great experience the first time and loved the luxury experience, but when she had her second it wasn't the same. She had written that she felt she was being rushing through the process to free her room up for the next person waiting.